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  1. Like
    John_W reacted to Dogsbody100 in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    Think now more than ever we need to uphold our own high standards and try and present our sport positively, there’s a ton of over reactors out there that love to whip up a shit storm over nothing. 
  2. Haha
    John_W reacted to DerDer in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    That's an atrocious haircut he has. 
  3. Haha
    John_W reacted to MiK in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    Yup and the sad fact is that the un-initiated will think all us ‘Softers look & carry the same “Do” 
  4. Sad
    John_W got a reaction from padraigthesniper in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    This is just the kind of publicity we need...
  5. Like
    John_W reacted to Shamal in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    That's true
    It's another nail in the airsoft coffin ☹
  6. Like
    John_W reacted to MiK in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    Bar the title of the news headline and one single sentence Airsoft isn’t really mentioned, but lots of people who have issues with Airsoft will be on the title citing that and not bother to read the whole news item.
  7. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    I bet they called each other "brothers" right up to the point where they started rolling on each other.  
  8. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    Unfortunate, and I expect that this "airsoft team" is as imaginary as the rest of his "the dog must have undeleted those pictures" excuses.
    And now back to the scheduled controversy: why didn't he just join an existing historical reenactment group or team, dress up in SS regalia, and then say "bUt I'm OnLy InTeReStEd In ThE HiStOrY, i'M nOt A nAzI" ?
    Personally I've got little time for that, particularly in airsoft.  Wehrmacht, knock your socks off, but I've seen a couple of folks on Failbook who who go full lightning bolts, and then play the "muh history" card.
    Sure, that will be true for some, but it's also useful cover for those who harbour views like Licking Mustard's.  I'd rather scorch that earth and leave them out in the open.

  9. Sad
    John_W got a reaction from Rogerborg in Another Idiot Bringing the Game in to Disrepute.   
    This is just the kind of publicity we need...
  10. Haha
    John_W reacted to Shamal in Jag Arms Double Barreled Pump Shotgun....   
    I want I want I want and if I don't get it I shall scream and scream till I'm sick. I can.....
  11. Haha
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in Jag Arms Double Barreled Pump Shotgun....   
    Lol , my take would be you can only rack the pump action so fast before you physically can’t do it any faster , where as if you’ve got the trigger pressure set so the wind from the wings of a passing bumblebee will set it off then the dayglow coloured shell suit wearing methhead running it could spam the bejesus out of the trigger so for all intents and purposes it’s running full auto ? 
  12. Haha
    John_W reacted to strykerles in Jag Arms Double Barreled Pump Shotgun....   
    I can here the people crying that get hit by this 😂
  13. CoolAF
    John_W got a reaction from Druid799 in Jag Arms Double Barreled Pump Shotgun....   
  14. CoolAF
    John_W got a reaction from Tackle in Jag Arms Double Barreled Pump Shotgun....   
  15. Like
    John_W reacted to Darkmikey22 in Missing Links in Airsoft?   
    Well you have now.... you're welcome 😉

  16. Like
    John_W reacted to Venomous in Missing Links in Airsoft?   
    One of these would be nice, I started Practical Pistol with one of these in 1988 (old fart alert).

  17. Haha
    John_W reacted to Adolf Hamster in Airsoft Mosin   
    not like you have ammo anyway.....
    "the first man gets the rifle....."
    but seriously the wheel on the mag has just the right combo of stiff and sharp to shred the skin from your fingers after a days play.
  18. Haha
    John_W reacted to Neptune in Airsoft Mosin   
    What's with this reloading nonsense? It has a bayonet for a reason! For the glory of the Soviet Union!
  19. Like
    John_W reacted to MiK in legality   
    They say making a good first impression will last you a life time and a bad one………….
    @Venom it looks like you ‘dun fooked up my little sparrow 🙄
  20. Haha
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in legality   
    Did you read the thread before necroposting? If you had then you'd know that the gun in question is semi auto only, as established 2 years ago. 
    If you're going to use insults when calling someone out it's best to make sure you're right, otherwise you'll come across as the dick cheese 
  21. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in legality   
    And illegal to purchase as well, but it's the illegal sale and purchase of an air pistol and RIF, not a firearm.
    Will you help us to understand why?
    Genuine question, why would you think this?
  22. Like
    John_W reacted to jcheeseright in legality   
    Nearly spat my tea out at that, stop talking shit to people, it's an air pistol not section 5. 
  23. Sad
    John_W reacted to Wo1f in legality   
    Correct on both accounts. 370 FPS for full auto is the legal max and anything with B.B. in is best avoided. 
    Having said that... I’ve bought stuff from zero one and other U.K. shops that’s advertised as 360 FPS and turned out to be much more. The scar H I bought from them was 440fps
  24. Like
    John_W reacted to Gepard in legality   
    General rule of thumb is to stay away from any shop with "BB" in the title. 
  25. Like
    John_W reacted to Johnyboy1976 in My Views on Airsoft Changed   
    I wish it was my back yard. 
    Had some awesome kit in there - browning HMG’s , GPMG , M249 , GMG and some serious kit he UKSF fetch down when conducting ops from our camp.
    Think my little un has become obsessed - he asked me to give him a lesson on pairs fire and manoeuvre earlier and now he is in the woods at the back of the house practicing his patrol skills
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