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Everything posted by leadly

  1. I'm running 0.32's in my MTW at the moment. I'm going to keep that my weight for more urban sites and progress to 0.36's and maybe eventually 0.4's for woodland bush time! Me and my mate tested our MTW's side by side at 65m (actual metres measured with a range finder), which I think equates to nearly 85 Airsoft metres. I used 0.32 and he used 0.36's and We both hit the same measured tree at 65m. My shots were just starting to fall a little where as his were still going fairly straight. Some.of my tighter mates are still running 0.2's in their AEG's. These are by no coincidence the same friends that bitch and moan EVERY SINGLE BLOODY GAME that people aren't calling HIT at 14 miles away! 😂That got a bit ranty there but atleast it stayed roughly to the topic of BB's...... Edit: The one good thing about 0.32 though is the price of a bottle is about £15 for 3300, then the big jumps start with any weight after that!
  2. Brilliant video, used it last night to striped and mostly rebuild the hammer! Had a spring go walkies, frantically searched for half an hour, gave up then discovered it had rebounded off the wall, and hidden itself under the packet the new hammer came in! Wanted to cry for so many reasons! I had a question, in the shares video, the very nice man is able to push the hammer down by hand (obviously with the upper removed) and then pull the trigger to make it reset. I tried this and it didn't work, this is why I lost my spring because I started pulling it back apart. However, I tested it on my other AAP and that won't reset either unless I've got the upper on. Is this correct? There's sod all wrong with my second pistol so ???
  3. Ah it was more in the general sense of what function does the part that has broken actually do? I've ordered the CNC hammer and TTI trigger anyway. I couldn't find an appropriate bearing in stock anywhere but they were coming up around £8 anyway, plus postage, call it £10 minimum. Nearly half the cost of the new hammer. I'm having a CQB affair with my Hi Capa at the moment anyway so the AAP SMG won't be missed too much while I'm waiting for bits. Ordered all the bits and bobs that Waldos Customs sells for the AAP. Short stroke buffers, springs and things!!
  4. But then how do you justify being addicted to chaffles? Asking for a friend!!
  5. It does make me wonder how people make it through a skirmish on a hot day! I'm sat there swigging on my 5 litre bottle of council pop while everyone else is smashing monsters and bottles of fizz! Love a cheeky lucazade sport as well!
  6. As this is my SMG build I'll not be using it in the CTM holster anyway! When comparing to my other pistol, it looks like the part that has snapped off (a little lug) allows the bearing rotor to pivot around it. Are you @Skararecommending I just fit a round bearing rotor that Google showed as compatible with Glocks to fix this issue? Can anyone tell me what this bearing does or is responsible for? Cheers RIch
  7. Well, my shopping basket at Airsoftworld is getting bigger by the day! I 100% need the CNC hammer, so that's not up for debate. However I'm torn between which trigger to get! The TTI or the AA? The only obvious difference is the safety on the AA, which I do like the look of aesthetically but functionally isn't really a requirement. Any thoughts? I've not had my AAP SMG in bits yet to investigate the damage but I assume that I'll find it's definitely the hammer and nothing else? Probably should be a grown up and check before I order! Edit: Did an adult, Small chunk missing from the back of the hammer, I assume it stops that spinny bit spinning? I'll go look at my other AAP to see what it should operate like!
  8. Oh yes I've been looking at those fire selectors but the I don't tend to use it on full auto! However my local CQB site does do Full auto Friday on the last Friday of the month so never say never. Although my MTW would probably be more suited and not die after going brrrrrrrr all night long!
  9. Waaaaaaah!! It's died! I filled my drum mag with balls so I could waste the gas responsibly before I HPA tapped it. Had a few shots on semi and then bbbbbbbrrrrrrr, empties itself on full auto! Pulled the mag out, popped it back in, racked it and yup, fires in full auto all by itself! What done broke?
