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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. Kindom of Airsoft did a little write up of the Proball 0.45g ammo the other day: https://www.facebook.com/KingdomOfAirsoft/posts/1025131120887787 I wouldn't touch Nuprols though, supposedly they are better now but I question how they got past quality control in such a shockingly shit state first time round.
  2. Best thing to do is not use a seller without a proven track record, or if you do as above use Paypal. It is odd how some retailers now ONLY list Paypal as a payment option for RIFs.
  3. I'm much the same when it comes to shops to be fair, if I had someone be rude or act uninterested it would take some convincing to get me to go back. The only experience I really ever have with shops is the sales side of things as I think it's a massive ballache sending stuff back months down the line, to the point where i'd rather get the local tech to sort it for me and be out of pocket.
  4. I can't vouch for whoever served you but I bought my Krytac LMG from them yesterday and the staff were all really helpful. I got a bit salty a while back as there was a mix up on a BB order I placed with them(to be fair it was a mistake, they apologised and it was all sorted), but I thought I would give them another go and I'm glad I did. I'll put all the info about yesterday in the places to buy thread.
  5. 3 x 7.4V 2600 mAh cranestock LiPos - Didn't realise you could get such high capacity cranestock batteries, although it's good as my current 2200 mAh bricks won't fit in my Krytac LMG
  6. I'd say the Tar-21, L85, Aug and F2000 are all more popular Either way it sadly seems to be because the production runs aren't huge and the factories quite often retool to produce the next model. There's a fair amount of interest in a new G3 supposedly but I guess we will just have to wait for WE to remember that they are meant to be producing one.
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Element-M600c-Scout-Flashlight-Tactical-Torch-Airsoft-Weapon-Light-Black-UK-/131273699398
  8. Pretty much this, especially the creaking. It's like your gun is a haunted house.
  9. I wouldn't bother at all with charging bags and all that crap. Just charge the batteries with a decent charger. If they show signs of damage, including swelling bin them but this kinda applies to any battery really. I'm sure if they were really as dangerous as some people said all the Airsoft forums would be full of people talking about how they set their house alight.
  10. I can't stand people that don't pull their weight. Yeah it's nice you paid your game fee but you are potentially ruining the day for multiple people so quit being selfish. I also think it's a load of bollocks that people saying to push up are normally stood back near the spawn. If I suggest people push up I will go first and I'm sure lots of people are the same, although I will ignore the armchair general types. For me it's all about playing with all the other aspects coming afterwards. I'd say I'm a pretty average player but I do at least go for objectives.
  11. I've used them a few times, quick deliveries and no issues.
  12. My only experience doing more organised games is with Airborne Airsoft and people definitely play for the objectives more. Although it isn't guaranteed as people will still rock up with no idea what is going on then show no interest in cooperating with the team, fortunately it is rare though. You also don't have to play spot the armband which is nice.
  13. I can't say I've ever seen anyone flaunting their kit outside of someone asking about it first. I'm normally looking at different ways people have set stuff up as I am always open to new ways to carry mags etc. I dunno though, the things I like most about Airsoft are playing Airsoft and talking about Airsoft.
  14. Cheers, I can never remember how to calculate it and a worst case scenario seems the best way to budget for it. That said i've just remembered my UKARA number expired today, pretty funny I forgot given I drove to my local shop to renew it to find it shut today...
  15. Leading on from what the guys have said, I can vouch for the holes on the ESS V12 vents being nowhere near big enough to allow a BB through. I tried forcing one through with my thumb and there was no chance.
  16. eHobby Asia has a load of guns reduced in price, half tempted by the G3 High Cycle. Although not sure how it would work up with all the fees potentially added in.
  17. Pretty much every time I get hit in the hands it is on the thinnest part of the gloves, like where they flex around the knuckles or the fingertips. I'd still recommend gloves to everyone regardless of what else they wear though. You soon notice how easy it is to cut your hands without them after you are used to wearing gloves, especially in woodland. Kit I would say is necessary is decent footwear, gloves and something to hold your mags(plus a gun and eyepro if you really want to state the obvious). Everything else is really preference, I more or less always wear a hat as I hate getting shot in the top of the head.
  18. I guess it could be pretty good if everyone was running them. Not my cup of tea though, may as well have someone talking loudly next to you while you are trying to be sneaky.
  19. I use Isopropyl wipes, the ones I have are just the right size when cut along the fold in them to squeeze into the barrel. I picked up something like 300 for £5 on ebay a while back.
  20. It seems strange to me how people completely lost their shit about that Fire Support thing. Yet when it was demonstrated you can sign up for the british airsoft club with no proof of identity it was largely ignored.... They are pretty lucky that the chap who did this had good intentions as I doubt it would have been raised as an issue otherwise.
  21. I think that's a fair point, they also have a considerable number of products on Zero One where they couldn't be bothered to fill in the product description. I've always avoided them because I have heard lots of stories of how their handling of faulty guns suck.
  22. Pretty much, all the subs have their own agendas. For r /airsoft the only theme I've been able to pinpoint is ignorance. What I dislike about wearing the SS officer uniform is it not only paints Airsofters in a bad light, but also reinforces the whole "If you reenact WW2 German forces you must be some sort of Nazi" trope. If we are to enter the whole "group X was worse than group Y" discussion, it all becomes a bit silly. Group Y isn't suddenly invalidated because of group X. This applies both to historical but also current issues.
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