He was one hairy SOB - and so is the Gorilla.
No, he was a true comic genius. One of the greats.
Unfortunately, funny men are often the saddest out of the limelight.
Hollywood is not very forgiving.
When you're up, you're the best thing since sliced bread and when you're not, people cant get away from you fast enough.
Such is the shallowness of that society.
I heard he was verging on bankruptcy, was having to take second rate parts to pay the bills and of course, had his alcoholism problem.
Can you imagine the pressure of being someone who achieved so much.
Everybody you meet expects great things - go on, Robin, make me laugh, tell us a joke.
Its an uphill climb that cant be maintained.
Many famous comedians end up depressed.
I also imagine its very easy to get hooked on the adoration, the applause.
So many bright stars just burn out.
For me, the epitome of Robin was Mork and Mindy and of course his superb acting in Mrs Doubtfire.
Unlike many comedians, he was incredibly versatile.
His daughter capped it all.
She said he would have been happy to have known that he made so many laugh.
For those full of negativity for him, she said he will direct a flock of pigeons to crap on your car just after you clean it.
I can hear him laughing at that..