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  • Guns
    ICS AK74
    Cybergun M5906 (MK22 Mod 0 Hush Puppy Project)
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  • Location
    Salt, Staffordshire.

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  1. Personally, I bought a roll of british army sniper tape just to cover up the red on my gun. Plus, it's super useful and pretty hard-wearing for a whole host of other botch jobs you need to do in day-to-day life.
  2. I really hope they one day try this shit on someone who knows Krav Maga or Systema or something, just so they get smashed bollocks, a broken arm and a period of unconciousness for the privilege. As others have said, their rap sheet runs long as it stands. They clearly know what they are doing is illegal in all sorts of ways. Mainly shown by the way the police show up on the scene after every one of their "pranks" and they have to run from them. That they haven't been arrested - or worse - for this yet is, quite frankly, a miracle of policing. Especially when there's so much concern on the police's part for security in this country at the moment.
  3. I went looking for 5 MAG brand AK74 magazines and was recommended this site. The prices were very reasonable and competitive with eHobby Asia - who were my first choice, but were out of stock at the time. Hence, I went to place an order. Firstly, I filled out the order form and opted to pay by paypal. For some reason, paypal wouldn't authourise payment. In all fairness, they (AegCart Asia) emailed me straight away to tell me as such, and told me I could either pay directly to their email address through paypal, or place a second order and that hopefully that order would go through. I opted for the latter and entered the exact same info, aside from using the email address tied to my paypal account as a contact, instead of my regular one. The second order went through successfully and, again, they emailed me to confirm this and thank me. I'm not sure if the payment issue was the difference in email address between paypal and contact, or if the problem was their end, but it was a problem nonetheless. Delivery was quick, taking around a week to reach me. However, having just opened the package, there are 5 CYMA AK47 midcaps, not the 5 MAG AK74 midcaps I thought I had ordered. So in summary; some issues ordering, the customer service was very good, as was the delivery time, but I have ended up overall with totally the wrong product. Not sure if this is just an outlier in terms of their track record, but I would be lying if I said I'm not slightly annoyed. Based on my own personal experience, I won't be ordering from here again.
  4. Thanks. As for the second part, Hotline Miami is one of my favourite games of all time. That should say it all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRtxavxTmiY
  5. Thanks for the image Yeah, Vektroid is crazy, man. She has like 28 billion different Vaporwave monikers that she's pushing stuff through - and it's all pretty different, too. Don't know how she does it. I do like her PrismCorp Virtaul Enterprises, 情報デスクVIRTUAL and Sacred Tapestry stuff the most, though. Thanks for the image, that will definitely come in useful for delving a bit deeper! I had seen a much, much smaller version of that somewhere else with like 15 albums or something on it, but that seems like a really comprehensive guide. When it comes to the stuff you posted, I have to be honest and say I really wasn't into the rap side of things - not that I don't like rap on principle or anything, but this stuff just wasn't really my thing. That Whitearmor vid was pretty nice though. A different type of vaporwave to the stuff I usually gravitate to within the genre, but still pretty nice. More subtle and chilled kind of stuff going on there. Really, these mixes totally sum up my taste when it comes to vaporwave. (Also, this is relevant to the thread, because I have been all over these mixes for the past few days. So don't tell me off, mods. )
  6. Oh yes mah man. I'm gonna have to (try to) look some of those artists up. ECO VIRTUAL is some really good stuff. Also really been feeling Luxury Elite, t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 and waterfront dining lately. I'm more into that kind of smooth, easy listening type of vape rather than the choppier, weirder stuff. For example, Ecco Jams Vol. 1 had some good tracks for me (B4 is still amazing) but most of it was just too disjointed and broken for my tastes. Still, of all the places I didn't expect to find a fellow Vaporwave fan...
  7. Been on a constant Vaporwave trip as of late.
  8. Baby's First Russian Loadout (I don't have a mirror big enough to take a photo of myself wearing it and I'm still waiting for some MAG midcaps, but there ya go.)
  9. Basically, when it comes to attitude and work ethic, I always repeat something that was said to me a long time ago; "Find a job you love doing and you won't work a day in your life."
  10. So here's my personal experience, when I was your age. I freaked out. After school finished, I had no idea what I was going to do, where I was going in my life, even who I was as a person. I felt I had no ideals, no real options for a meaningful career and - like you - I thought I would never go to Uni as it wasn't my thing and was just a useless experience that just ends in debt and doesn't really further your job prospects. So I got a job for six months, saved up everything I could and went to the other side of the world on expedition for 3 months. That completely changed my life. It gave me everything I thought I had been missing and more. After it, I had a focus. And I pursued it. I then decided I DID actually want to go to Uni and chose to study a specific course and as a result, I have ended up in a very specific field that I feel really passionate about. Other friends at Uni chose to study something that they "just kind of had an interest in, really" and as a result they have ended up not really working where they wanted to - which they would have been able to, had they studied a more specific course. I really, honestly think that when it comes to making the decision on going to Uni or not, you are WAY too young at 18 to make it. So basiaclly, my advice would be to take some time out from education. Do something that challenges you. Really puts you out of your comfort zone and something that might seem like a real head-in-the-clouds type of thing, because not only does it help cement you as a person and a personality, but it helps you define what exactly it is you want to do at Uni, if you do decide to go eventually. Try a few different jobs here and there to help you pin down what you do and do not want from a career and finally - as the other have said - GO TO UNI. It's a really, really useful experience for all kinds of things (from living on your own, to managing your finances, to maintaining social relationships and more) and helps you narrow down even more what your path is.
  11. I am SO hyped for this game. Not only does it look fantastic both graphics and gameplay-wise, but the subject matter seems really interesting. I don't know of any other game that has covered the Russio-Afghan war before, full-stop - and if I know Kojima, he will be tying in plenty of in-depth history to accompany his own specific brand of wacky. I am a huge fan of MGS and I'm pretty sure once this comes out, this is all I will be playing for months on end. Anyone else?
  12. "I hear it's amazing when the famous giant purple stuffed worm in flapjaw space, with a tuning fork, does a raw blink on Hairi Kairi Rock! I need scissors!! 61!" Simultaneously the most ridiculous and most genius line I have ever heard in a videogame.
  13. Been a while but... PAYDAY! Just picked myself up the basics to become a sort-of-1980s Soviet soldier. - KLMK oversuit - 5x MAG AK74 midcaps - Chicom Chest Rig By the way, Ian... Could you let me know how the quad stack mag is? I was interested in picking one up.
  14. I wish I had a better computer... I've been wanting to play ArmA II & III and Insurgency for years now. Why are there no decent simulation shooters on console? (OFP excluded)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Josh95


      i have verdun, its great if u have a ww1 craving

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      haha not really but i do have a craving to be shot at by something other than a fecking Bal-Pieceofshite

    4. padraigthesniper


      Consoles are a more casual market so games like arma are not going to go down well with them. As well as the fact Arma uses more buttons than two ps4 controllers combined and the engine is not the optimized for high end pc's let alone crappy console cpu's so yh not possible atm for arma on the ps4.

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