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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. see now that works, plus you still get the proper folding action. would rather a 20-rounder in it though.
  2. y'know i always did wonder why when you're going to all the expense, the pain, the effort of plastic surgery would you not at least choose to have the result look good? remember seeing the story about some korean pop star who started off pretty good looking, went deep down the plastic surgery rabbithole thinking her looks were what made her popular (and refusing to accept the end of her 5 minutes of fame), ran out of money and injected cooking oil into her own face in desperation which backfired bad. and it finished with her wanting plastic surgery to get back to looking how she looked to begin with. of course there's a paralell here- people who start off with a perfectly nice ak and put an m4 stock on it thinking it'll make it look good
  3. fucking tuuuuune anyway, i vaguely recall wasnt there one of the higher end painters doing 2-tones done up as sci-fi guns? making stuff look like it came straight out of borderlands? as i recall they looked pretty tasty to the point that you'd want one even if you had ukara.
  4. Nope. I actually preferr the ugg boot. But then i dont like the extended rails on scars and i seem very much in the minority on that too.
  5. See this is how it begins..... It'll be 13:1 short stroked before it ever hits the field It can be a rewarding thing getting a gun running sweet especially if you do it with care and attention rather than filling it with expensive bits. The trick with the maple leaf hop rubbers is they seem to have marginally longer feedlips than most brands, great for air seal (and therefore accuracy) but can make it hard for the mag to shove a bb past it. Way to check is to look up the feed tube when the barrel is installed see if there's too much poking out, a little is ok but more than about 0.5mm and it might be causing issues (although normally that's occasional double feeds in a sea of blanks) Generally i keep a pdi w-hop handy as my go-to for guns that dont like ml stuff.
  6. Good work brother, the pervasive fitting of m4 stocks onto not m4's is a plague that needs stopped at every opportunity.
  7. tried that, didn't work, followed up with just straight wiring, that killed the mag. it *might* survive on 7.4v pass-through on an hpa but i'm not sure it'd stand up to a proper sized 7.4 and i know it can't handle 11.1
  8. see i can maybe squeeze 2 mags out of mine on a good day but really you've only got 1 reliably. although granted that's 2 mags of hilarious range lifting .32's on the stock hop..... ahh the lottery of WE guns..... intermittent issues- aka running out of ammo afaik it's about 2500rounds it holds which wont last too long at that rate of fire.
  9. v3 triggers, that's all i'm gonna say......
  10. yep, you just plug the line into the same place the gas can goes. afaik the issue with those things isn't so much gas as it is bb's, the magazine is the spindle that the barrels rotate around so you gotta spin the gun round to pour ammo into it. our local has one they're trying to mount onto their site landy, but they've been having some reliability issues (haven't asked them specifically whats up with it)
  11. because the original was stripped?
  12. nearly, you do @ then the name, eg @Adolf Hamster so, the agm '42, ooh boy this is gonna be a can of worms and i'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news. there are a fair number of issues with this thing, and it took a LOT of work to get mine to the position where it would be fieldable (note in this case fieldable means you pull the trigger and bb's come out in the vague direction you're pointing it). problem number 1: the magazine mech is awful, i doubt you're gonna get it to feed past stock speeds (ie by wiring it to the main battery) without blowing the motor, i sure didn't. it's a really underpowered mech compared to most other brands and the way it deals with blockages/a full bb tube is to just stall the motor. i ended up settling for a custom made mount to fit a classic army m249 box which has a sprung auto-wind and cutoff, this looked absolutely hideous but it did work. i can't say for sure if using a g&g mag is an option to preserve the gurttrommel look. i did try fitting mechs to a real '42 ammo can (the big 250 round belt jobby) but it's hard to get a mech to feed down a metre of tube reliably. problem number 2: the gearbox shell setup is aoe killer central, maybe the bullgear shell might fix this but tbh the split design with the gears in the handle and the piston in the reciever means any looseness in the grip mounting is gonna be a stripped piston, hell you look at it from the wrong angle its a stripped piston. problem number 3: the reciever is made of cheese- don't drop it because it will bend, the guy i sold mine to described it as "pasta" which sounds about right. it is possible to reinforce it with big steel bars inside the reciever but that's above and beyond your normal teching and into fabrication territory. also the bipod is made of cheese too, it'll break, but i think it's feasable to fit an RS one when it does. my honest opinion is your best course of action is to skip trying to get it working as an aeg and go straight into the hpa route, leave the magazine stock and set the engine to fire whatever speed the mag will feed to. of course that's not easy either as it's a weird nozzle length, i ended up taking a nozzle for a g&g sr25 and turning it down on a lathe to the right length, then it'll run fine as long as you don't drop/knock it and bend something. of course the results of all this work is gonna yeild a very heavy and awkward gun that's a pain to aim and doesn't do anything an arp9 with a drum mag can do at a quarter of the weight.
  13. it's a tricky one. an enfield base would mean having to fabricate an entire blowback mech, but would make the external/visual modifications comparitively easy. possibly an m14? it's at least setup to have a mock rotating bolt to it.
  14. the problem i've found with gbb's is they're systems that are in very delicate balance. the hammer spring, recoil spring, float valve, mag valve, how well the mag sits, the seals between the hop/nozzle and the mag/nozzle are all critical. my general theory is it's better not to mess with the base mechanism too much, because throwing out those tolerance can spell real bad news. all i've done with the makarov is change the piston head to what i'd call an aeg type (as opposed to the solid rubber thing that they come with stock) and generalised tinkering with the hop/barrel. same with the dragonuv all i've done is a bit of spacer rubber in the magwell and some hop work, but even that gave a bunch of problems. but everyone has their weakness, and i'll admit that i don't know as much about gbb's as i do about aeg's/hpa's, at least not to the level where i'm confident enough to be issuing advice on changing out parts etc.
  15. i know you'd do it to, just to ironically be "that guy"
  16. i was gonna say charlton but unfortunately it's now too late for me to claim that i called it..... it's an intesting proposition, you can't just do the normal gbbr trick of not having a locking mechanism as it's external, i wonder if you'd almost need 2 gas supplies- one in the mag to fire and one in the "gas tube" to operate the cycling. it'd probably be awful to skirmish but goddamn would it command respect and admiration.
  17. welcome to the wonderful world of compatible-ish, finding out rated brands are actually shite, realising sometimes cheap stuff is good, nothing ever fits quite-right world of teching. hence the difficulty when someone asks "what upgrades do it get?" because not every part fits every gun and sometimes a really top-tier bit of gucci kit is crap when it's just not right for the build.
  18. i know you know this, but that isn't the best tool for the job.
  19. more batteries, more organisation. changing a battery takes 5 minutes (unless you have a really awkward gun), charging one takes an hour. how much are you shooting anyway? i've never managed to fully drain a 1100mah battery inside a day without using a support gun.....
  20. "positive vibes only" that tells me all i need to know, sure i'm all for being polite to folk but i'd rather not have the line between constructive criticism, banter, and insults being used to cut off discussion.
  21. i never hold things for folks, it's always first come first served. i know the temptation to hold things for folks you know from the board but i'd rather be consistent in my practice.
  22. perhaps a bit of patience might be called for here, we're all in lockdown and we aren't allowed out to play so it's gonna be hard to get excited over buying new things. keep it stashed, start mooching around the classifieds, and by the time we're let out to play it won't be hard to sink £500 on something shiny.
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