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  1. Like
    John_W got a reaction from LMKipper in What Was the Best Site ( or Sites ) You Have Ever Played on That No Longer Exist and What Made it/Them SO Special?   
    +1 On Lightfighter Sheffield. Brilliant site and quite spooky in places. The old medical centre in the dark reminded me of playing Doom 3.
  2. Like
    John_W reacted to EDcase in Ups Holding RIF Parts....   
    So where do you live? ... Wonderland? 😄
    We're just thankful we don't live in Aus 😬
    That's truly ridiculous legislation
  3. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Badgerlicious in Missing Innovation?   
    Airsoft has moved on a bit in the 18 years I have been playing. Hop technology has improved over the standard single nub. Mosfets have become fairly standard. The biggest change has been batteries. Compare a LiPo with a NiCad for size. 
    I think what we are seeing is slow and steady rather than big jumps.
    For me, modularity and tolerances would be a big thing. A lot of us see swimming as a bit of a dark art. Being able to upgrade a gearbox easily would be a benefit. I did use a Modify modular gearset a few years back, and being able to drop the gears in pre shimmed in a cage was very easy.
  4. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Well, the Aussies Are F***ed....   
    As long as we're aware that compliant doesn't mean with a 0.2g plastic BB. It's "any missile" that the State wants to drop in there, up to a steel or lead BB, with the hop off.  And HPA "tournament locks" are nice for game days, but they don't alter what the toy is "capable of".
    On the issue of realistic imitation firearms, we're skating on ice thinner than a politician's promise. Airsoft is a defence for purchasing only because of a Home Office advisory circular with no name on it.  That could end at any moment without even secondary, let alone primary, legislation.
    Don't find excuses not to play while we can, is the nub of my gist.
  5. Like
    John_W reacted to Tommikka in Well, the Aussies Are F***ed....   
    Ditto for paintball and the UKPSF
    Unseen they deal with the Home Office and police, occasionally seen they deal with the media (A retraction from the Sun, even though it was a tiny corner of the paper), getting official testing recognising a non standard projectile, formal Home Office response on paintball vs the VCRA, getting paintball named in Covid guidance and providing support to sites on covid requirements etc
    Support the people who support your hobbies 
  6. Like
    John_W reacted to ThisKillaDT in Be Careful Boys Gals   
    Just tested positive for COVID 19!
    hope it doesn’t get deleted as I have some important info! 
    I started with sick and poops a week last Friday! Nothing more nothing less,
    Saturday night woke with pain in my neck and shoulders, when I woke up and walked to the toilet my calves were really tight!
    sunday, got tested slight confusion and sweats!
    Today! Monday!
    100% better. Positive result given!
    at no point did I test over 36.6 in temp! Over the past two weeks had lows of 34.4 and my mrs the past week!
    but nothing as hot as they say! 
    had a cough but put down to being asthmatic and going from hot to cold! 
    people my experience is not bad at all! 
    it varies and I may not have gone through it yet. 
    if your ill get checked! 
    luckily for me I am in a position where I don’t have to depend on my income so I had the whole of last week off! 
    imagine if I went back after the 4 day guideline for the poops! 
    please be careful and if your feeling anything other than you are normally! 
    ISOLATE GET A TEST, use the time to build or fix your stuff!
    I prey my experience is the same for everyone!
    im currently looking for a feed nip righting screw and spring for my action army vsr hop up I lost last week. 
    I have 10 guns to repair 
  7. Haha
    John_W reacted to Musica in The Quality of Photos in 2nd Hand Sales Adverts , or More Precisely Lack of Quality !   
    It's to show you how it "could" look. Like how they put clothes on a manequin  to show them off. Argueably a gun with no attachments is NSFW because it's naked.
  8. Like
    John_W reacted to Shamal in The Quality of Photos in 2nd Hand Sales Adverts , or More Precisely Lack of Quality !   
    What puts me in Hulk mode is when they say "does not include optics or bi pod or sling oh and the light is extra if you want it"
    Please take them off before taking pic.
  9. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in The Quality of Photos in 2nd Hand Sales Adverts , or More Precisely Lack of Quality !   
  10. Haha
    John_W reacted to Sitting Duck in The Quality of Photos in 2nd Hand Sales Adverts , or More Precisely Lack of Quality !   
    ***** SOLD  *****
    Gun 4 sale
    works (i fink)

    PM me
  11. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in The Quality of Photos in 2nd Hand Sales Adverts , or More Precisely Lack of Quality !   
    Blurred photos means a lazy seller, which generally means that you'll get some "lol m8 thnx 4 interust but i dunno wut paypal n postage wil b ill get back 2 u" message.
    The amount of stuff that I've not bought 2nd hand would keep Steve Glennie in hookers and blackjack money for life.
