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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. So my standard reason to be wary of ebb's still stands then. I did try one in a shop about a year ago and i'm not surprised theres strain on the box with the recoil. Maybe i shall bide my time and see what comes up, because i also want an obzor.....
  2. I dunno, mine seem to be ok. You dont get the last couple of rounds but other than that the feeding is reliable (as in gun stops feeding its time to reload) Although i might at some point mess around with springs, think i have a bunch of springs out of some 200 rounders around somewhere.
  3. As a general rule i tend to use the macaron+omega nub combo in all my guns. Tan for general use (which for me is in the .3 range) or green if i wanna shift the heavies. Some guns however might not like the longer feed lips on the maple leaf stuff so i'd use the pdi w-hop with standard nub, but that's pretty much based on trying and seeing. Of course those are just my personal go-to's and as the yanks would say your milage may vary.
  4. Yeah but mans already bankrupted himself setting up the dragonuv i kinda dont want to do that again......
  5. Not gonna lie part of me was thinking ghk, but then i looked up how much they cost.....
  6. Ahh yes, the sneaky bugger. Changing rubber to a macaron should up the energy a little by not needing the same pressure to get the spin, add some .32's and a good clean barrel you're laughing.
  7. Hmm, 2 very conflicting opinions...
  8. so, help me decide. i'm thinking i regret selling my e&l aksu, even if it was the weird romanian one, and i think i need another in my life. normally my go to would be straight up e&l as i know what i'm getting, but having bumped into a Bolt last shoot before lockdown i must admit i was kinda taken, the externals are real nice (probably e&l oem nice). do i risk the clockwork nightmare that is working on a recoil mech or stick with what i know?
  9. Do you mean the adjuster in the motor cage or the external grip screw? The adjuster normally you set for lowest noise, start tight (locked up) and work your way looser, better a lockup than chewed gears. If its the external grip screw it could be too long, it can happen with ak's that tightening up the grip will hit the motor adjuster and overtighten it, i'd suggest some washers rather than cutting the screw just in case that's not the problem. 290 could be what the spring is capable of, i'm guessing you checked compression with the nozzle in place too? The other area where there could be a leak is between the bucking and nozzle, you can try feeling for air (or using a bit of paper) on the feed tube to see if there's any air escaping from there. If there is a leak, assuming its a correct length nozzle with no damage then the culprit is the hop rubber, might be worn, torn, or poorly installed. However seeing as a good next upgrade to consider is a hop rubber then maybe not too big a problem. Personally i'd give the macaron/omega nub combo @Speedbird_666 linked a go, should get her lifting some hefty ammo no problem. if you're absolutely sure that the air seal is good then you can look at a spring change, although 290 should be fieldable unless you play a range heavy game.
  10. the o-ring should normally be pretty baggy around the piston, it doubles as a one-way valve hence the holes in the front of the piston to help inflate it up. it should however be a nice fit to the cylinder (worth checking the cylinder bore is nice and scratch free) to give good air seal. also worth ensuring the back face of the o-ring track is clean too (that's the side it's sealing on when firing) the ptfe tape around the cylinder head is one of the methods of fixing/improving air seal, can be effective if done right although it's a bodge to get around having a good o-ring-cylinder seal in the first place. if you have a look in the guide i linked there's some pics show how to check the air seal. as for the mosfet, looks like it, not familiar with the brand but looks like a generic one, good if it works will save arcing on the trigger contacts.
  11. i thought we established it was the magic dust lowering the drag coefficient by 75%?
  12. reckon most of us are trying desperately to keep the place free of the kind of shenanigans that you see plastered over other forums. plus he hasn't replied so we haven't any fresh material to go on.
  13. that's a question with no limit to the number of answers. some pistols are very good out of the box, some might need a little tweaking, some might be hopeless without serious re-work. however as a general rule if we exclude the outliers most pistols can either shoot or be made to shoot further than most people will really be able to make use of the range.
  14. yes and no really depends on the gun, the part, and how perfect you want it to be. it's little things like say a gearset as slightly more backlash in one box compared to another, might be bugger all wrong with the gears or the box just they aint a perfect fit, might well be grand for most uses (hence universal) but if you're pushing the limits then maybe not. thinking about it that's a question that's really hard to give a straight answer to.
  15. it's a tricky one. on the one hand a lot of parts are more universal than you'd get at a first impression but on the other there are proprietary parts out there and what's worse is even parts that are "compatible" sometimes don't quite fit right or don't work quite so well. sometimes there's no substitute for having a box of random bits to trawl through and find the one part that fits right.
  16. we all had to start somewhere, it's pretty rewarding once you get the hang of it. pretty handy being able to have more confidence buying secondhand too.
  17. you've put far too much thought into this....
  18. i must admit i too find the mostly apolitical nature of this place rather endearing.
  19. Strong first post, cmon own up who's alt is this?
  20. absolutely, i've ran with some pretty damn quiet gats in the past and it doesn't matter how little noise it makes when the guy you just hit knows where you are.
  21. true, although the site and game does need to allow sneaky flanking maneuvers the big issue i find is you can spend ages getting into position then one shot and the whole site knows where you are
  22. i like to call that "airsoft hardmode" it is pretty fun, having to be careful to pick your fights and rely on the rest of your team keeping their team occupied.
  23. that's one of the areas (ironically the one most folk forget about). have a look here:
  24. fair point, it's not a desire i share. don't get me wrong i appreciate a nice gat but i also have a minimum standard of performance because my guns are for playing with.
  25. i'd do it simply on weight, you want to carry a 5000 round box mag you're gonna have to lug around a 10lb+ gun means you can avoid the plastic m249's as well.
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