G&G cm16 (as a back up)
guarder replica stab vest
mil-com black boots
iphone atacs case
some moral patches
black belt
black m16 pouches
black trousers with knee protection on
I used to use baw and they wernt bad,then i used zero ones but their not the best as the accuarcy is low,i bought a bag of madbull bios and i found 6 bad bbs,the others were brillient though.now i only use blasters.they are the way forward
mine is
k/d 0.809
kill assist:192
score per min:232
longest head shot:1034m
longest colatteral:726m and 728m
most stars on one weapon:m249 11 stars
i mainly play as recon and support and when i play recon i even go indoors running round with a sv98 with iron sights on,since bf have done this rent a server thing they have ruined the game for hardcore players,its so annoying joining a game and getting kicked because they are boosting
first of all i wouldnt recommend buying of them as the guns are awful and made from cheap plastic,the best thing to do is keep badgering them and keep ringing until they do give you a discount.mind you 20% on their isnt alot of savings
i have a leopard gecko and i feed it 3 to 4 live crickets every 2 to 3 days. its quite funny seeing a stupid crckets run under the log where hes lying and this massive mouth comes out and eats it in 2 bites
When i was in america i had i 42oz steak but not for breakfast that was like a herd of cattle.
im happy that im finally a sniper and can stalk the enemy (noobs)
how finius has created the longest thread and that marksman has more posts than the mods and has way too much time on his hands ha ha. And waiting for a parcel to turn up