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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. We have 20 players with deposits paid now and its still over 5 months from the game start, The Coalition team is already full and we have many more people who have committed to playing. Should be a much bigger game than the last op.
  2. On further investigation, we think that the powder rounds might upset some players. After all, can you imagine having your nice crisp MTP marked with orange powder at the start of the game and have to walk round with an orange shoulder all weekend ? We will allow the Pecker rounds for killing vehicles and mortaring camps etc in our next Okto game in April. We looked at the smoke rounds but AW don't sell them in the UK as they are not CE marked. We think TAG are brilliant and a huge step forward for realism, but realism means danger and common sense must prevail.
  3. My conclusion is that they are legal to use. However even Airsoft World use a 60m minimum engagement distance in their games. TAGS have a lot of energy when they leave the launcher. The muzzle energy is 24 Joules @ 32m/s. That's from the heaviest projective that weighs in at 48 grams. Airborne pyro needs to be treated with respect. Its still a Mk5 - Mk7 when it lands and you wont have a lot of control over where it lands and who is nearby. Here are some shots of close up impacts. https://m.facebook.com/airsoftpyrotechnics?_rdr The training rounds and powder which are non pyro have some merit in milsim for taking out vehicles and bases at range and we will allow them at Okto under supervision. Not cheap though in terms of running costs for players.
  4. They also now have CE certs for both the Reaper and Archangels, but advise as the Paladins and Peckers are non-pyrotechnic, they aren't required.
  5. I keep reading about these and have been asked by our milsim players if they can use them. So I went to Airsoft World who are the UK distributor and asked them about the legality. They said "The CE certificates have been pending since we stocked them at Airsoft World. That means they were accepted but we haven't had a physical copy in our hands. That is... until now. In regards to the legality of the rifling and the manner in which they are launched: 1. The rifling is inverted. 2. The barrel is plastic and not metal, therefore incapable of withstanding an explosive charge. 3. The projectile is not fire by explosive charge. 4. The explosive in both the Reaper and Archangels are certified as 1.4S (The lowest hazard rating for explosives). We obviously had to do our research deep into these before making them available on the market. We met with the guys at IWA and put the plans in place, it took a while... but these are well worth the effort!"
  6. This is the connector you need http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1656052199_6/Hot-2-Pin-PTT-MIC-Covert-Acoustic-Tube-Earpiece-for-MIDLAND-Radio-G6-G7-GXT550-GXT650.jpg
  7. Yes theres room in the rebels side. They have lots of American weapons. No idea where they came from .... The rebels are quite resourceful. Just got their hands on a Strela 3 to take out the government air support.
  8. The problem with having one made up is that I cant find the thread spec in terms of TPI. I did find a 24mm one for the GHK but its too big.
  9. That or just join the Moldistan Peoples Front for the Okto Eight Milsim in April !
  10. I have a G&G AK103 (what they call the RK103). Ive bought a very nice Vanaras PBS-1 steel suppressor to go with it (14mm CCW). Ive just found that unlike every other G&G rifle Ive had or used, it has a strange 22mm male thread when you remove the flash hider. There is a bit about this on the net (mainly about how hard it is to overcome the problem) but adaptors seem non existent. I might have to bite the bullet (hah) and get the G&G one which is built to fit their rifle but the Vanaras one is a lot more realistic ! Any ideas ?
  11. Further my last post, still work in progress but its getting there
  12. I think theres about three of us in our milsim group who are waiting for Father Christmas to bring us RIFs. Its pathetic to listen to. I got to touch it, I got to photograph it, I got to shoot it. All before our wives took them away again. You wouldn't think we were grown men. More like sniveling children lol
  13. Paypal certainly kicked some butt when a UK retailer mislaid a two tone rifle that I bought some time ago. If thats the case, I will be very wary of using Paypal for Airsoft guns in the future.
  14. Not airsoft, more pyro related, but Im making myself a milsim rocket launcher. Its starting to take shape. I refuse to pay £400 + for a wooden or resin replica. Its for me to use in our eastern bloc milsim games and is designed around a government weapon made by the fictional eastern bloc ex soviet state of Moldistan. I'm creating the M5 70mm Recoiless Rifle developed by Korporatsia Takticheskogo Moldistan (KTM), the Moldistani nationalised weapons producer. Essentially designed for anti-tank, anti-building and anti-personnel roles, the carbon fibre based unit is light, compact and highly portable (Just over 1m in length). It fires rockets which can be rear loaded by a second person in the team and which are clipped into a removable frame. Ignition is electronic and aiming is achieved by a red dot sight, which allows easier use at night when wearing NV goggles. BRIEF FACTS Range: 300m Penetration: 500mm steel armour Ammunition: HE Anti-Personnel Air Burst Rocket with Timer Rocket Assisted HEAT Anti-Armoured Vehicle Future development of a laser guided Ultra Light Missile munition is said to be planned. This is rumoured to increase the range to 1500-2000m and improve accuracy and could possibly enable the M5 to engage low flying air targets.
  15. http://airsoftsofsim.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/the-diary-of-rebel.html
  16. Nearly all sites allow you to turn up on your own. Even the milsims that are held at the MOD sites do. You will be put in a team or your can choose what team to play for in advance. Some games you need to book in advance and some skirmishes you can just turn up on the day, providing you have your own kit.
  17. We have a milsim in April at J20 M25 if you're interested. Welcome to the forum.
  18. Talk to Crystal Radio Systems. They import them and will know. Crystal Radio Systems Ltd. Company Number: 03789810. Address: 14 Hanover Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 7JH. Tel: 0800 028 6261 / 01527 872 777
  19. The US and UK are very different countries. A common language sometimes, but 300 years or so of parallel but independent change and development have made them so. I spent a lot of time in the US in a lot of different coastal states and I came to the conclusion that I only got into trouble when I thought I was in the UK. The culture is very different in the US compared to Europe, on a lot of levels. We are seduced by American TV programmes from birth here, but I found in quite a few states, many people didn't fully understand what I was talking about. The words were shared but the meanings not. What is moral turpitude anyway ? In terms of gun laws, As a brit, find the casual attitude to firearms quite disturbing in certain states. We are a bit over liberal here and there is a lot wrong with the UK. However, we still have more queuing to get in than out. The VCRA is a car designed by a bunch of different designers in different rooms who weren't on speaking terms on the day. Try living in Oz or a few other European countries. At least we have Airsoft and a reasonable energy limit.
  20. The main problem with cheap NV is the field of view. You can get a reasonable response from hunting NV if you use a black light illuminator, but it would be pretty poor for rifle aiming use unless you use it for spotting and providing corrections to a sniper shooting blind or just doing "stag" at night where you can detect approaching OPFORs - Can you get IR BBs ? Ive tried to use mine to walk through a completely pitch black forest and keep to a defined pathway. Very difficult and disorientating with a monocular. Was quite cool to approach a fox in blackness from downwind and get within 10-15m before his natural senses detected me. Incidentally, the IR illuminator on the scope shows a dull red closer up. The black light is invisible but you need a powerful torch to penetrate the filter with any range.
  21. Op Tailspin Update: The Special Forces eight man team is already fully booked and we have 9 deposits received across the other two forces so far.
  22. Post script to my last post. The new end cap arrived this morning in a box big enough to house a battleship, completely free of charge. This is exemplary service from the UK distributor http://www.bbb-leisureproducts.co.uk/
  23. I think if they were contravening firearms laws, one of their rivals would have shopped them by now and they would gave received a visit telling them to withdraw them.
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