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Everything posted by joshcowin

  1. drolls over keyboard that front finishes it off lovely
  2. hi their anyone got any info on krytac aegs not heard much about them but the specs seem to be okay. any help appreciated thanks
  3. Deek you can stay sunday night we did it before
  4. Hi bright candle what do you need to know and i will help you out? You can get their any time friday from 11 am and leave as late as many nday morning if you like (bank holiday) games start saturday morning finish at 5:30 ish then theirs a few night games on from 8-midnight then sunday morning the same as saturday cheers
  5. Nice one i just need to sort a lift out as the lad i was supposed to go probably wont be going due to money issues. So if anyone has a spare place in their car and dont mind me hopping in and getting a lift back that would be great i will pay petrol money and supply beers.im from leicester by the way 5 mins from the m1 cheers
  6. Hi all just thought id post up asking whos going to the national airsoft event at the end of August not been for 2 years now and really looking forward to it any takers? Thanks
  7. I wish they would just stop with the ebb bull just stick a v2 in their
  8. "I heard that ive you take the internals out of the gas mag then put bullets in it then it will fire like a real gun" 😩
  9. awesome day at grange farm yesterday well thought out and raised £2100 for help for heroes

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Good on ya all raising that amount for charity

  10. really enjoyed yesterdays game not played that well in a long time,deffo need more mags for my scar h though

  11. I've been 2 years on the trot 11 and 12 both were good games 11 was better in gameplay wise but 12 was better on the social side.i would always say go for secondary objectives plenty of players still but not 600v600 the end of the day they bring all the players into the town and it's carnage but they do that too keep everyone together ,night games are very good but hard as its such a huge site it's easy to get lost
  12. seen this today http://your.asda.com/news-and-blogs/3d-printing-on-tour some guy went in his airsoft gear and got 3d printed looked awesome
  13. has anyone used gamersgate to buy pc games never heard of them before

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lt Earholes

      Lt Earholes

      I used it about 2 years ago as the game I wanted was cheaper then steam, had no problems at all.

      Can't comment if it's gone down hill since tho.

    3. proffrink


      Come on guys, don't be that dumb: The 'gamergate' controversy is something completely different to gamersgate.com (the company). Gamersgate is a CD key reseller and they're fine to use, josh.

    4. Mack


      If your after cheap games, ill personally recommend Kinguin and G2A. never let me down


  14. Bluestone 42 season 3 soon yeahhh

  15. Tms or we are the way forward in pistols imo.i had a we and a tm g17 both worked a treat had to upgrade the tm before putting green gas through it though
  16. so after my first time at the tower ive got to say it was awesome,they have demolished half of it but its still huge

  17. anyone know where these went cant find them anywhere for some reason. thanks
  18. Lookinf forward to my first indoor game in 2 years and at the towers aswell for the first time,excited

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. joshcowin
    3. Happy


      Wow. Yeah I think I'll stick to MAW for weekends (£15 prebooked) and MCG The Gaols Wednesday gas/spring nights (also £15 but a half day).

    4. joshcowin


      I would go maw more often but it's getting their for me as I don't drive and I live the other side of leicester

  19. I'm not sure on length but all 6 mm barrels will fit as its the inside dimension that's measured have a looks t mad bull barrels very good and not really their fairly easy to fit
  20. so after firing my mp9 for the first time ive realized that its loud very loud

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      And very awesome.

    2. joshcowin


      yes very and i found mags for it

  21. I used 2 1450 7.4 lipos for 3000bbs and had plenty of charge left
  22. Anyone going to the towers this Saturday? Will be their for the first time
  23. A kwa mp9 with spare mag Gas Mechanix gloves A single point sling and bbs
  24. Id recommend the we scar i had one and it worked flawlasly fired the whole mag no problem and all in all a lovely rifle mags are easily available admittly some do leak but not too much as long as you keep maintaining the internals of the gun free of dirt and keep it oiled most gas guns will work well
  25. no one can be happy with the current government their about as much use as a chocolate teapot,labour if you are foreign and ukip if your a racist,simples
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