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Everything posted by DX115FALCON

  1. Forgot just how great a film Zombieland is. Wonder if they'll ever get around to making that sequel or the TV series that was announced a few years back...

    1. Esoterick


      It's really good, actually seemed to enjoy it more watching it a second time.

    2. Hibernator


      They made a pilot for the TV series and it was rubbish, so never made it to TV. You can download it if you know where to look!


    3. DX115FALCON


      Thanks Hibernator. You are right, it was rubbish.

  2. found out that uni has an OTC. Did I join? HELL YEAH I DID!

    1. cavninja


      Well played Sah! Which Uni?

    2. DX115FALCON
    3. cavninja


      Excellent! I'm sure you'll have a great, if a slightly cold, time!

  3. WE G36 AEG: Any good?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      me neither, but Gunfire seems to think so. Like the way it looks, but not sure how well it performs

    3. Monty
    4. M_P


      Probably nothing special with decent externals

  4. anyone know if the CYMA galil is any good, and if you can mount an AK-style rail mount on it?

  5. first propper hangover. And it hurts.

    1. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Welcome to the club. I've been dying all day whilst digging in the garden. Never drinking again...

    2. Esoterick


      They only get worse as you get older hehe

    3. Caliber


      Vimto, I read that as "Never digging again". Funny until I re-read your comment.

  6. moving to uni today. Goodbye airsoft :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tariq


      Why goodbye airsoft. Alot of unis have airsoft teams.

    3. DX115FALCON


      No sites up in Aberdeen

    4. DX115FALCON


      No sites up in Aberdeen

  7. Anyone know where I can get my hands on an M4 mag adapter for a DE spring tri shot? I've heard about them, but cant seem to find them available anywhere

    1. M_P


      You don't buy them, it's a conversion from a shell and an m4 mag.

    2. DX115FALCON


      Huh. I heard that there's an actual adapter for it...

    3. Jelliffe99


      That's the only one on the market but likewise I can't find it up for sale anywhere.

  8. It looks like the UK (and Ed's hat) are safe. For now.

    1. CES_williamson


      for now.... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN

    2. Airsoft-Ed
  9. Question after today's vote. If the masses voted yes, then will UKARA still be a thing in Scotland or will it be a mad-dash to buy black guns before new laws cover that thing?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      Ed, video proof will be requested if it is!

      I'll become the future crime-ridden Aberdeen's Batman if we have a bloody yes.

    3. TacMaster


      I'd be very surprised if the Scottish public were stupid enough to vote a 'yes' majority. Salmond painted a glorious view of independence from the UK while failing to mention the economic, political and budget downsides.

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      If you end up eating your hat, please post a video of it!!

  10. In response to Finius' status *currently below this one* I say no to PG-13! My language has to be rated M for MANLY!

  11. The Fortress was great yesterday! First time I've played REAL CQB and bloody loved it!

    1. evilfree


      Nice, thinking of going when the weather gets worse at winter


    2. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Welcome to the dark side!

  12. Actually fed up with the bloody student loan company! Can't get them on the phone, I have to pay my accomodation in a week, and they STILL haven't paid my loan in...

    1. M_P


      It's normally done a little bit later, towards the end of September I think

    2. GiantKiwi


      yup, the only people who will get it before 26th September are those returning for 2nd/etc years.

  13. Finally get to play at the new CQB site 'The Fortress'. shame its the last weekend before I go to uni :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      Huh? where is it located?!


    3. evilfree
    4. DX115FALCON


      I've been planning on going for months. Haven't been able to when it has been (exams and stuff), but looks like I can do this weekend.


      Evil, its on this weekend, then on the 28th if you want to head over.

  14. That said, in snowey weather, white cam will put you at a serious advantage
  15. It really doesnt matter. At my local site (where I wear DPM) there is lot of MTP and Multicam. Those guys are a little bit easier to spot at range, but there isnt much difference. Basically, wear whichever you want, because camoflague in airsoft (minus sniper suits) isnt that important.
  16. sounds to me likethe magazine's spring isn't pushing the bbs up to the chamber. Try using some other mags with it.
  17. People have been screwed out of significantly more money than a cheapy DE M4 mate!
  18. Late night CS:GO session... Because who needs sleep anyway?

    1. Lord_Metile


      Lets hope you don't get swatted.

    2. DX115FALCON


      XD I was actually watching his live stream when that happened!

  19. Welcome along! We tend to be a nice enough bunch around here, and at most sotes around the place too!
  20. Not really bought, but I've just won a Cold Steel Tomahawk
  21. The "Sanic" music sounds really nice if you listen to it without the distortion applied

  22. Getting a Cold Steel Tomahawk from the good guys over at Super Mega Tactical Airsoft News and Swindon Airsoft. Thanks to those guys!

  23. Whats with the sudden influx of posts to the JustBBGuns thread?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      who, me? I'm not the OP...

    3. DX115FALCON


      hey, that rhymes!

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I'm a poet & didn't even know it

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