  10. Glad to see someone has done a video on this! Hopefully it'll help someone other than myself! Roll on payday!!
  11. @Adolf Hamster "If you've got the drop on them from a few feet and you're aiming for headshots might be part of the reason folk are getting annoyed, jus' puttin it out there" I think you've missed my point slightly mate. I was being blamed by my own team for something that had nothing to do with me!
  12. Ah yes the F2000, my favourite Jet ski shaped weapon! I've learnt, or rather just had the point reinforced that people just love to moan. (The irony) Much like the comments about HPA users, the daggers I receive when I'm rocking my MTW and KMCS is hilarious! Someone catches a head shot and dosn't see where it came from? "Probably that cunt in a ghillie" Someone gets over killed but dosn't see where it came from? "Probably that HPA Ghillie cunt". Totally disregard the fact that I'm on their side and hiding a few feet away from them 😂 I like to combat this with extreme politeness and asking how their day is going! 😂
  13. Payday this Friday, so I'm tempted not pick up a TDC kit from Airtac! Should make fine tuning my AAP SMG a damn sight easier!
  14. All bushed up at Matlock the other weekend with my MTW. Removed some of the red / brown leaves since. This is the inner speed softer trying to get out! 😂 Got extra speed from having my Hi Capa on me!
  15. I mean, I've only been playing Airsoft for just over a year but is this an actual thing? I'm in a separate "Airsoft" WhatsApp group with the few lads from "our lot" what actually play Airsoft, plus a lad from work who I've managed to brainwash into spunking all his money on toy guns. Apart from that, the most organisation we see is trying to get us all to turn up on the same day, who's driving and which McDonald's were meeting at in the morning! I'm fully aware people all get something totally different out of the sport / hobby, but didn't quite realise it could become quite so intense as this appears to be!
  16. Now i can see that being very popular, especially with thos that want to DMR it! Ive just seen Airsoft world have now got stock of the Action Army adjustable trigger. Might pick one up for my AAP SMG!
  17. Used my AAP SMG with drum mag and tracer tonight for a few games! at my local CQB site. I have to say i was considering getting rid but after removing my sight and putting a tracer on, it totally transformed how I used it! Really chuffed with how it performed......until my Hi Capa came out with my new MP5 adapter and then it got chucked back in my bag!
  18. Well I hadn't even noticed the sling point located underneath until now!! Looks pretty good with the Nov supressor on as well!!
  19. Definitely worth a few wraps of PTFE tape around the bucking. In my experience too little and it won't do the job, too much and you might struggle getting the locking collar to slide inside the hop unit. 2 - 3 nice full wraps around seemed to work best! I dug my VSR out a few weekends ago after a good few months of solely using and cuddling my MTW. I forgot how much fun it was to snipe! I really must learn to share the love around a little more 😂 Oh and shooting people with my MK23 and them not seeing me from 15 feet away, pure bliss!!
  20. I got a jacket and trousers in Jigsaw but the jacket was too heavy for me to run around in, so my Mrs pinched it. Goes well with leggings and a pair of Doc's apparently 😂
  21. *Google's M83 Alpenflage* Ok, now I must buy M83 Apenflage! Mind I need to get some use out of my Belgium Jigsaw trousers first!
  22. Well it's was like Christmas yesterday! My Primary Airsoft Hi Capa / MP5 adapter and Xcortech Tracer unit arrived. Plus an extra stubby 65 round MP5 mag courtesy of @EDcase. Had a play but then my feeding nozzle broke so nipping over to Hi Capa Hub shortly to get an uprated one.
  23. My tracer unit arrived today so hopefully I'll be able to see where my AAP SMG is slinging BB's at the CQB site on Friday. Unfortunately I've fallen in love with my Hi Capa and have bought it lots of gifts! If I don't get on with the AAP SMG I may get rid and just keep my camo one!
  24. A few of my mates run Scorpion Evo's and absolutely swear by them! They aesthetically don't do it for me but might be worth a gander!
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