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Stevo4345 last won the day on March 18 2020

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  • Guns
    Specna Arms SA-E04 Carbine / Krytac LMG-E / G&G M14 SOC / TM 5.1 HiCapa
  • Loadouts
    None as yet
  • Sites
    Humber Airsoft / HQ Driffield
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  1. What size is the DPM vest?
  2. It’s a TM, bought in Tokyo and used in Tokyo..... the magic TM dust is at FULL POWAAAA!!! i would sure like to see it in action, wouldn’t like to get hit by it though.
  3. Been dipping a toe into DIY teching, tried spraying for the first time. G&G SOC M14 tiger stripe attempt #1. I'll install the longer barrel group once I get the gearbox sorted out, using the short SOC barrel assembly here to see how the stock looks with everything installed.
  4. After getting a cheap G&G M14 SOC that didn't work, bought another one that does! Also picked up a cheap Tactical vest for my son as I stole his battle belt.
  5. Already done, I'm going to convert it to deans and am thinking of getting a MOSFET in there too. There's another issue going on though, out of the stock it fires fine, install everything in the stock and it fires one shot and locks up, bit of a head scratcher.
  6. Jesus wept, how that G&G GR14 Socom gearbox went back together I do not know! Should be warning on the box '3 people needed for assembly's Anyway, got the replacement tappet plate from Fire Support yesterday, piston o-rings and shims from AK2M4 and got them installed. Waiting on the battery to charge to see if it will fire and cycle. Previous owner re-painted the stock Krylon drab olive, I'm thinking of re-doing it with an old skool Tiger Stripe camo pattern, thoughts anyone?
  7. Just picked up a used G&G Socom M14 that needs some attention. Great bundle though, got a soft bag, charger, battery, bipod and picatinny scope mounts that weren't mentioned in the ad thrown in. Looks and feels like a proper rifle, the charging handle action, lock and release sounds incredible.
  8. TM 5.1 Hicapa, totally stock, first gas gun, can see what all the hype is about after taking it for a skirmish yesterday. Admittedly my son and I put more rounds down the chrono range than we did in game but it is a lovely bit of kit right out of the box.
  9. Tried to buy a nice looking TM Hicapa 5.1 in the classifieds, missed it. Bought a JW3 Taran tactical Yadda Yadda longest named pistol on the planet, sent it back for being shite. Tried to buy a TM Gold Match Hicapa in the classifieds, missed out again Bought a TM Hicapa 5.1, finally! Going to run it bog standard on green gas till one of us breaks.
  10. Just got word from the Krytac distributor Shield that my replacement lower hand guard had arrived in country so paid for that. Also bought a few kg’s of .2’s and .25’s and a deans wired triple stick 11.1v Lopo as I seem to have messed up the one I re-wired to deans. Cheapo camo poncho in case it’s chucking down on game day and last but not least ordered 3 mid cap S mags for the Specna and a single point sling for the LMG.
  11. Got an order in with our resident parts guru ak2m4, Super Lube SHS nozzle SHS cylinder head O-rings Hopefully will sort the compression problems in the Krytac LMG-E.
  12. Ha, that's hilarious, I haven't actually handled it yet, the photo was taken by my wife so I could check what was in the box, I'm sure I will figure it out once I get my mits on it!! Good spot BTW! Either that or trying to make everyone look smaller instead of larger, give them a fighting chance!
  13. Bought off a fellow forum user, my first RIF, looked like a good deal and he was a pleasure to do business with. The Krytac LMG-E, holo sight and case has a new home, and despite missing a lower handguard (which I have already sourced) it looks cracking! Might look into a folding keymod bipod to hang off each side of the handguard to give it more of a support weapon look, but then again may keep it light as with the semi and auto capability it should be manageable indoors and out. Being able to run off regular Stanag mags is a bonus too, seems very adaptable, can't wait to get home and try it out (damn thing arrived the day after I left the UK for work, 3 weeks to go!)
  14. As I’m under 18 do I need to have a all in one full face mask or can I have a mesh lower face then goggles to cover all my face ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mad Rag

      Mad Rag

      @Deez nutz @Rogerborg plays at the Depot Glasgow mostly im sure. you will be better of speaking to your site to see what they allow as some sites will only have full face for under 18s for insurance reasons and some may allow anything 




    3. Stevo4345


      Best way to be sure is to check directly with the site you want to play on regarding eye pro requirements for under 18’s. 


    4. Deez nutz
  15. There’s no ‘What have you just got for ‘nowt’ thread so I will stick it here. Friend of mine is ex chinook crew, was chatting to him about our Airsoft experience and he says he has some old kit that would fit my son if I wanted it. Got a flight suit, goretex DPM jacket and trousers, DPM summer shirt and trousers, aircrew issue DPM jacket, desert cam shirt and trousers and a desert smemagh (the only damn thing that fits me). If he can find it there’s some webbing on the way too, my boy’s a lucky lad.
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