Hi their after a using this gun for a short while and a couple of game days i feel the need to right a review for this gun. Im not going to bore you with all the real steel facts just a straight up review.
make: we
weight:3.6 kg
mag: 350 rd midcap
After getting my ukara sorted i was looking for a gun that wasn't the usual m4,after a trip up to jd airsoft and coming out £365 out of my wallet i came out with a scar h aeg in tan. After plinking round the house i took it to its first skirmish and my god is this gun good,the range with 0.30 bbs it was shooting 60+ metres with ease and with a tight grouping aswell,after the chrono which came out at 314fps. after we had a couple of games got plenty of kills and got to use the gun on full auto (certain areas of the site don't allow it) which shot with a decent rate of fire but no gear stripper (around 17rps).
the first niggle came after the first 2 games i noticed the outer barrel came loose i found out how it did (front bottom rail screw holds it) and used the star screw that is held in the fake gas block.im not going to go drabbling on but i will put up the good and bad points of this gun.
if you need any info please feel free to reply on here.
good points:
very well made and sturdy
very easy to strip down
good accuracy and range
well priced
can take m4 mags if needed
bad points:
no other 7.62 x 51 mags fit due to the bb feed being in the middle of the mag
no midcaps as of yet
a slight wobble on the stock