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Everything posted by DerDer

  1. That's interesting. Was going to try those BBs when they came into stock at Fire support, glad I didn't now. Find the G&G BBs good for lighter weights (0.25 & 0.28g). Used Geoffs at a couple of different weight and been pleased with them. Most recently got a few bags of Airsoft Surgeon 0.30g and seem decent enough in backyard testing. Will have to use them in a skirmish or two to get the full experience.
  2. That's interesting as regards the magnets. There was a company a while back (Grizzly I think?) that were using some magnet based solutions on their mosfets. From what I remember the build quality left a bit to be desired. Fair play to Perun, certainly a manufacturer to watch.
  3. Umarex/VFC are coming out with a MG4. Perhaps we will get a Negev or a HK21 down the line?
  4. Looks like a ACM bar. Similar to in the link. https://arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/208484-acm-m1918-a2-bar-first-impressions/&ct=1615538468
  5. Not that particular aeg, still see there are 1000 quid and plus aegs where their is an extra charge for changing the connector. Seems a bit stingy all the same. Also as mentioned by others, quite a few of the recommended upgrades seem to be err let's charitably say lateral in their effectiveness.
  6. Don't forget the best of a fiver's charge if you want a Deans connector put on your custom aeg.
  7. Tend to use old fashioned canvas slings these days, that being said have had very good experiences with vickers tactical two points in the past. Easy adjustment and very sturdy construction.
  8. SKS rifle, whether it be an Aeg or GBBR, seems sorely missed.
  9. Are you planning on using a LCT aeg or a VFC GBBR as a base? If it's the latter, this link might be of some use. https://thereptilehouseblog.com/2019/07/29/done-right-andys-untamed-uksf-g3-project/
  10. If you're handy with a file or dremel, you can mod a surplus handgrip to fit fairly easily.
  11. Good to hear you have had positive experience with the Valkyrie. Found G&G very decent at lighter weight (0.25 & 0.28g), had a few jams with their grey 0.30g. Found Geoffs to be reliable feeders at the various weights I have tried (most recently 0.32g). Have a few bags of Airsoft Surgeon in 0.30g weight on the way, will be curious as to how they perform. Haven't tried the brand before.
  12. Fair point. Remember a friend being horrified by what airsofters spend on bits of rubber (hop ups).
  13. DerDer


    I like to think it's an alternative account of the poster than bumped the speedsoft thread.
  14. That's a very nice build. Must say the Israeli stuff is quite unique looking.
  15. Have one Aeg that hasn't been used since lockdown (LCT RPK). After I bought it I said I would have a moratorium on new gun purchases of a year. That expires next month. Had hoped that King Arms would have gotten round to re-releasing their FAL by now. According to their social media that will be released in 2022. So might look into the VFC offerings or hope that some other company feel compelled to fill the FN FAL void. On a completely unrelated note, the forthcoming Lambda defence MK48s look tempting.
  16. Some beefed up tappet plate springs. Seem to have resolved my feeding issues on 0.30 and 0.32g ammo. Always handy to have spares. https://www.kingdomofairsoft.com/product-page/koa-150-tappet-plate-spring
  17. DerDer


    Romania in the past I think. The PRC nowadays.
  18. A few companies seems to advertise low profile bushings. Might be worth a go? It's very frustrating to repeatedly take apart and assemble a gearbox, if the screeching is caused by wonky bearings rather than one's own shimming.
  19. DerDer


    TSI Tavor. Oh dear...
  20. DerDer


    Wouldn't be surprised in the least. Some Blackhawk kit was made in Vietnam. Eagle industries kit in the Dominican republic. Keeping the costs down.
  21. Sadly it seems lost to time. It was around 2009. Best you can find these days is some companion threads, for instance: https://arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/176972-tsi-tavor-four-part-video-review/&ct=1613664906 https://arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/162913-tsi-tavor-update/page/41/
  22. That was a very memorable one. Their Galil line was quite decent, the Tavor was a car crash. Although at least he got something. Remember a line of VSS aegs that turned out to be vapourware.
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