  12. Haha
    John_W reacted to Akuma121 in The Quality of Photos in 2nd Hand Sales Adverts , or More Precisely Lack of Quality !   
    Better yet the gun is caked in mud or general filth.
    Like how hard is it to not be a dirty bastard and give your shit a quick 2 sec wipe down before uploading photos of it? nobody is going to buy your stuff when it looks like it's been used as an entrenching tool.
  13. Like
    John_W reacted to Jedi_Master in Cunning or Cheating?   
    Cheating cunt.  If his pistol is out of the holster he is fair target. Dead man walking has hand raised (or red flag) and weapons out of hands/holstered.
  14. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Nick G in Sbs   
  15. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Druid799 in Sbs   
  16. Haha
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in Sbs   
  17. Haha
    John_W reacted to 2MT Paul in Sbs   
    Could work in all this rain.....
  18. Haha
    John_W reacted to Nick G in Sbs   
    So now that the SBS are in the public eye after freeing the hostages on the Nave Andromeda in double quick time, who is going to be first to turn up to a game in wetsuit and flippers ? 🤣
  19. Like
    John_W reacted to Asomodai in The Latest Bullpup Pre-order. Its Not the Silverback Mdr.   
    This one has come out of the blue. A Keltec RDB17 made in partnership with EMG and Ares. It's a shame its not the RFB DMR which I am more of aware of. 
    I might hit up Redwolf UK and put in for a Pre-Order. 
    Basically it seems like its going to be very similar internally to my Ares Soc-AR. EFCS, I imagine its the same V6 a-like gearbox with angled motor.

  20. Like
    John_W reacted to BigStew in Well, the Aussies Are F***ed....   
    again that required a change in the law and had overwhelming cross party support. the protection airsofter have at the moment can literally be taken away on a whim of one minister anything has got to be better than that.
  21. Like
    John_W reacted to Tommikka in Well, the Aussies Are F***ed....   
    Australia’s laws on guns and gun like objects have been very strict for years - just like in the UK they were implemented due to mass shootings
    The importers of gel blasters in Australia knew exactly what they were doing.
    This establishes the position of gel blasters in law.
    There is a lot of fear mongering among all the shooting communities, often triggered by an event in the news: Its an outrage, it only takes one of these for the politicians to ban x
    However if you look at more recent legislation in the UK, there is now an explicit statement that an airsoft gun that is compliant with the power restrictions is not a firearm.
    This shows the opposite of fear mongering.  There are politicians who are anti anything that’s a gun, but in many decades they have not banned airsoft, paintball or gel blasters.
    There are retailers in the UK selling RIF gel blasters and stating that they are magically exempt from legislation with no reason behind that.
    Currently in the UK a compliant airsoft gun has been fully excluded from firearms legislation, and needs only to comply with the VCRA for RIF or IF status.  Previously airsoft was a low powered air weapon
    Paintball remains a low powered air weapon designed to fire frangible projectiles, and has many grey areas, ramp up the power and its an illegal low power air weapon, load a rubber ball and it’s an unlicenced firearm, look at the VCRA and it’s 50/50 as to whether a realistic or just black paintball gun is a RIF or it is exempt  because it’s a low powered air weapon 
    Be aware of legislation locally and around the world, but don’t panic, just be sensible 
  22. Like
    John_W got a reaction from SSPKali in Missing Innovation?   
    Airsoft has moved on a bit in the 18 years I have been playing. Hop technology has improved over the standard single nub. Mosfets have become fairly standard. The biggest change has been batteries. Compare a LiPo with a NiCad for size. 
    I think what we are seeing is slow and steady rather than big jumps.
    For me, modularity and tolerances would be a big thing. A lot of us see swimming as a bit of a dark art. Being able to upgrade a gearbox easily would be a benefit. I did use a Modify modular gearset a few years back, and being able to drop the gears in pre shimmed in a cage was very easy.
  23. Haha
    John_W reacted to Shamal in Rif   
    Ok so I know one is a glue gun but what the fuck is that thing with the orange trigger and orange barrel tip??🤔
  24. Like
    John_W got a reaction from PopRocket123 in Missing Innovation?   
    Airsoft has moved on a bit in the 18 years I have been playing. Hop technology has improved over the standard single nub. Mosfets have become fairly standard. The biggest change has been batteries. Compare a LiPo with a NiCad for size. 
    I think what we are seeing is slow and steady rather than big jumps.
    For me, modularity and tolerances would be a big thing. A lot of us see swimming as a bit of a dark art. Being able to upgrade a gearbox easily would be a benefit. I did use a Modify modular gearset a few years back, and being able to drop the gears in pre shimmed in a cage was very easy.
  25. Like
    John_W reacted to Tommikka in Rif   
    One of them cost a fraction of the cost of the other to produce, and if you were to legally get your hands on it is worth a pretty penny today 
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