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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. the more premium ak's tend to be a lot better for that, the e&l's/lct's/real swords. although if you're changing the handguards around you do gotta put some work in to get them to sit tight. on the subject of ak's i'm also not a fan of railed top covers/sight block mounts/"diving boards" for mounting optics, i get the practicality of not having to pull a siderail every time you install the battery, i get that zero retention is a pointless concern on an airsoft gat, and i get that you can still fold the stock. but i still don't like em. although that said i like the more eclectic siderail mounted optics the russians have so i realise i'm probably in the minority here.
  2. lemme guess, it's all low density pla stuff in really bright colours? "when all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail"
  3. ahh yes, the old "but he can shoot me so obviously i must be able to hit him" paradox
  4. this isn't meant to be too serious for example i like the p90, but i get why you don't (and it's bigger brother) "what length barrel is in that thing?" "yes"
  5. inspired by some recent random chat about the scorpion evo figured it might be a fun idea to find out how many folks have irrational hatred for guns (or aspects of them). so what guns do you think are good (either real or airsoft), but you hate them anyway? for me it's glocks, i get that both real and (the good) airsoft versions make for fine gats, simple, easy to use, reliable and effective enough to get the job done. i can understand their popularity and i'll admit if i actually had to bet my life on a handgun it would be a good choice. but i hate them, they're boring, boxy, and the tat people sprinkle on them or carve into them with soldering irons just makes it worse. i also hate the fashion for putting buffer tube stocks on everything, ak's being most prominent but anything from shotguns, mp5's, scar's etc. i get that it means adjustability, i get that it allows a wide selection of stock options, i get that it makes sense. but i still hate it.
  6. oh hop setting is a big one, alongside barrel cleaning and realizing that even a good gun will shoot like shit if you feed it crap ammo.
  7. oh for sure, too many springy things in a gearbox to get lost on site, better done at home with a clean&tidy floor. i've always advocated knowing your own teching, so many advantages once you get past that hill at the start and can put stuff together properly.
  8. Oh aye, bail right before we have to put the effort in to re-rail the thread ahh, fair enough, my apologies.
  9. Thats a gif i get it man, we all got guns we hate for no particular reason. Like how i hate ar stocks on non-ar's (ak's being most prevalent but not exclusive victim). I understand how it came to be, and why people do it, but i still just hate it. hmm, that could be an interesting thread.....
  10. Its a fine weapon..... As long as you're ok with a trigger from a black and decker...... I preferr tactical tuna myself Also deleting smilies from a quote on mobile is basically impossible so, yeah, there's that..... If you've got the drop on them from a few feet and you're aiming for headshots might be part of the reason folk are getting annoyed, jus' puttin it out there. The evo got a lot of bad rep by a certain type of user sure (just like a lot of airsoft stuff) but in fairness it is pretty damn good and one of the few guns even a serial tinkerer like me would reccommend be left alone.
  11. In fairness a 3 point works well on an f2000 I mean thats not a long list, mostly because almost everything has something on the left side of the gun that they interfere with.
  12. hpa tapping a gbbr isn't going to make it quieter thanks to all that action noise, unless we're confusing terms. a solenoid engine with a nice foam can on it though, that can be very quiet and ideal for a dmr, at least if you don't mind the paraphernalia that goes with it.
  13. sadly that stereotype does exist for a reason, ironically the best game i ever played was with a big team of guys who rocked up all with hpa kit, even as an hpa user myself i saw those airlines and thought "ohhhh shit.....", needless to say i was happy to have my predictions overturned. to answer the main question i recently realized how handy an ak fire selector that doesn't need to be reset to safe before switching from semi to auto is.
