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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. with the exception of the svu and the ots-14 i do kind of agree
  2. as a pre-made unit there is this: https://gunfire.com/en/products/steel-tracer-pk-259t-pbs-4-silencer-replica-1152226754.html if you dont mind the suppressor weighing as much as the gun does, seriously i cannot emphasize how heavy that thing is, like imagine how heavy you think it is and at least double it. however you can also look at modding any of the other suppressor styles to take a tracer unit, most russian suppressors are pretty chunky so you should be able to find a tracer unit small enough to stuff inside. it's also possible the muzzle device is a 14mmccw with a spacer to bring it out to 24mm (for example cyma/jg do this so they can make one front sight assembly for both types of guns), can't say for sure on that model. some models (like e&l) with the 24mm muzzle device are fixed. personally i'd feel inclined to steer you towards the e&l guns if you're wanting a nice ak: granted that's a sample size of 1 gun but you can make your own decision from the comparisons there.
  3. pretty much as above. bushings can tend to wear in a single direction (the hole goes from round to oval) but that's a gradual failure rather than bearing's preference for sudden catastrophic failure. if i'm mixing types i tend to go for bushings towards the sector (highest impact loading) and bearings towards the bevel (highest rpm)
  4. man you gotta love russian optics when they're longer than the gun they're mounted on
  5. See i'm not bothered by that, as m4's go thats nowhere near the worst offender.
  6. Still not a valid excuse for heresy.....
  7. just top mount? easy to access the battery by popping the top cover.
  8. going from the muzzle back you were doing so so well until you got to the back of the top cover......... reported him for heresy
  9. i dunno, he's at least not put an m4 stock on it. not a massive fan of the railed top covers but i can respect the choice compared to trying to get a siderail mounted properly.
  10. the f2000 i've found is surprisingly common, i've seen quite a few around, probably the most regular bullpup i'd see. granted when i got mine originally they were rare, to the point i was known at my regular site simply as "f2000 guy". i've seen one intervention get fielded, i suspect the size/weight of it is probably why it plays second fiddle to lighter and handier guns like the vsr given you don't get the equivalent range advantage the real one has to pay for its weight.
  11. Have you seen the bore offset on some of the siderail stuff? Forget cheek weld or even chin weld, its beard weld and only if your a wizard
  12. ahh shit, sorry man i threw it out. and it wouldn't be the first time i've seen an hk body pin replaced by a twig
  13. I feel like you of all people should know better by now
  14. why did he take it apart if he didn't think he could put it back together again? y'know what, maybe i already know the answer.....
  15. The wonderful world of soviet optics lol. Part of me wants one for the dragonuv, part of me knows its probably not going to be effective enough to really use....
  16. almost certainly more than i can afford there was a fella on here was selling a similar russian built one: edit: see @airsoftshooter123's post about this ad being a polish build the hard sell for me is justifying that kind of cash on a gen 1 unit, no matter how much steampunk awesomeness is involved.
  17. fair enough, tbh recoil guns isn't something i've ever placed that much thought into. my jg was nominally a "recoil" but the first thing i did was remove the mech.
  18. i know you're talking m4's but i bumped into a bolt recoil aksu in the wild last sunday. damn it was a fine looking peice, as far as i'm aware they're an absolute bastard to work on but i'd place good money on the body being an e&l oem.
  19. nah, it's still used by people too poor to afford zenitco (ie me ) i still view m4 stocks as heresy, but dragging an ak through the zenit catalogue can be good. tbh if money wasn't an object i'd probably be going big time into siderail optics, but there's not many decent airsoft repros of the more eclectic stuff.
  20. the general rule is if it doesn't fit then make it fit. ak's tend to be a lot more hands on when it comes to this kind of modding than the likes of ar's. thing is most folks wanting the more premium ak's tend to want the nice blued reciever hence having to get the pricier guns to begin with. the only thing to mention is it looks like the 710 is using a custom gas block? i considered one myself although ended up going classic with an akm.
  21. you'd better not be talking about the ak
  22. things to do today:

    many things


    things i will spend all day doing:

    trying to move an image in word

    1. Shamal


      Get a computer.its easier. Lol


    2. Adolf Hamster
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