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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Ive got the G&P version and uses a higher capacity 7.4V LIPO which goes in the mag. Would yours do the same ? I can link if its relevant ?
  2. You could use .25s which would help if the wind is carrying them. Cant help with makes of bio - never used em. I always use 7.4V LIPO and one lasts me all day. Ive never been convinced about higher voltages - sometimes causes more problems than it solves, especially without a MOSFET. Rightly or wrongly, I get the impression that the better airsoft makes use a lot of common standard internals whilst its just external cosmetics which dictates the model ?
  3. In all fairness, I think its hard for skirmish organisers to arrange this when they are running weekly games. We do this for our milsim games and it takes a lot of planning and resources to have something fresh all the time. One of the reasons I got bored of straight skirmishing is the lack of creativity on the part of the organiser. It was becoming apparent (to me at least) that they were just reheating simple capture the flag games and counting the walk on fees. If you want this kind of tactical play, why dont you go to a milsim or at least a semi- milsim ? Some games, which are often misleadingly advertised as a milsim have a hybrid combination, where they might allow hi-caps for example, but offer these prop orientated games ?
  4. I dont know if it was a batch problem ? Never had any issues with my Gen 3 ..
  5. Yes ive got the T4-18 Gen 3. Nice rifle. Some have been talking on here a out MOSFET problems but I havent experienced it on mine. The T4-18 is supposed to be a H&K 416 rather than an M4.
  6. If you buy a decent make, they wont. Dont get sucked in by all the machismo upgrade talk.
  7. come up with a short list of ones you like and Im sure the forum would be happy to advise on their experience.
  8. I dont have any Kings Arms in the stable so cant comment, Im sure there will be KA owners on here who can. Ive never felt the need to change any of these things on a new rifle. If youre running and gunning, its pretty academic. Dont get lured early on, into the trap that you need to replace bits to keep up with the others.Also, if you buy a "Ford" gun rather than an Alfa Romeo, its always easier to get bits and work done. PS no dissing of Alfa owners intended - my son swears by them
  9. AEG makes a lot of sense for a number of reasons. Despite what the blurb says, gas guns arent designed to be stripped down regularly like real steel and they are temperamental on cold days. I have a 416 AEG and love it. My advice would be to get a shortish barrel M4 variant to give you flexibility for CQB and running and gunning.
  10. Due to games like CoD etc its one of the most appealing parts of Airsoft and the most disappointing if you get it wrong. You can spend a lot of time lying around and the comparitively low range of Airsoft sniper rifles means you are in the front line. No heads exploding at a click like on the game. Be prepared to invest time and money to get it right or just buy a spring L96 and a cheap Ghillie suit and give it a whirl. A word of caution - many new airsofters are attracted to this role first and there is a healthy trade in unwanted weapons.
  11. Unless Patrol Base are local to you and you plan to buy in person, there are lots of good dealers. My go-to dealers for distance buying are Land Warrior or Airsoft Zone and there are lots more. I think you have to weigh up what you are looking for. Unless you enjoy tinkering with electric guns and plan to upgrade, I would look at solid reliable stock guns, You shouldnt have to tinker with springs straight out. For an M4 variant, I would at least look at the G&G range, They have a budget range which uses a lot of plastic in the build but are great starter guns or an advanced range which are a bit nearer to real steel heft. They also have blowback, but imho this is just a clunk and nothing like real action. All AEG sound like sewing machines to me lol When you are budgetting, remember that as soon as you get your rifle, you will no doubt start wanting to accessorize. Optics, spare mags, maybe a sling, Its very easy to overspend.
  12. As there are so many shapes and sizes of milsims out there and it's sometimes hard to see the wood for the trees with the different ones, thought this might be useful. Allows would be players to see the relevant details without having to wade through lots of information..
  13. Now if your mum really loved you ! lol
  14. No there are weekend spaces on the MDF team still from the second tranche. There is no online tickets system. Have a read of the PDF download on Facebook and if interested PM me
  15. If you have Facebook, look up Okto Eight Milsim. If you dont, read here http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/23361-okto-eight-milsim/?hl=okto
  16. Just check that your site allows them - I dont think the two mentioned on the OPs profile do ?
  17. Im a London player, normally playing just outside the M25 orbit. I prefer soft milsims to skirmishes. We hold two a year near Watford, in April and September.
  18. Have spoken. Will be about another two weeks subject to UK customs clearance.
  19. I was impatient and bought a two tone sniper rifle before I got my UKARA. For the sake of a couple of months, I wish Id waited. My experience is that a lot of people change their mind about gun choices once they have tried a few different ones or seen what others are using. I would go rental pre UKARA, use a different gun each game and then invest wisely in my first RIF post UKARA.
  20. Any update on TAGs ? Weve got our next game coming up in April and Im still interested.
  21. Its got a UV5R inside. Not finished yet so too early for a video. The builder needs to add a handset.
  22. This is a base station radio made by some of the guys on the MPF rebel team for the 2015 games. Its based around a Baofeng radio which we have licenced frequencies for.
  23. Blood Red "Kill Rags" over a Blood Red Moldistan Star.
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