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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Its ofcom.org.uk and you are looking for a Light Business Radio licence.
  2. Didnt read through it properly as wasnt really interested in the site - just noticed the location as being pertinent.
  3. I dont want to descend into a "youth of today" type rant and bring back national service. The problem is not the youth its society. A combination of dysfunctional and broken families together with a post war society that tries to give their children everything in a materialistic sense whilst not allowing them the freedom to go outside and take risks has created a lot of issues. Its a world problem to some extent. China now has a lot of problems because "one child families" has meant that affluent Chinese have spoiled their kids so rotten they have become expectant brats. Ive worked with youngsters on boats where they step into a boat standing up and are surprised when it tips them into the 'oggin. Why did you do that I ask ? doesnt happen on my X box game they reply.. The UK is getting thrashed in business by foreign competition. Having worked with some brilliant and motivated Chinese and eastern europeans, I can see why. The British psychy is still brilliant at lateral thinking and problem solving, but we have become very lazy and complacent as an industrial nation. I see people I come into contact with through work spending more effort on making excuses and blaming others. If they put that effort into making a difference, we might be a top nation again. How many British people, including airsofters to come back on to topic appreciate that everytime you buy something overseas and import it directly into the UK, you are depriving this country of jobs and income ?
  4. Ask yourself honestly why you are considering a gap year ? Is it because you are buying time because you dont know what you want to do ? or are you postponing the inevitable? Forget the subject of Airsoft - its a hobby and its distracting you. I normally take things I like doing and then reward myself with them once Ive done something I dont like doing. If you really want a gap year, go do some voluntary work, do something useful for others. This will change your outlook on life generally and it impresses potential employers. Going back-packing doesnt generally speaking.
  5. I agree with this. If you do a subject you arent interested in, you will fail or get mediocre results. My experience of graduates is that they change a lot between starting and finishing uni. Note I said finishing and not just attending occasionally. Its character building because it teaches non educational qualities as well.
  6. Since you asked this is what I have to offer. My own children were pressurised by me to go to uni. One went willingly and was focused on what they wanted to do from a small child. Now has a good career - job done. The other was like you a little - unsure. We compromised that he could do a subject of his choice at uni, but he got a degree at the end of it. He fought tooth and nail after his degree and got a worthwhile and reasonably paid job. A lot of employers these days wont look at you for certain jobs unless youve got a degree. Unfortunately (and I dont agree with it) its becoming a baseline minimum for many jobs. If you are academically able, get one. Apart from this, what is the most important is ATTITUDE. I do a lot of voluntary work with different ages and what worries me most is the attitude of many young people. What employers pick up on most is responsibility and commitment or should I say, the lack of it. Ive worked with graduates and people with little formal education and what they get judged on is their attitude. Too many will go home at the finish time leaving important jobs undone, do a job half heartedly (leaving mistakes and silly errors through a lack of attention to detail) and Ive even had one or two check their phone while Im talking to them. If you have no personal discipline or integrity, this seeps into the workplace. So academia aside, my advice is give everything 110% no matter how boring or pointless it seems, follow orders (not your version of then) and always do what you say you are going to do - always deliver and on time. Always give any prospective employer 100% commitment and loyalty but dont expect it back. If they treat you badly, take your moral fibre and skills elsewhere at the first opportunity. Dont let people take the piss out of you but make yourself proud of everything you do. Dont let yourself down. and no Im not a councillor, charity worker or lily livered do gooder. I just have a lot of experience in work and people.
  7. Ive got both TM and WE pistols. The TM is supposed to be a good pistol in terms of quality, but I also like the WE because they are metal where they are supposed to be metal and feel more like the real thing. They are a secondary weapon and unless you do a lot of CQB or your primary weapon isnt that reliable, a rifle is probably more important. Are you under 18 (is that why you dont have a UKARA defence ?) ETA - ignore that question - just saw your other post. If I were you, Id play some more games and get my UKARA before buying a two-tone pistol.
  8. Well obviously you need to work to finance hobbies. Airsoft isn't that expensive in its simplest form and its a lot cheaper than many active hobbies. What makes it expensive is the addiction to buy more kit.
