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Unreal Warfare

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Unreal Warfare last won the day on August 13 2022

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    G&G Armament CM16 Predator
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  1. I recently took up model painting and came across Biostrip which you can freely get from Element Games for around £10-£18 (tub size dependant). I haven't tested it on anything other than plastic models and Acrylic paints but it doesnt damage the models, works prety fast and is really easy to use. Worth a punt maybe as it's relatively harmless to use compared to some other stuff people may suggest.
  2. If you’re asked to wear an armband on your arm by the Marshalls running the site and you then, without Marshall permission, remove said armband from your arm, to your leg or elsewhere, then you’re cheating and gaining an unfair disadvantage over others who are playing fairly by the rules. Simple.
  3. Received a new pair of Revision Sawfly Glasses in the post today. Lost the clear and tinted lenses on my old pair that I had and couldn’t remember what model they were to replace them (they were Revision but weren’t Sawfly) so just bought a new pair with all lenses etc for £25. Bargain! A more comfortable fit & more versatile than my Bolle Trackers. Hopefully won’t fog as much either.
  4. G&G CM16 Predator - with Bigfoot Angled Foregrip & Feyachi Red Dot Sight
  5. If you’re the kinda player that isn’t afraid to drop prone then mags on your belly isn’t really the one. It’s uncomfortable and also more difficult to access your kit. Even more so if you’re rocking a bit of a dad bod. Best off wearing them as they should be worn. If you’re a larger player, don’t worry about what others think. We’re all just crazy larping cosplayers who like to shoot each other at the end of the day anyway.
  6. My first Airsoft game day (mostly borrowed kit from friends, the assault vest is mine though) vs my owned load out as of today (pic was taken today and posted in another thread).
  7. Probably see a hundred multi-cam load outs a week, but this is my first load out (on a budget) so basic, universal & cheap was my general goal to get started.
  8. Always been the same marshal giving the rules brief. Don’t know his name though.
  9. Outdoor. It was the first time I’d gone and they’d openly stated it during the rules brief mind. They’d never stated it the times I’d gone before.
  10. Skirmish Nottingham disallowed recording the last time I went (last month).
  11. Anyone got any experience with using mag couplers in Airsoft games? Did you find any advantages/disadvantages to using them? Do you feel that it improved your experience in any way?
  12. If it's your first and you are hell bent on G&G only then a lot of my friends recommended a Wildhog to me as a not too expensive weapon with ETU and Mosfet etc (around £200 - £250 depending on where you buy from) which allowed me to budget for 2 extra mags, 2 batteries, a charger, weapon case etc also (do make sure to figure those into your budget if it is your first weapon, you're probably looking at least £50-100 extra on top of the weapon itself)). I went to a physical store to get hands on and a feel for the weapon and ended up spending a little more and getting a G&G Predator personally, which has pretty much the same features but just looked a bit cooler more than anything else. There's the CM16 variant which is polymer body and the GC16 variant which is steel body (if I recall correctly). You'd probably want to change the stock as batteries can be a bit of a tight fit (though they will fit if you get the right type). It felt nice and comfortable, and has a nice fire rate. I am sure more experienced players here will be able to give you a whole range of diverse information and maybe even recommend better brands or models, but as a new player this was my experience purchasing a new G&G weapon personally. I definitely recommend going into a store and getting some hands on if you are able to.
  13. My friends who I play with said they didn’t enjoy Phoenix either. I’ve never been myself so don’t have an opinion either way personally.
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