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Everything posted by alxndrhll

  1. It'll be a rough approximation of a Blood Diamond/BHD carbine (more Blood Diamond than BHD to start with, but it's not particularly hard to transition it over), but keeping some modern conveniences... namely a BCM pistol grip, a larger trigger guard and an adjustable 2-point sling. B5 Systems (Brownells) repro CAR-15 stock Skinny handguards Carry handle rail Aimpoint Comp M2 repro (will pick up a real one at some point because I highly doubt the repro will hold zero for more than 10 seconds) Surefire 6P thrown in a modified repro Weaver barrel mount 607 moderator (being made up by the same person who is doing the graft) Essentially it'll be this, but remove flat top upper/optic and replace with carry handle upper/carry handle mounted optic and swap out the muzzle device. TLDR I guess I'm going from the modern flavour of mayo, to the 'retro' version flavour of mayo 🤷‍♂️.
  2. Very much intended as a placeholder set up, but it’s growing on me slowly but surely despite how mayo it is… but my turn in the queue to get the carry handle graft done on my ‘spare’ upper is fast approaching so I’m not sure it’s got much time left as is.
  3. I can’t help it that my smooth brain can’t understand it 😔.
  4. That’s fair, come to think of it I can probably come up with a fair few hobbies where it’s the ‘retail therapy’ side of things that folks are into more than the thing you’ve bought them to do. With that said, I still don’t understand it at all! I wish I could put my old fart hat on and blame it all on social media, but it’s been the same for as long as I can remember so I dare say that isn’t it.
  5. The folks that dip out before a day is over (or the 'Photo Ops' as I call them). Show up, get their photos to show they were there, contribute very little to game(s) and then disppear early citing a whole number of reasons ranging from injuries to 'the entire other team are cheating'. Just never understood it, and if I was to be leaving early I'd absolutely be getting a refund before I did. I'm aware there are absolutely cases where there is an entirely valid reason, and I'm not talking about those. But especially since all the pandemic restrictions lifted I feel like there are half the people remaining at the end of the day than what there were at the start, seemingly irrelevant of the site. It's been touched on by a few folks, but this is one of the only... perhaps the only hobby I've had where people seem to have it as a hobby, but not actually like playing the game 🤷‍♂️.
  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Hi folks, Have a pair of TAC-41 mags up for grabs. Entirely unused, only took them out of the box to take the photos. Looking for £25 for the pair including fees and postage. Please note that I'm currently limiting myself to one post run per week, these tend to fall on Wednesdays.


