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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. How much is that going to set you back Geoff? I've thought about buying an old Saracen or ferret lol. My dream car is a Bentley GT continental.
  2. Wrong Meme James. Learn the Meme's if you're going to use them
  3. If the Free state was formed in '22 , and the punt wasn't introduced until '28 , thats 6 years using the pound, gave us enough time to negotiate a deal to peg ourselves to the pound. I'm not trying to cause any more friction here, just explain that it would have been possible. If the Irish and the British could negotiate that THEN, in context with what had been happening, I see no reason why an Independent Scotland and the remainder of the UK couldn't come to a similar agreement under the relatively less militarized and hate filled atmosphere of 2015.
  4. Just to say, the RoI did okay with the pound following their succession from the UK, and then even better with the Punt which was pegged to the pound. It was the Euro that sent things tits up. According to the act of Union England and Scotland are equal partners, making the pound as much Scotland's as Englands. It would be the ultimate irony to see the Bank of England deny Scotland use of the pound considering a Scotsman was one of the founders of it. Scotland has always voted predominatly Labour, after their piss poor show post-referendum they've effectively given every seat they ever held over to the SNP. I'll leave this arguement now as I'm sick of the superiority complexes everyone is showing. We're all humans, and all equal - what the idiots at the top say means nothing. To para-phrase game of thrones " Power doesn't exist. It is but a shadow on the wall, and a very small man can cast a very large shadow". They only have power because we give it to them, we're governed by consent. People need to remember that, if we want revolution in the way things are done politically in this country we need to get up off our sofas, take a break from watching corrie or whatever mind numbing bollocks is on the telly and campaign or fight for what we want. Sitting on an airsoft forum ranting and raving, bickering with each other like a 13 year old girl on a facebook status serves no benefit to anyone. An no - to anyone mentally challenged enough to think that was directed at rousing a Scottish rebellion, it was directed at everyone. We'll have to work together and get over your feeling of difference towards people on the other side of an imaginary line formed hundreds of years ago. The borders shifted a lot, Edinburgh was the capital of an English kingdom, as was Glasgow the capital of a Welsh kingdom, and also part of an Irish one. We're all of the same land, start f*cking acting like it instead of succumbing to the imaginary boundaries implaced on you by the shadows on the wall who want to maintain their power over you. The lines wouldn't exist if it wasn't for King's to show everyone else how big their manhood is by showing how far they've raped and pillaged.
  5. Agreed. Best to drop it, people either side of the border will never understand the other fully. I was on the bus pre-referendum and heard some 14 year old kids talking about the referendum, they all said, and agreed, now this is a quote "Well We've owned Scotland longer than we've owned Wales, we should just let Wales go and keep Scotland" lol. It's an arguement that will never be won, I argued with my whole college for 2 years straight about it and none of them understood any of the politics enough to say anything apart from "Yeah but (insert quote they dont fully understand and have repeated 10 times in the last hour)" I think my suggestion earlier on about how we all should we governed would make a lot more sense. Regardless, we're together and we should be working together to make sure we're all happy. Lets hope whichever twat gets in this year is better for us all than the last two.
  6. SD They don't do A levels back in Scotland. My pal is 17 and in University, if you have the potential you can forgoe all that crap. I've never seen the point in A levels.
  7. I was defending the Tower at TWA by myself one lunch time game (informal, few of us playing for fun) and I was sat down on the floor of it, moved foward to a kneel and instrinctively shot a guy in the chest from about 35m before I managed to line my sights up. Later in the same game I managed to get someone at a bit further of a distance with my 2.5 TM python, was pure luck that the gun curved the bb up at the critical moment and instead of going straight into the ground infront of him, it caught him in the belly. I was feeling pretty invincbile, giving everyone aggro trying to take the power but then the awesome/honourable bit occurred. One guy gave another taller gent a boost by letting him stand on his shoulders, and he aimed over the side and shot me just once in the back. Not only could he have easilly just lit me up or blind fired, he also had frags on him and could of easilly took me out with one of those, but let forgoe that experience
  8. If England wanted to, there's no reason a pro-English indy part couldn't appear and vote for that, though it would be ironic because it was England that formed the UK by beating the rest of us into submission I don't think that being Pro-English is racist, infact I'd encourage everyone to be patriotic of where they were from. I think the problem lies in that the British public get put second by the government in aide of keeping up appearances. For example I live in London, and I think not being able to fly an English flag or Union jack at your house because it's "racially insensitive" is absoulute bollocks. If people dislike England and find the flag offensive, why seek asylum here out of all the other countries in Europe? It's ridiculous and I know that could border on the line of sounding Racist, but to hell with political correctness, the government is too soft, and its things like that which breed racial hatred. The natives begin to resent immigrants for being catered to too much in their eyes, and the immigrants begin to hate the natives for hating them. I'm not 100% pro indy. In my opinion, I think all of the 4 states in the UK should have "independence" to have their own national identity and govern their own affairs, I'd even go as far to say perhaps even regional government such as the midlands, south west etc. would be a better idea. We're not having to unite to conquer the whole world anymore, we need to focus on improving our lives here where we live. There's no reason we couldn't exist indepently like this but form a coalition, trading with each other, defending each other. Like a miniature EU or NATO but with more power delecated to the governments of each country. We'll never be able to escape from the fact we're joined as an Island , and I dont think we need to. Bigots are stuck in the past, the last time we went to war with each other, was hundreds of years ago. We forget we are all people, and we all just want to live nice lives. A representational government is never going to be truely representative of the majority the way things are, scattered votes up and down the country combine and get a party in, then that party governs all of us, including those of us that didn't vote for that party. If Scotland voted on who governed Scotland, England on who governened England and so on, then that would better represent the people of that country, as we all have different needs and problems. That said, England is a big country and even Regional government would be fairer, the people in the Midlands have different lives and needs to people living in London. Government is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people - In what sense that true today? Private school boys are elected with no sense of what real people's lives are like - and the reason government will never exist as I have suggested above is that the people at the top with power, want to keep the power, why on earth would they agree to sharing it, to benefit the people? I'll grow gills and repopulate Alantis with a Mermaid equivalent of Jennifer Lawrence before they do that.
  9. Everyone who wants an independent Scotland is a Provisional or a Jacobite, just depends if you're Catholic or Protestant. I'm joking of course, wanting to be independent doesn't make us anti English, remember Wales and Northern Ireland too? They don't seem to think we have a vendetta against them lol. We're not anti anyone, just pro-Scot.
  10. I used to be a SAW gunner like you, until I took a knife to the knee
  11. I think Berget has it down pretty well. What I'd expect are , players organised into squads and the like, command elements with radio contact to organise what people are doing. Objectives throughout the weekend, like capture and hold the ammo depot and your team's ammo limit is increased. Also, extras you don't get at a normal skirmish usually, like vehicles, anti vehicle weapons, mortars and all that cool stuff which helps to add with immersion. AFAIK at Berget if you call in a mortar strike, staff mark the area with smoke grenades and tell people in the target area that they are dead or wounded. I'd also like to be able to Dig in, whether im a sniper digging an OP or just someone digging a slit trench to defend my position. I think the increase of freedom like that allowing you to think more tactically is important for the immersion. Mind you I'm the type of idiot who'd want to carry his rucksack everywhere and get as close to real life as possible, not everyone will be after that.
  12. Bet it gets bought by a grand designs type twat who will turn it into a their "dream home" with glass walls facing the sea and one of the guns as a letter box
  13. Wanted something like that mortar for years and thought of a similar design using a nerf rather than a water baloon. Exciting to see people bringing these things to market
    1. Aengus


