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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i thought airsoft was meant to be a dick measuring contest for folks too prudish to use dicks and too poor to use cars
  2. i was more making a generalization of how sites can get poisoned by failing to take action than talking about specifically the depot, possibly they've made a choice of lenience as a one-off just in case they've not got the right man or he really did do it accidentally. if we're being facetious though i wouldn't take length of establishment or player numbers as a standalone sign of a site's quality, Justin Beiber attracts larger audiences than your average airsoft site doesn't mean i want anything to do with it.
  3. it becomes a vicious circle, the worse a place gets the more and more decent players leave, until the regulars are a bunch of arses or the site folds.
  4. it says a lot about sites round here that i have literally never been honesty shot by a marshall, or on-the-spot chrono'd 2 things i wouldn't mind, if anything it'd feel reassuring that it's being done.
  5. indeed, i left a site recently because of their consistent failure to do anything about the standard of play. don't get me wrong, you're never going to escape from cheating/general douchery but a site you can have faith that telling the marshalls there's an issue will result in some form of action has value.
  6. no no, face shots aren't punishment, they're just normal gameplay, it's our fault for not wearing face protection......
  7. yeah i mean objectively that's a pretty funny reply whilst also probably being a pretty damn accurate prediction of the results.
  8. all i can say is he's gonna be screwed if he asks that question at a game, no censorship on the safe zone.....
  9. Agreed, the court of public opinion doesnt exactly have the greatest track record of getting it right and the only thing worse than what this guy did is falsely lampooning some poor bugger for the crime. The guy who did it deserves the banhammer but lets let the site do that after doing their due diligence.
  10. agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to. agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to.
  11. i'd be concerned that the outer/inner barrel might have been bent, considering it's a dmr platform messing up accuracy is a bit of an issue.....
  12. Y'know with all the forum updates recently i'd have thought we'd be able to entice a better quality spambot :P

  13. I agree the e&l is the superior gun out of the box, at least comparing new buys. I just wish i hadnt found out by buying a new lct Also gunfire doesnt charge extra for spring downgrades (although it appears they preferr to chop the stock spring) Edit: also the e&l comes with the magwell spacer out of the box......
  14. Ordinarily you want a bit of stickyness, its a sign of a good nozzle-hop seal. But that should affect even without a mag inserted. Does the nozzle slide smoothly in/out without the hop/mag involved?
  15. Cant say i'm sold on that The ground is brown rather than green and it looks like the fella detoured specifically to stand on it. Plus the foot placement is too careful.
  16. i think we have a winner for the cardinal airsoft sin right there.... i must admit, in general at least, there seems to be much much less of this sort of thing (including safe zoen theivery etc) in airsoft than i'd have expected. although i'm still one of those everything is on me or locked in the car types of players. i sincerely hope that fella finds his supply of sites extinguished and your mates gun is ok, although it seems to have taken the abuse rather well i'd still suggest getting it looked at.
  17. find a site that does have rules? otherwise i've found the russian gorka's are surprisingly good at mitigating most of the effects of a bb hit.
  18. without a torque wrench it's the kind of thing you really have to do on feel. and i really can't describe how to do it properly it's just one of those skills you pick up from years of doing it wrong.
  19. not to mention that often the guns given out to reviewers are likely engineering sample guns, put together by the design team rather than the production floor. needless to say a mostly hand-built prototype is probably going to perform better than the same gun smashed out in a factory as quickly as possible.
  20. the reason to do air seal first is because you might well have a strong enough spring in the gun already, and your lower fps is the result of air leaking out. saves you a few bob if you can get the fps boost and an accuracy boost without having to buy a new spring.
  21. 1. welcome to the wonderful world of co2...... 2. yes the dan wessons use restricted shells, indeed they're unpopular at some sites because you can change the energy so easily just by reloading.
  22. *dons flame suit* Theres nothing magic about marui's, they just have the consistency out of the box most other brands need work to acheive *Runs*
  23. what is your site limit? (it'll usually be quoted as an fps on 0.2g) than use a calculator like this to work out the joule value: http://www.asiaairsoft.com/index_topic.php?did=23&didpath=/23 for example currently your 320fps on 0.2g is 0.95J. on your 0.25g your 270fps is 0.84j the reason the heavier ammo is lower is most likely due to the hop, turning the hop up to get enough lift on heavier ammo will obstruct the barrel more and rob some energy from the system. one way around this is a softer compund rubber, or one with a larger contact area. for example a flat hop has a longer contact patch and therefore needs less pressure to acheive the same spin. a good, if not universal, solution is the likes of the maple leaf macaron/omega nub combo, although be warned that the longer feed lips might not suit all hop types. the next thing i'd check before swapping springs is the air seal, not only will a good air seal mean you're getting all the energy your spring can put out, but it'll also improve the shot-shot consistency meaning better precision and therefore effective range. i have a guide here goes through air seal: once you've got a very good air seal, and you're still under your site limit by a decent amount (5-10 fps isn't such a big deal but if you're shooting 0.8j at a 1.3j site you're gonna be at a disadvantage) then you can consider changing out the spring to something a bit stronger. i'd leave the barrel as-is for the time being with the exception of giving it a good cleaning, the gains from a barrel swap are going to be minimal compared to the hop and air seal.
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