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Adam3088 last won the day on January 3 2015

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  • Guns
    G&G G2010
    KingArms M&P15 MOE
    KSC G19
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  1. Adam3088


    Thanks EBR, luckily my remaining LiPo had survived storage so gave it a go over the weekend. Cycles fine, no problems with semi or full auto. Not got a chrono any more but it shot through both sides of a cereal box at ~25 feet so spring seems to be decent. Had a bit of grief with feeding but this seems to be down to the hi-cap which came with it (or possibly my old ammo), really doesn't fit well, but this is just a design flaw.
  2. Adam3088


    Hi, been out of things for ~5 years, finally getting around to selling the last of my stuff. Any ideas how much my WE SCAR-L would be worth? Body of it is is excellent condition, only used it a few times. Replaced the stock piston, motor, gears (includes originals), mosfet installed. Magpul grips, can't remember the brand rail covers. Two barrels included, one short one long, two flash hiders. It would need a service, last time I used it worked fine iirc but that was over 5 years ago and it's been sitting in a box since then.
  3. The zci ones are very good as well, and a bit cheaper: http://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/motors-parts
  4. No real reason not to get a bullpup as your first, although there's not as many good bullpups as regular AR's but still a decent selection. They often do have some compromises to get used to though. Type 98b by realsword is a fantastic gun but the battery setup is tricky to say the least. F2000 is generally all round good but the trigger system has some slight issues. TAR-21 (ares, not the sportline) has great external quality but the internals are....ares and so a bit shit. There's several decent L85's out there. TM and G&G P90's are very solid if you don't mind the tiny ergonomics. Plenty of AUG's out there, they generally don't have fire selectors though, so two stage triggers limit where you can use it somewhat. There's also the APS UAR, cheap and fairly well made. As long as you don't mind the fact there's no real steel version.
  5. Which courier is everyone using to send aeg's nowadays?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Adam3088


      Is there much of an alternative for AEG's?

    3. two_zero


      sent toys with most couriers..

    4. AirsoftTed


      I usually use myhermes

  6. Not sure if it's VFC or G&G who make the Cybergun SCAR, if it's VFC the externals are nice and the internals are 'meh'. If it's G&G then it's all round decent.
  7. 10% off at LWA tomorrow with the code FREAKY13 if anyone's interested

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      I have that code as well. Quite good actually.

    3. Adam3088


      Not sure why the email said personal as it's a very generic code! Ah well, my UKARA ran out a while back so cant buy anything interesting anyway

    4. DX115FALCON


      Thanks for the heads up. Might get some gear on order that I've been looking at

  8. Adam3088

    we g17

    Did you completely fill the mag with gas when testing it? Could be the last shot didn't fully cycle the slide due to low pressure, tried filling it up and then dry firing it?
  9. Cant imagine why anyone would choose an SS uniform over every other possibility if not to get attention.
  10. ...and instead of going for, I dunno, a standard WWII German uniform, you decided to go for the one which will intentionally get as much negative attention as possible? What a fantastic idea, I'm sure you'll not run into any issues whatsoever. There's normally a reason why most trolls keep their activity to the internet and not real life.
  11. I use them and yes they do fog up, better then some but still not amazing. Best goggles are probably turbofans...but they're bloody expensive In terms of protection though they're excellent.
  12. I'm wanting to change my M4 barrel to a shorter one, same as this: Could anyone please point me in the direction of an outer barrel which would fit a King Arms m4 and have the notches for the front sight in the right place? No idea what to look for tbh!
  13. I use PTFE tape with a bit of electrical tape at either end to stop it being moved.
  14. Ergonomically though the TAR is a brilliant bit of design, whereas the design of that thing doesn't even make sense, it's like the horribly deformed bastard child of 5 different guns. The F2000 is again very well designed, even if it is way too fat.
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