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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i'd reply in detail, but @Skara has pretty much covered the same stuff i'd have said.
  2. See i would question what's up with it that folk are shifting them on with very little use. Its like secondhand cars, a car gets traded every year you gotta ask "why dont people wanna drive it for longer?" The inverse is also true, a car thats spent a decade with one owner probably aint so bad if they kept it that long.
  3. that's like asking which formula 1 car uses the least amount of fuel, but also is the fastest in a straight line and costs the least to build. at some point certain design goals can become mutually exclusive. however as a less facetious answer would be the tm range, in this case the objectives of good accuracy, gas efficiency and cold weather resistance have been traded for the somewhat more subjective "feel" of a lightweight pistol with a plastic slide. or you could argue many co2 pistols, which trade their performance for long term reliability (or lack thereof)
  4. Define effecient. You mean shots per fill, resistance to cole weather, or rounds required to hit a target?
  5. It seems to work so far. Only downside is having about 30s before the guy you just shot respawns behind you
  6. Is it bad that my first thought was "how do you fit an ambi release to a baby?"
  7. i have no idea what this is worth so i'm not making any argument over the price or the quality of the advert. instead i'm somewhat incredulous that this is a thing that exists at all!?
  8. He says if you want the full list then message him, but if he has the full list why not just post it in the ad? I mean surely thats got to be less effort than sending the same thing peicemeal to people?
  9. I suppose it is a fair point that the rules are there for a reason. I guess maybe unlike say running hot or not hit calling this sort of thing seems less egregious, but i can see the sentiment particularly when a site is doing non armbands versus armbands. I know i'm as guilty, half the time i'm not even bothering with a camo jacket any more just green/grey jumper, but my stealth tactics tend to be based on shooting people in the back.
  10. I think the argument tends to be that it makes it much more difficult. Not impossible to overcome with skill, but more difficult, and in fairness the majority of airsofters likely dont have fieldcraft training.
  11. you meaning an hpa tapped gbb? possibly, or a non-return valve so it doesn't vent the air. depends wether you want to be able to convert them back to gbb mags in the future.
  12. Yep, i think imma have to just thin out my optics collection and just get a real obzor. At least a decent amount of the russian stuff is still in production and not insanely priced (compared to western optics at least)
  13. Single 18650? Got a link? Think i need a new torch Edit: and while he was nice enough to message me a link i found this: https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/Weapon-Accessories/Lasers-Torches-and-PEQ-Boxes/AsuraDynamics2DPS And there goes my finances for this month.....
  14. Outdoor and tactical grab some geoffs tracers?
  15. Good question. The reason i dont run one is because when i've tried in the past people still just shot me because they didnt know what a dead rag was. But thats a problem that can be easily solved by the site pointing it out.
  16. I dont remember saying that, but i also wont deny saying it lol
  17. i recall it being described to me before i went to study in bavaria that learning german and going to bavaria was like learning english and going to glasgow
  18. interesting comparison, i don't know who makes them either i just remember it being discussed on here ages ago (maybe in macks?)
  19. that's a kobra, although i'm not enough of an expert to tell if it's real or a clone (afaik clones do exist but they're pretty rare as airsoft optics go)
  20. i was thinking more stuff like the rakurs/obzor etc nobody does a steampunk optic like the russians.
  21. thought occurrs, not a gun per-say but how come there's very few clones of russian optics on the market? i mean there's the pso, like 2 versions of the pk-a and that's kind of it.
  22. in der Tat, denn sie wissen zu viel also for the record my knowledge of german is 5% gcse, 2.5% random bavarian phrases and 92.5% google translate
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