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Status Updates posted by SimonQuigley

  1. Has anyone got a 3D printer? Need a few things made.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      ^ If he gets one, I want one too


    3. CaptainDumbass


      Hahahahahaha i think we all know if i could print tanks id be making them for myself!!! ;D

    4. Russe11
  2. So i ordered a belt, gloves and a helmet from EBairsoft, today the belt and gloves came but not the helmet. Does anyone know why this could be?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      I would think that Mack but i had an email saying the helmet was dispatched but the others werent. I guess it will come in the next few days.

    3. jcheeseright


      They quite often will ship things in batches, god knows why but it's free shipping so who cares?

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      ebairsoft are w a n k e r s - bought something over a month ago - receiver/gearbox - there are feckin 3 types showing in stock but order still says processing. Emailed them but they not as quick to reply like when they take my money - cheeky chinky c u n t s - soz but getting stressed and very very stressed about being ignored as well

  3. getting really interested in some of the IPSC stuff..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rock-climby-Dave


      There are classes for you then, ed.

      Production class.



      The emphasis isn't on rediculous guns, it's on the shooting ability. red dots and thumb rests don't help shit if you aren't used to them.


    3. SimonQuigley


      now i just need to find somewhere local to practice

    4. Tariq


      There is a production class. I shoot in that with my stock KWA ATP. Open class is the fancy stuff. There is also Classic (1911s).

  4. Awh ffs, none of my midcaps will fit my amoeba -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      wrap eletrical tape around the top of your mags mate usually solves it

    3. SimonQuigley


      Teddy, i tried it but it just made it even harder to insert

    4. SimonQuigley


      PAS said i can return them so i'll just have to find somewhere to get the CAA midcaps

  5. Anyone need m4 midcaps? I've 3 140 rounders i need gone asap. £22 and i'll post them before 4 tuesday.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lozart


      Ah right, thanks but no then. You might also want to consider dropping your price, they're £5.49 on PAS now...

    3. SimonQuigley


      Id say £19 posted seems reasonable

    4. Lozart


      Yep, that's a fairer price. Still not interested though, sorry.

  6. Wow, I'm gone for a few weeks and I miss all the arguing!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord_Metile
    3. Monty


      Not seen any arguing, lol.

    4. SimonQuigley


      Fizzle vs what seemed to be the whole forum

  7. Does foliage green look similar to mas grey in real life? Seems very grey in photos

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jcheeseright


      FG is pretty grey (designed to work well with UCP) but it's an altogether different colour to Mas Grey


    3. SimonQuigley


      Would it be able to pass for it? Or is there anything that looks similar?

    4. jcheeseright


      no, it's a different colour, mas grey is mas grey. I take it you're after a 6094 or similar? No one makes a repro in mas grey as far as I know, you wanna be a gangster you gotta pay gangster money.

  8. If anyone happens to have a AOR 2 PC could you let me know how it looks with black shirt and trousers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TacMaster


      I think if you're going to mix camo with flat colours, wear it with a pair of AOR2 trousers. Same applies to flat rigs in my opinion

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      If you where flat colour trousers with a camo shirt it doesn't look right but the other way round is good.

    4. SimonQuigley


      I may now have funds to get the full combat set but if worse comes to worse ill just get the trousers.

  9. when i get my magpul M4 i am so filling the pistol grips with skittles.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Motors are not as important as Skittles.

    3. M_P


      The WE m14 can take a twix in the stock :)

    4. SimonQuigley


      i think i can make room for skittles.

  10. Stuck for choice between a AOR 1 1961g or a swimmer cut 6094

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      I was looking at the flyye one, but it doesn't have the four rows of velcro like the newer LBT ones do.

    3. Mack


      did you not recently get a semapo 6094?

    4. SimonQuigley


      Not too recently, but i sold it to a mate since I've moved away from multicam

  11. Is anyone familiar with the Ares quick change spring system? If so could you let me know how i could go about it O.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      Dosent sound very quick change to me, ahaha

    3. SimonQuigley


      Just found a video on it and all you need to do is remove the buffer tube, seems self explanatory


    4. CES_williamson


      screw the screw of the back anti-clockwise, then push the thing in and twist it until it all pops out, there are 2 small square holes each side of the bolt and line those up with the bits on the bolt, but make sure you push it in!

  12. So tracking on my airsoft peak order still says its not entered the UK, a tad annoyed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DEDSEC


      Customs are being a little assholic at the moment. It's most likely there. My order is.

