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Everything posted by Skullchewer

  1. I am available to merc, for the right price......
  2. Twat

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    2. Skullchewer


      This is what happens when I lend this dickweavil my tag launcher




    3. Druid799


      Very 1st game I ever saw TAG’s used was my best mate as well(says a lot about us and the not-rights we hang about with ?) 

      any hoo 1st shot he launches the round at a wooden ‘fort’ it zips over the wall out of site hear a boom and a scream then marshals shouting “guns down !” We look at each other with a “oh feck!” Look on our faces , then see two marshals escorting a player out of the fort , game back on can’t be that bad ?

      Game over back to safezone and see said player sat at his table trying to light a fag but unable too because he was STILL shaking too much !😳

      apparently the shell arced over the wall and impacted and then exploded on the mag well of his M4 and gave him a’ bit of a fright’ 😱😈, after that amendment to pyro rules all tag rounds could only be fired at targets with a direct line of sight ! 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Skullchewer


      Bloody hell! Red Alert the rule is indirect fire, lobbed. 

  3. This'll be the one I was coveting at Graham's yesterday then? 😉
  4. A little footage from today's Jubilee game, to an appropriately patriotic soundtrack
  5. Deadly Customs. My belt, and all the Kydex on it, is DC, and I bloody love it.
  6. Sadly that would require evike to send another shell launcher. If only. Oh wait, no. I get you. Sorry, long day, really tired.
  7. I just got this. Winners of dumbest shipping company ever....
  8. Remember this? After weeks of harassing my by email I sent UPS a shitty email on Friday, informing them I had already sent them my UKARA, twice, and no way I was paying that import tax, so they may as well keep the launcher shell, have fun with it. I bought one I found on a UK site last week anyway... UPS delivered my shell launcher today, and I've not paid a penny in tax 🤣
  9. Boomstick replacement time
  10. It's so nice that everyone is honest about it in this thread. I chuckle so much when people get all fussy about their scopes.
  11. This is good advice, and the lads at Bespoke are well nice.
  12. Yes mate, whipped my phone out while you had your back turned when we were on defense.
  13. I mostly stay away from the M4 platform too. Just a personal preference. I have, among other things, a Krytac Vector and I love it. Pros: Looks different Fun to shoot Very customisable For the past 3 years it has been VERY reliable Maneuverable in confined situations Cons: Mag sizes. 120 round mags, or smaller, or a drum Mag pouches. Finding pouches for a Vector mag can be a pain. I've gone kydex, from Deadly customs as their kydex SMG holsters take Vector and KQA smg mags (I also have a KWA QRF MOD2) Upgrading: I have never opened mine up, I run it stock, but I hear people hate working on them as they are so different to other RIFs internally (Luke Neg Air won't even touch them) Weight. For a "CQB SMG" it's pretty heavy. Not awkward and cumbersome, but it's not as light as it looks. Overall I really enjoy my vector, and it is a head turner of a gun. Can't speak to the AUG, never used or owned one. Vector in action. Also: Welcome back.
  14. I don't think you can casually drop taking a glaive to they eye into a conversation without explaining the circumstances.
  15. No, none the wiser mate. What is intended to actually do, because from your video all I am seeing really is a glorified stopwatch. Not trying to shit on it, just not understanding what this is.
  16. Red Alert again yesterday, with @Sneaky Great sportsmanship all day, and really excellent hit taking all round. Was chatting to the staff afterwards and I commented on this, and they confirmed there had been one complaint throughout the day, and that was a bout a rental kid who didn't know hand shots counted (Really mate?) And the vein in my head was about ready to pop from running around in the heat.
  17. Looking around and the Golden Eagle gas models are still catching my eye 🤥 Anyone else got any experience with a GE gas shotgun, specifically do they suffer from much leaking issues?
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