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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. small strip of microfibre and one of them plastic cleaning rods most guns come with works very well. some folk use silicon, some use isopropyl, and i sit right in the middle and use nothing
  2. Is that just white powder on the surface? If it is then thats bb residue, in part down the choice of ammo. Getting into the habit of cleaning the barrel before every game is worthwhile, one of the best "upgrades" you can do in terms of cost/difficulty to performance ratio
  3. You get used to it, especially in daylight.
  4. Sound like it's pinging off the tracer, pretty common if they aren't lined up right/work their way loose.
  5. If its a short unit should be fine, but i wouldnt be confident a long suppressor would work. But for a pistol tracer its worth a shot.
  6. I guess it's just different ways of looking at things. From my perspective i dont get why folk would spend loads of money paying someone else to fix their gats for them. Granted i'm sure the amount of shit i've broken over the years learning to tech properly means cost wise it probably evens out, but lets face it no matter what path you choose if you're playing airsoft financial sensibility has already gone out the window
  7. Not really, think of it more like buying a gun in mint condition on the secondhand market. For example when i'm buying i tend to be looking for external condition/quality and dont give a stuff about internals because even if they're good i know im going to end up changing them because i refuse to shoot a gun twice without doing some kind of tinkering. If a warranty is important to you, and you're in the habit of leaving guns totally stock then fair enough, but tbh i've seen the kind of shit that gets pulled as warranty repairs/fps downgrades and i'd rather do the work myself.
  8. Its just the price you pay for importing cheap stuff from poland rather than paying a premium to get a uk shop with logistically easier returns. For folks who do a lot of tinkering it's pretty standard to accept the warranty aint gonna be worth jack the moment you do something as simple as put a set of proper connections on it.
  9. Problem i'd have with the likes of tape or jb weld etc is how square and true the threads are, for a unit of any real length or narrow internal diameter you may end up chopping rounds.
  10. Tbh the omega nub hardness never really bothered me much, the bucking has plenty of material to squish up and even with the aluminium nub in the maxx chambers i've had good results.
  11. click sounds like the motors at least trying to spin. if it's not a weak battery like @BigStew suspects then i'd be looking at motor height being too tight or possibly as simple as they've plugged in the polarity wrong.
  12. For really tiny stuff its good, i use the drill and dremel combo for cutting bolts
  13. a mate of mine does. although it can be quite the lottery buying russian stuff, always use paypal.
  14. yeah, not cheap even as a repro, but whilst the internals are cheap chinese red dot territory (hello parallax) the externals at least are very good, which for airsoft is pretty much 90% of what you want an optic to do anyway. there are rail mount versions of the kobra, although personally i'm not a fan of the C-more style sights. there have been a couple of legit kobras popping through the classifieds now and again, sadly never synchronised with me having money
  15. depends, budget? theme for a particular decade? magnified/unmagnified? if you're looking for inspiration then have a look here at some of the steampunk insanity on the table: https://russianoptics.net unfortunately with the exception of the PSO, PK-A and the Kobra you're kind of stuck when it comes to repros (a statement i am happy to be corrected on if said correction comes with shop links) there are 2 versions i've seen for the PK-A, there's the nuprol version (which really doesn't look nice even from a distance) or this version which looks the part although the internals aren't particularly fancy: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07KVN2GQ2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 my advice be careful how you treat that one, sadly the connection on mine died and it seems to be impossible to access it to re-solder without damaging the thing aside from that you're looking at having to get the real deal, especially for some of the weirder designs. fortunately quite a lot of the russian optics are not only still being made, but aren't completely insane pricing at least compared to western optics. i'm not long after ordering one of these bad boys which should hopefully confuse the shit out of people wondering what the hell it is: https://russianarmyshop.eu/russian-red-dot-scopes/1275-npz-pk-1-1p63-obzor.html
  16. i don't know my italian all that well, but don't eat the contents of "pasta lucidante" no chuck there, the one i'm thinking of is this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dremel-Keyless-Quick-Change-Multi/dp/B0002SMMY2 means you can chuck any of their tools, off-brand tools or drill bits in there no problem.
  17. fingers crossed that's all thats up. unfortunately the world of accuracy (or what passes in airsoft for accuracy) is a rabbit hole that gets very deep, very expensive, and very technical very fast.
  18. Yeah, i'm not so fussed on getting all the accessories cos i already have a pile built up. If you havent got one the mini chuck they do is an excellent add-on, so much better than the collets.
  19. you're not alone, mine had the TK grip (which is really comfy btw) and externally it was standard everything. only thing i did was some diy night sights which worked surprisingly well. would be nice to cater to the folk who recognise that filling a gun full of holes is just asking for them to fill with dirt.
  20. funny i got a 3000 as a christmas present, badly needed as my old one died months ago and i've been missing it.
  21. maple leaf bucking with omega nub is probably the best performance to effort ratio imo. you get the same results as flat/rhop but without the effort to modify the bucking.
  22. i may have done a thing...... https://russianarmyshop.eu/russian-red-dot-scopes/1275-npz-pk-1-1p63-obzor.html
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