  14. i can see where you're coming from, for the most part that's how i've done things. never cared much about the winning side of it, indeed it's a rare occasion i even know wether or not the team i'm on has actually won whatever the objective is. however after all the care an attention you put into getting into a decent spot and getting a good shot off it's terribly disheartening for it to have been wasted by a failure of the target to follow simple rules. ha, you caught me before i even typed it. i guess for me at least it's just depressing how incapable people are of following even the simplest of instructions. needless to say my annoyance at [insert annoying airsoft thing] is exponentially proportional to how long they've been playing (and by extension should know better). wish i had your luck, in the decade or so i've been at this i can only remember one game that didn't feature a single instance of any of the usual suspects (irony being the only non-hpa gun there was a gbbr, take that stereotypes), hell some places i've played at you'd call it a good day if more than half of the players were playing decently.
  15. a fair point, and indeed it is all too common. not sure if a site that would wield the banhammer regularly (or in many cases at all) would necessarily get more customers, but they sure would get the same customers coming back. see herein lies the problem, there are elements of this hobby that are indeed unfixable, and the longer i've been playing the more and more it's putting me off because "oh someone's got godmode again" or "yep, someone's running spicy again" or "someone's hosing everything in sight again", nothing out of the ordinary, all the same stuff that annoys us all and happens all the time, which is kinda the point. and while i'd like to explore potential options to fix these issues, it's ultimately me being in denial that the only real solution is to just not play the game, which sucks because a good day with a good crowd this hobby is amazing fun. yeah i wasn't objecting to it being a general statement, i was mourning the truth of it being a general statement.
  16. a statement that can apply far too generally. problem is, how to keep the majority happy and have their game (mostly) unspoiled by those who's idea's of what's acceptable lie very much at the extreme? for example lets say my idea of an acceptable amount of full auto was half a magazine per trigger pull at 50 rounds per second, i'm certainly having fun but i suspect there are very few people who would be happy to be on the recieving end of that.
  17. it's a hard question, ultimately there's always gonna be the hicap heroes who will cut down every tree they see that twitches wrongly, there are people who will lost their shit if they recieve more than a single hit, and the rest of the pack who are somewhere in between. one of those problems that wouldn't exist if people weren't assholes.
  18. better to do ammo limits, you can plink on semi or go hose but find yourself out of the game and back to the car to refill after 5 minutes.
  19. ahh yes, the game that's more designed to empty magazines than actually be winnable. had something similar, very limited flanking opportunities, although in fairness if they'd let me go where i was planning to then it would have made things very hard for the defenders as you'd have the perfect spot to wipe them out where anyone you couldn't hit could easily be got from the frontline.
  20. Not so sure with the skill element, if anything its adding a level of marksmanship especially for snap-shooting and you do still need to employ tactics such as flanking, indeed i'd say they're even more necessary now as you cant just run towards the enemy cod style and expect to survive. That is of course assuming a rough level of parity, if you're the only one there with a well dialled in pew amongst a sea of rentals then yes it does make for a point and click adventure.
  21. rogerborg summed it up pretty well, as he mentioned your problems are almost certainly more than a barrel/bucking change are gonna solve. i'd reckon this is a combo of both poor air seal and a really shoddy fps downgrade to get it under uk limits, a lot of times shops seem to consider that coiling up some grated cheddar and throwing it into a gun is a perfectly acceptable means of dropping the power down within reasonable limits. in fact gunfire is the only shop i've seen who's idea of an fps downgrade is actually an acceptable amount of power. leave the hop and barrel alone and look at the air seal, new o ring on the piston head, some ptfe round the cylinder head (or a new cylinder head if you wanna do it properly), a new nozzle with a sealing ring (make sure you get the length right) and a new spring will work wonders.
  22. Iirc the stock dwell on the fusion is pretty conservative, raising it wont hurt but i dont think thats the cause. I'd check the nozzle-hop feedlips for leaks.
  23. i mean cheaper than a gym membership? not logic, experience sadly. what's even worse is having a backup aeg, not bringing it, then finding out the compressor is down......
  24. so you don't currently have an aeg? i'd say go for that then, it just takes the site's compressor to be down and it's better to still be able to play.
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