    3. SimonQuigley


      Some pouches, Monty, and to save PMing you, the vest is packaged to be posted tomorrow :)

    4. SimonQuigley


      Thanks for the heads up, i purposely waited until the customs issues banner was gone from ASP to order -.-

  13. If anyone has any knowledge about installing a mk18 rail to an m4 please PM me :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      Believe me i've tried. But does anyone have any sane ideas?

    3. jcheeseright


      what's the issue you're having, I've fitted a few.


    4. SimonQuigley
  14. Well, my MacBook has kicked the bucket..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      It won't even boot up, left it today on the grey loading screen and it was the same when I got back, from internet investigations I think it's the hard drive, but since it being a mac I wouldn't have the foggiest idea of how to get to it.

    3. murph


      Ouch, so probably a potentially big job? Whatever it is, good luck getting it fixed man

    4. SimonQuigley


      Not really sure, I'll have a look around some computer shops and see what I can do, thanks:)

  15. so, thats my plans ruined as a small monsoon just touched down in bristol-.-

    1. Rock-climby-Dave


      Just had one land up here in Yorkshire. Goody.

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      It was raining so hard here yesterday that it was producing what I call "secondary rain", where the main rain causes splashes because there's so much water on the ground and the splash makes it look like it's raining again, from about 3 feet high invisible clouds haha.

    3. SimonQuigley


      haha, it seems to have stopped here now, but its still slippy as hell down the woods

  16. And finally my school have broken up for summer-.-

    1. Monty


      And spend your holidays 'softing!

    2. jay83


      you lucky bastard!! I remember those days! ENJOY them!!

    3. AK47frizzle


      Wow....took that long?!

  17. Quite possibly the strangest RE lesson today. My teacher got a package, he opened it and it was a membership certificate to the 'telegraph pole appreciation society' http://www.telegraphpoleappreciationsociety.org/index.php/join-us

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      Your RE teacher must lead an exceptionally exciting life...

    2. SimonQuigley


      It was later announced that another teacher had signed him up, this teacher being a woman he taped pictures of muffins on the RE teachers wall when he was on a diet, it does seem unlikely but they are bristolian..

    3. Tariq


      Tbf we have some pretty nice telegraph poles is bristol

  18. Just testing the waters, but who would be interested in buying an 12" amoeba octagonal front rail and outer barrel?

    1. Monty
    2. SimonQuigley


      Offer, they're both full metal so could be a little pricy to post due to weight.

    3. SimonQuigley
  19. Getting a new Ops-Core helmet this week, and i'll be respraying it the accurate colour of tan. Should i keep the velcro stock or do the SpecialOpsm4 style of velcro?

    1. Shinobi


      Depends If you'll be using it all. If you don't plan on putting much on, I'd say no. If you do, sure. By that I mean if you want a patch or two, I'd say original is nicer, if you want Lights etc, I like SOM4's.

    2. SimonQuigley


      Good point, would only be used for patches, v-lites and a counterweight pouch. Guess i'll see how it looks with it all on the stock velcro

    3. Shinobi


      Good shout, but he seems to be running a similar setup, so see if you like that

  20. Very tempted to buy a clone VSR and do an upgrade project.. Could be fun

    1. AirsoftTed


      I'm tempted to do the same, just be careful as some are not 100% VSR part compatable

    2. SimonQuigley


      what about the HFC *VSR*-11

    3. AirsoftTed


      From what I can see after a quick google it is mostly compatable, im not sure if its 100%

  21. I've been asked by a friend to help promote his film, never really understood pokemon so i can't really tell you anything about it. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pokemon-evolutions--3

    1. Monty
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I've never really liked Pokemon. Who's the cat with the lighting tail, I always remember him for some reason......

    3. AK47frizzle


      i like pokemon.....

  22. Happy birthday to me :D

    1. Monty


      Happy birthday!

    2. TacMaster


      Hope you had a great birthday! :)

    3. AK47frizzle


      hepppy berthdey

  23. are ST6 using AirFrame helmets now?

    1. M_P


      Not that I'm aware of though I'm sure if they wanted to they could easily get them.

    2. jcheeseright


      nope, DEVGRU are still on the Ops Core train, SFOD-D use Airframes though.


    3. Lozart


      I think it's fair to say that if DEVGRU wanted to use Prussian army helmets with the big spike on a) they could and B) we'd never know anyway. They have basically unlimited resourcing and can use whatever kit they feel like (within operational requirements of course).

  24. Can't find my mesh mask, brilliant

    1. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Can't you borrow one from the site? You shouldn't need to pay as your only borrowing mesh.

    2. AirsoftTed


      I got billed a fiver literally for "renting it" to chrono, gave it back in as my gun was too hot and couldnt play. Didn't get a refund lol

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