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Everything posted by DerDer

  1. Tend to use old fashioned canvas slings these days, that being said have had very good experiences with vickers tactical two points in the past. Easy adjustment and very sturdy construction.
  2. SKS rifle, whether it be an Aeg or GBBR, seems sorely missed.
  3. Are you planning on using a LCT aeg or a VFC GBBR as a base? If it's the latter, this link might be of some use. https://thereptilehouseblog.com/2019/07/29/done-right-andys-untamed-uksf-g3-project/
  4. If you're handy with a file or dremel, you can mod a surplus handgrip to fit fairly easily.
  5. Good to hear you have had positive experience with the Valkyrie. Found G&G very decent at lighter weight (0.25 & 0.28g), had a few jams with their grey 0.30g. Found Geoffs to be reliable feeders at the various weights I have tried (most recently 0.32g). Have a few bags of Airsoft Surgeon in 0.30g weight on the way, will be curious as to how they perform. Haven't tried the brand before.
  6. Fair point. Remember a friend being horrified by what airsofters spend on bits of rubber (hop ups).
  7. Some beefed up tappet plate springs. Seem to have resolved my feeding issues on 0.30 and 0.32g ammo. Always handy to have spares. https://www.kingdomofairsoft.com/product-page/koa-150-tappet-plate-spring
  8. A few companies seems to advertise low profile bushings. Might be worth a go? It's very frustrating to repeatedly take apart and assemble a gearbox, if the screeching is caused by wonky bearings rather than one's own shimming.
  9. It improves it somewhat with the Titan, as others referenced, not to the same extent. With the Perun it could also make it more pleasant, although with less micro tweaking. It should be said that Perun have a newer V3 ETU due this year. If you go to their website the V3 optical is on the discontinued section, so they should have something new in the works.
  10. The Titan is a good call. Used to have the occasional sensor grease issue, have managed to figure out an appropriate level of lube. Eliminating cut off lever/ trigger block problems is ace. Also have one in a Galil and it frees up battery space. Will be curious as to how the Aster V3 is received. Also the Jefftron V3 leviathan should be out in the next month or two. Looks interesting.
  11. Nice looking kit. Reminds me of early era CIA in Afghanistan.
  12. It's a lovely gun. Have the fixed stock 7.62 version myself. About the only external misgivings I have were the incorrect rear sight and short cleaning rod. It's easy to source fix parts mind you.
  13. DerDer

    THE TM MWS thread

    A decent UZI has to eventually materialize.
  14. That FAL is lovely. 2021 is the year I get a folding stock one.
  15. A Lambda 6.05 barrel. Giving the brand a go. Have used PDI and Prometheus in the past. The former can be very picky with rubbers and general hop up arrangements.
  16. Had a box of E&L mags awhile back. Good price and lovely construction, just didn't feed right. Disappointing experience.
  17. Find the G&P the most reliable classic metal magazines for midcaps. On occasion pick up TM for the hicaps. Given up on LCT magazines.
  18. Will be very curious to see what holstering solutions people come up with.
  19. Some longbow BBs in 0.30g weight. Have an AK that really didn't like the Devil blasters I was putting through it.
  20. Beefy 11.1V Lipo and bring the RPS down with a suitable Mosfet that had ROF control.
  21. Have used them about four times this year. No complaints. Usually ship the next day after ordering. Have had orders come via the Post office and DPD couriers. Good for some of the more obscure parts or to bulk buy BBs if your usual sources are out.
  22. Could the egg shape be the result of the force used to break the BB?
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