  9. I finally remembered where I saw it. Look up Hockley Airsoft Arena ! http://www.mpa-airsoft.com/PBCPPlayer.asp?ID=1574071
  10. Yes Ive used AZ in Romford. Good retailer. I think there might be a review in the appropriate section.
  11. Were mixing stuff here slightly. With the Okto milsim game, each of the three forces has a (different) high power licenced frequency to primarily talk back to the game HQ (different to their force base). As you dont want multiple players on the same team doing this (it would be pandemonium), we typically give each force CO one of our 5W radios operating on the given frequency and via his radioman, he communicates with game HQ. In the game next month, more teams have their own Baofengs so they will probably use one of theirs as a force radio rather than loaning our Motorolas. Now, if the players in a particular force then want to talk amongst themselves on a high power net, this is also possible. We can allocate another private frequency for this. However, it is rare for all of the team players to have the same band personal radio so there is no commonality. So if all your fellow team players had a Baofeng or similar, then we could ussue them a suitable licenced frequency for PRR use. From past experience, many milsim players only have PMR446 radios and some have nothing. PMR446 is fine for a fireteam net. Where it falls down is where the fireteam is trying to talk back to their base when they are out on patrol. The PMR446 range of a couple of hundred metres or less in woodland doesnt cut it. In an ideal world, people playing milsim would equip themselves with a 5W radio that enables them to be equipped with the relevant game channels, but milsimmers are a varied bunch.
  12. The radio needs to transmit at under 0.5W on the PMR446 frequencies to satisfy the letter of the law. Certainly the other common Baofeng set, the UV5 is at least 1W on its low power setting and I think the BF-888 is the same. I believe on the programming software for the BF-888, you can only set high or low, not the specific power output. I see arguments about these radios every time I look at an airsoft group on Facebook and I no longer respond there because there are a lot of airsofters using these illegally because they think they will never get prosecuted. They ask the question but dont like the answer. They are attracted by a cheap radio with high power but dont want to pay for a licence. I know your circumstances are different which is why I have replied here. If you are licenced for the higher power frequencies via the site, one could argue how would the authorities be able to tell whether you were transmitting on 0.5W or 1W on legal licence free PMR446. It would be impossible without testing your particular set on a power meter. However, the legal answer to your question is: no the BF-888 or similar VHF/UHF 5W radio does not satisfy the PMR-446 requirements. Also if you play on another site with no licencing arrangement, you might struggle to convince OFCOM if they did do a raid that you were operating legally. In summary, for full legal compliance, its really two radios. My thought on the subject: The answer is buy a Baofeng, get a licence for your team (£75 for 5 years I think it is) and just use the 5W private frequencies covered by your licence. Forget PMR446. The saving with the Baofeng compared to decent PMR446 more than pays for the licence.
  13. Try the school at Red1 CQB at Kimgs Langley in Herts. I also heard the other day about a new one that has opened out towards Southend,
  14. Fired the launcher dry - healthy bang and smoke from the gas charge. Couldnt get it to hold gas a second time. Reset the primer pin as per the vague instructions. Still didn't work - just vented. So, took the grenade launcher apart and used silicon grease and some oil to lubricate the three O rings. Works now !! it seems quite a tight fit to get the shell into the rifled launcher tube. Don't want to push it too far in as I'm not ready to use it and don't want it sitting in the tube for a month. Will probably use some oil to ease it down. It doesn't say explicitly in the instructions but looking at YT videos it seems you are supposed to push down on the nose of the grenade which seems a bit weird.
  15. Another deposit received - Five spaces left
  16. Well the Okto Site Crew have got their toys for Operation Tailspin
  17. Laurence is a nice guy. Dont know anything about GHK but Socom are sound.
  18. Thought you were all set on a Kings Arms or TM from Patrol Base. What happened to make you now look at gas guns ?
  19. Pleased to report that only six places are left now and doubly pleased that we have another AFUK regular signed on.
  20. Right, have ordered some for play at the next Okto Eight game in April, so we will see how they pan out.
  21. We have 7 places left on the MDF team from the Second tranche of released spaces.
  22. Theres a bit on Facebook about Kings Arms gearboxes at present. My 416 is G&G Top Tech (T4-18) Marui are good - I have a couple of their weapons. They use a lot of plastic though due to Japanese regs. Not sure about their assault rifles. My WE SIG 226 has a rail.
  23. Im reading a lot about gearbox problems. Might be worth checking it out,
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