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TomC last won the day on September 6 2016

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  • Guns
    Tippman m4, WE P226 E2, WE G34, G&P m14 DMR recon
  • Sites
    Bristol Airsoft
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  1. LWA are selling warhammer stuff... What?

    1. Cheeserush


      Hahahaha times are hard

    2. Finius


      It's close to Christmas, lots of airsofters also play 40k etc. exploiting the market whilst they can!

    3. Jedi_Master


      Tempted with Spacehulk, used to love that game back in the day when our computers were Spectrum or Commadore

  2. Inforce WMLX 500 in FDE (hopefully the tippmann can't break this one) Artkis ranger c222 trousers in dutch DPM Fortis G17 holster Esstac KYWI 7.62 double mag pouch in multicam for the m14 mags
  3. Warrior 20% at http://www.uktactical.com/ Also Artkis have a 22% sale on their C222 Ranger Trousers. Seems to be a crye alternative made in the UK (Exeter I think). Come in quite the variety of camo's include that sexy sexy belgian camo! http://www.arktisoutdoor.co.uk/index.php?route=product/special Here's CKinnerley's video on them (sporting a nice moustache)
  4. What was the dispatch time like from beesting? I have heard bad things recently due to some internal issues over there.
  5. Looking for a recommendation on a good place to send a v7 gearbox for repair. Currently looking at ASPUK. Any recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TomC


      Managed to find a UK seller for the gearbox so I've bought a cyma one for £50 including postage. Just gotta wait until Tuesday now.

    3. aftershock


      Best of luck pal

    4. TomC


      Here's the link if anyone needs it. Their online payment is down at the moment so you have to ring them up if you want to buy things. https://www.roefirearms.co.uk/m14-gearbox-cyma

  6. Just waiting on the vision king short dot to arrive from Daves Custom Airsoft and I should be all set... Apart from the whole "always firing in full auto" issue im having.
  7. Had one of those "hold your tongue" moments yesterday

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hudson


      He thinks you're hot. Get your coat; you've pulled! ;)

    3. TomC


      Im down but he's got to buy me drinks or else its a no go.

    4. Aengus


      I don't even know what I meant

  8. beesting airsoft down for anyone else?

  9. Nothing like a bomb threat and armed police to spice up your skirmish!

    1. Sitting Duck
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Gives a new meaning to this $hit just got real - or did you all think the other team was taking things a bit too seriously

    3. Albiscuit


      wtf... where?


  10. Brand new G&P m14 firing full auto in semi... Using a 11.1v lipo when it recommends 7.4v could that be the issue? Don't know much about AEG's.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TomC


      Alright man I was about to take a look at the gear box but I guess that is not necessary. Ill grab a 7.4v and give it a go. Cheers.

    3. Spatch


      Do not use an 11.1! Your gearbox will last about 10 minutes, they don't recommend certain batteries because they feel like it

    4. TomC


      In all honesty the only reason I got the 11.1 was because I plan to hook it up with a HPA system. So I didn't really care to much if it broke. Thanks for the help anyways :)

  11. G&P m14 DMR Recon in OD with 2x 160 G&P mid caps. Hoping to drop a wolverine HPA system into into it!
  12. Cheers for the reply. How are you liking them?
  13. What combat trousers are those M_P? Cryes?
  14. Orga Magnus 6.23 wide bore 260mm for the tippmann 10" build. Never invested into anything more than a madbull 6.03 so wondering if I was see any noticeable difference with this more premium barrel.
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