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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. As 2-tones go thats not bad, certainly woild easily pass as an aesthetic choice rather than legal requirement.
  2. Possible yes, but the kind of expertise and equipment required aint gonna come cheap if you're just paying someone to make it for you. A lot of these kinds of projects are labours of love from folks who enjoy the challenge of building it as much as the final result.
  3. If i'm recalling correctly the hicapa spring is pretty easy accessed
  4. A man of taste and refinement. I respect that
  5. hmmmm, that's a spicy gat that's for sure. is that what i think it is velcro'd onto the stock 😛
  6. That second picture with the folding stock.....
  7. Dont get too hung up on barrel length, means very little compared to the other important factors (read: pretty much everything else)
  8. Its not an RIF, its an ROF- Really Offensive Firearm I suppose credit where its due, it doesnt have a stupid double blade trigger and at least the design choices seem to be driven with good function over form. I dont like it, but i can see why a speedsofter would.
  9. depends on what you mean by issues. getting it to fit, function, and send bb's out of the barrel no i shouldn't imagine any problems at all. tuning it to perfection, well that's an exponential challenge.
  10. you got thrust bearings on both the spring guide and piston? if so i'd pull the one from the piston, will give a little fps drop (and lessen pme). could be a shell thing, i know asg m95's are normally pretty damn close to 1j with a single thrust bearing in quite a lot of guns, but perhaps the bren has a little more preload than normal.
  11. i think from the context i'd use "creep" as has been mentioned the 1911 style mag release is default resting position of a slight amount of tension with the catch being pushed out of the way during insertion and popping back. there might be slightly more tension with mag in compared to mag out but it's not enough to really cause worry (at least in the kind of timespans shorter than something else failing due to age)
  12. Those zci barrels are fantastic for the price, i second the reccommendation.
  13. If you have one lying around its worth a try. Worst case is the feedlips are an issue.
  14. i kind of subscribe to the general theory that any announcement big enough that i want to pay attention to is going to filter its way to me eventually. or in shorter form, i like it under my rock, i have all the dank just how i like it
  15. it probably says a lot about me that i need reminding that instagram exists.....
  16. Thats basically the sole purpose of my account. Its kinda scary how many people do a double take these days when you tell them you dont have facebook (yes i have a ghost account for checking sites but i aint for giving it out to folk), its almost like if you arent on facebook you arent a real person. I think @proffrink has a very solid point. Seems to be that for the everyman facebook does pretty much everything in one place just well enough that they cant be arsed going elsewhere to get their information from better platforms. Tbh i kinda reckon i'm lucky to be just old enough to have matured the ability to distinguish real life from internet life before this all became mainstream.
  17. Theres a lot of almost societal demand for someone to have a facebook prescence, as if somehow not being on facebook means your not a real person. Twitter too, i work in a uni and not having a twitter account basically makes you a ghost.
  18. For all those making comments on the character of various politicians, i think you're not judging them by the right criteria. Who cares what groups or politics corbyn or trump or boris support, the real judgement should be do they take their hits?
  19. eh, gotta have some light bed-time reading now and again. you mean east germany?
  20. you meaning the one guy who actually managed to get banned from this place i take it? i'm trying to dig up them threads i was talking about just for a laugh edit: found it: come to think of it i think the dumpster fire saved my ass because apparently that was back when i still thought pro-wins were good in my defence i was getting very good results from mine at the time so maybe i just got lucky. edit 2: found the other one
  21. been a few rows i remember, like @ImTriggerHappy versus a guy who swore the S-hop was the best thing ever, or @Skara trying to talk sense into Novritch's biggest fan.
  22. i think it's just on finnish training grounds rather than a training exercise. i'd be more worried about getting lynched for showing up in digiflora
  23. Hamster: well well whats going on in here Thread: politics n shit Hamster:
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