    Sale, Greater Manchester - GB

  7. Based on everything you've said here I'd pop up a wanted thread on here for the specific CYMA AK(s) you'd landed on and just a have little patience (which I know is very hard to do when you've just got your defence sorted). Seems to me you've landed on the right answer for you and you're trying to find a new answer which you can obtain quicker by throwing money at it, but this new answer isn't actually right for you at this point in time. Food for thought I guess. I don't have any experience with the essential line, but was impressed by the E&L that my one up for sale on here started life as before being gutted and having a fortune thrown at it. In my, albeit limited, experience with AKs the cost your paying has more of an impact on the quality of the externals than it does the quality of the internals. At this point in time outside of a select few RIFs (namely, some Marui's) I expect to be swapping out a hop bucking as a bare minimum when picking up a new RIF to get a small bump in the weight of BB I can use and E&L was no different to a CYMA in that respect.
  8. Stock NGRS barrels are 275mm (for the most part) if memory serves so my best guess is that 🤣
  9. I'm not quite sure what you were expecting when fitting a 9.3" rail on a 10.5" outer barrel? The repro SureFire cans need the clearance so the QD works properly, granted they're too chunky to sit 'in' the rail. Entirely subjective at the end of the day, I think snug to rail/'internally suppressed' looks decidedly wank so I like having rail - outer barrel - suppressor... granted I'm not sure I've ever bothered with a suppressor on a GBBR. It's just extra weight and length at the front for zero gain.
  10. I imagine the temperature will have a lot to say in whether you're within the limits, so make sure you have a variety of pressured gasses with you/fit an NPAS to avoid disappointment at the chrono.
  11. Not that it makes a particularly big/any difference to what's being asked, but in the interest of ensuring accurate information the stock barrel in all versions of the MWS is 250mm.
  12. I dare say you need to elaborate a bit given how vague this is, but reading between the lines I'm assuming you're asking about the 'right' length of a HAO MK16 rail? Either is fine, if you're sticking with a 10.5" outer barrel I'd go for the 9.3, if you're picking up an 11.5" barrel from HAO while you're there then the 10.5 is fine. Unless you're fucking about with the internals you're running a 250mm inner barrel in either case, so ultimately it's what do you like the look of more 🤷‍♂️.
  13. Stacking up mounts like that will land you at pretty much the same height, if not higher. I'd suggest you look at things of this ilk, they come in a variety of lengths and heights from a variety of brands.
  14. Depended on how heavy I had it loaded, I found they’d cut in a bit on the top edge (closest to my neck) without pads if I was running a lot of kit. When I used pads it was the BFG ones I used if memory serves, but these strap sock things are probably the best solution I’ve tried to date. Bit of padding for the shoulders, and rounds off the edge of the uncovered pads to prevent any neck rubbing (granted I always have my neck covered with a gaiter or balaclava nowadays).
  15. Aye, I’ve had a Slickster in the past (and another FCPCv5) both very comfy. The shoulder design on the FCPCv5 takes it for me, only got rid of my last one to downsize because since I’ve downsized it felt just too big at a large. I’ve always sat in between medium and large plates, usually going for large for availability reasons as much as anything, so it’s nice to not be straddling the middle anymore.
  16. The Unity risers (be that real deal or PTS version) are a great height for me on the rare ocassion I use my Dye mask. As long as you're in the region of a 2" centreline I imagine you're good to go assuming you're running what I'd call a 'normal' stock i.e. no massive cheek risers. Lower 1/3 co-witness is somewhere between 1.6"-1.75" centreline (I've read/heard a variety of numbers so it doesn't seem to be a consistent figure), so a half inch riser under a lower 1/3 should see you right if you feel you need a bump but can't be bothered forking out for a Unity/Unity repro.
  17. An extremely gratuitous few purchases, but ones I’m over the moon with: Ferro Concepts FCPCv5 Ferro Concepts Assault Cummerbund Ferro Concepts Strap Socks (I reckon these have been updated with a bit more padding than the last set I had, big fan) Ferro Concepts TEAR Front Panel AXL Advanced Admin Zipper Esstac KYWI 5.56 Full Size Spiritus Systems Small GP Pouch Trident Gear Training Plates - Swimmer Cut Extremely comfortable, breathes nicely, the cummerbund is superb and the front panel might be my favourite looking one to date alongside taking mags very nicely without feeling like I need to attach the bungees.
  18. It was actually the other way round I’ll have you know! 👀😂 Started off the day using the Dye mask, couldn’t see shit courtesy of the rain so went back to the safe zone to swap out eye/face pro and figured I might as well swap out toys while I was there! (This was also pre fitting the B-18 so the red dot was up front, looks cool as shit… but in practical terms didn’t get on with it at all 😂)
  19. Ta for the heads up, looks like I managed to successfully camera dodge for the duration I was there. Photos from my first game back following restrictions lifting went up today from the Dagger Woods lot though. Can always rely on photos, to remind you how old you're getting... I'll be sticking to the helmet from now on I reckon, keep those greys under wraps 😅.
  20. Fuckin' 'ell, hahahaha! Not sure I entirely/at all agree with the 'sniper' sentiment. Horses for courses I guess but while a well set up bolty can out range RIFs which have to abide low FPS/joule limits I don't tend to think you can make them much/any more accurate than them. Depends on playstyle I guess, but I much prefer not having to walk shit in and land my first 2 shots with a relative degree of certainty. Fuck me! When you said double stacked riser I assumed you meant double rail riser, not full on double stacked mounts.
  21. Aye, I gathered the parts across a few months and almost hadn't realised how wince enducing the total was until pricing it up for the listing. I guess the whole 'exact setup they want' was largely was I was eluding to with the 'typical jazzed up Krink' statement. Excluding a stock it has literally everything you could put on a Krink from their catalogue on it, and all the parts from stock to remove anything that wasn't wanted. So it's kind of pretty much as deep as you can go unless you're after adjustable LoP or just like the look/feel of the Zenit stocks. Fingers crossed, with that said I'm in the fortunate position of not being in a huge rush hence the lack of willingness to split or drop it at fire sale prices. Obviously listing it in the hope it'll sell, but I've certainly been more keen to have somethign shifted quickly in the past... and had to price accordingly.
  22. Not unreasonable, but I also wonder if that's more down to the effort involved in getting there than it is because folks don't want them. Could well just be my bias though, dripped out AKs always garner a lot of attention. I know I get a lot of questions about it when I've used it. Which largely leads in to the next bit in regard to the fettling and machining to fit, which I can tell you first hand isn't notably cheap to have done right. Had it not been for me being notably brutal now in terms of keeping my collection to what I actually used I'd definitely be holding onto it, but seeing RIFs not getting used just makes me sad... and I know this one will sit on a shelf because I'm a boring mayo AR guy and I simply have to accept who I am.
  23. Aaaaaaand up it goes, thanks for the responses folks.
  24. Aye, as noted in the initial post I've sold enough 'high end' RIFs to know how to sell them at a decent pace and where the perceived value generally sits. On actual costs the £800 I'm enquiring about here is probably not far off 50% of what the build cost in total rather than the regular 60-70%. Lands in a weird spot between niche and 'typical' in terms of an externally jazzed up Krink, given the general limitations of what you can actually do to them. Ultimately I don't want to be sat on a bunch of furniture fielding the never ending flood of 'will this fit on [insert something which isn't the exact RIF they're currently on here]'. The nature of AKs is that I can't honestly answer that question with 100% accuracy/honesty even is the RIF in question is another E&L AK. For those which have left a comment, noting it'd go easier split up, does £800 seem fair for what's on offer? Pricing things like this always feels like a bit of a nightmare... but I know the moment you pop up a RIF on here for anything above £400ish without explanation 9 times out a 10 you're ending up on Mack's within an hour.
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