      That's their website: http://duelcode.com/ but they don't sell directly from it so this is their only stockist: www.skwairsoft.com but I can't find their add to cart button or even somewhere to put in the catalogue code to add to cart ;_;

    2. TacMaster


      I'm wanting that pistol grenade launcher!

  14. I'm just wondering, why does everyone think Scotland gets a better deal from the UK because of free prescriptions and further education, Surely how the Scottish NHS / Government allocates its budget to allow for these things has nothing to do with the rest of the UK? They could be rolled out across the rest of the UK, it's just that there are things deemed more important by the budget makers surely? As for the whole Scottish Army stuff, I dont see us going off to start any wars any time soon, why wouldnt a defence force like Ireland's suffice us? We contribute far more in tax to the MOD than they actually spend in Scotland, I can't remember the figures but it was something like a 1/3 extra we pay to have it spent elsewhere. Not that I'm trying to go all Pro indy here, just saying a lot of the "better deal" arguements tend to be nonsense, the power that the Scottish Government has allows them to make things this way, blame not us who you percieve as having a better deal but the British government for not giving you the same deal surely.
  15. If I was back home I'd be voting for the SNP, cos well Braveheart. Jokes aside, I think it's worth the gamble to see Scotland actually put first for once, (I don't see the SNP having priorities in Brighton or something lol). This'll be my first year voting, I'm not voting for labour because of the stuff they pulled back home. I'm far from a Tory, and I don't think UKIP really relates with me. Anyone know if I can vote for the SNP whilst living in London?
  16. I can go one further, I was once told by a Mexican Oompa loompa ( this kid was about 10, 4 ft tall and at least 10 stone) that my m14 was an awesome looking enfield (I'm assuming this is a COD reference)
  17. Cheers Monty, might take the plunge into low-caps now I know that
  18. Let me know how the ASG mags are once you've used them a bit please mate. Been interested in some of the them, but the price is a put off and an attraction at the same time
  19. Is there an airsoft version of the Benelie M3 with the shotgun style ( no pistol grip) stock, and ghost ring sights?

    1. AirsoftTed


      preferably that is shell fed and tri shot lol

    2. AK47frizzle


      DE M56AL is probably the closest you'll get, just do some DIy to fit another stock, I believe in you.

  20. Cav, is that a normal PRR or a gutted one fitted with PMR446 gubbins? Liking the hats, guessing you're a collector ?
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