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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. Try putting in the classified section👍


    1. newcollector


      Hi...just checked and it seems to be in the classified section i think...cheers 


  2. As above ⬆️ plus call your hits!! 🙂 Regards
  3. FIBUA. Tibua sound like it should be in your leg. 😉 Regards
  4. That's a coincidence. I had ribs tonight. Luverly jubbly.😊
  5. But where are the previous owners 🤔
  6. OK well I will see your portal and raise you a vectrex games console from milton bradely games(mb) I have one that still works and it was,I believe,the first all in one games machine with its own black and white screen.
  7. Shamal

    TM MP7 GBB

    That sounds like scotty on the starship enterprise. 😆
  8. 17 eh? What's your job? I'm late sixties and I bet I could outwork you all day long. Don't bother being honest cause you still got baby eyes. You know nothing of real life yet but you will learn. 😉 Regards
  9. Prostitutes,guns and takeaways is a good.place to start. Never hurt me...oops gotta go wife's just got in........
  10. Isn't that the antichythera clock mech? Prob spelt it wrong
  11. Niiice! But can you look down sights with it on. 🤔 Regards
  12. Yeah I did have a.pill for that. It was called sildanafil nitrate and it caused a stroke! Lol Zx spectrum 18k. Wow! They are worth some money now. I remember hours and hours of typing in basic command lines just for a game of ping pong lol. Or getting a game on cassette tape and waiting hours for it to load and then the leccy would go and FUCK!! Start again 😄 How it's all changed..... Regards
  13. Fair enough. I've always been a fan of the m9. Had the rs years ago.its just the roundness and 'I mean business' appeal of it. Just picked up the full auto here on the forum. Regards
  14. I have an amiga a500? In the loft somewhere and a commodore 64. Plus bags and bags of 31/2 inch floppies lol
  15. Young in mind old in body that's me. Lol Regards
  16. Shamal

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hi 👋 I think that goes for most charging handles. I know mine are like that. Regards
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