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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. meanwhile in the real world that's e&l money......
  2. this is what happens when we can't shoot each other. stuck at home, watching random stuff on youtube and all the hate and anger that's normally spread amongst all the knobs out there doing one thing or another has become focused onto one guy who happens to be a well published example of many of said practices.
  3. and a glock isn't? the glock is what a kid draws as a gun before he's got the drawing skills to add the details like hammers and safety catches on
  4. here here i already have my social distancing system in place- if i can poke you with a bayonet on the dragonuv you're too damn close!
  5. amen to that. they're all good options, they're just slightly different enough to the point where it's pretty much personal preference.
  6. pretty much. bugger all to do these days is the problem.
  7. the main advantage the tippmann seems to have is recoil (although maybe not all models?) and no electrics. i've heard nothing but good things from their owners. although it wouldn't surprise me if a well dialed in electromechanical setup had superior bb lobbing performance.
  8. when i started airsofting i was using me old dpm stuff from cadets and got her to sew pouches for kneepads into the trousers. it was surprising how many times i was asked what brand they were
  9. if it's a choice between a 1j limit and losing the hobby (or worse, 2-tones for all ) then sure a 1j limit is livable, however: is absolutely correct, the anti-gun brigade are very much the "ban all the things" types unfortunately. tbh i'm surprised airsoft survived the first round under its lens. remember reading a while back some anti-gun spiel about how airsoft was using "lethal weapons" and practicing "racist rituals" (referring to the occasional terrorism reference), it's kinda worrying the mindset of folks like that. i'm kinda 50/50 on that, certainly trying to run a 1j bolt gun on a field of 1j mg's ar's and smg's is quite the challenge. but it can be rather fun if you pull it off. until you meet someone else who is enlightened in the ways of the heavy bb and you're right back to square 1 of course i don't snipe, i just hang back and take pot shots at guys at the edge of my range. i'm assuming you're directly referring to real firearms rather than some second amendment version of the right to bear pew pews. whilst i do think that the variety and types of firearms that can be legally owned by civilians should be much broader than it is currently, i very much do not support the removal of the barriers to obtaining them easily. the biggest problem America has is the sheer volume of firearms in circulation to the point where people who are not interested in them still buy one because it's the done thing to do.
  10. ahh, now that changes the game a tad. in which case i'd say the tippmann, it's like an hpa tapped gbbr but you just use normal mags and reload when you feel like.
  11. oh i got my mum to sew elastic in the bottom so i didn't have to mess around with trouser twists......
  12. i'd be kind of inclined to say the mws. considering you already know the performance is good enough for your liking and the only reason to go hpa is if you want either better performance, or a gun that works in winter (caveat i'm saying that having never tried an mws in winter)
  13. you kidding me, i done 6 years in the cadets and that really prepared me for combat duty. as long as the enemy are expecting very shiny boots and a well-tied Windsor knot.....
  14. i found it interesting way back when i was doing the massive spreadsheet to figure out the true answer to wether heavier bb's really are better that an 0.5g bb fired at 2.5j at about 20m has about 1.3j of energy, which corresponds to a point blank rifle. the being prepared to be shot at argument is a tricky one. yes when i go on the field i choose to accept that getting pinged is part of the process, yes i choose not to wear lower face protection. however i don't choose to be the punching bag for some knob who wants to intentionally cause pain because he thinks that's some cool or clever thing to do (how that's achieved be it unnecessary shots to sensitive areas, full auto spraying up close, cheating chrono etc will of course vary). indeed, the whole point of this forum environment is to have a space where we can state our opinions. whether people want to agree, disagree or ignore said opinion is of course their own prerogative. it is feasible to do some level of sniping shenanigans on a 1j limit, although you are very much reliant at that point on ammo weight and stealth and it is much easier to get caught out. although as much as i like the challenge that a dmr role entails i must admit to feeling it would change the game dynamic a fair bit if you could rely on a bigger chunk of extra range. that said you also don't have to worry about med's so someone creeps up you can just shoot them straight up rather than debate wether they're close enough that you need to use a pistol.
  15. what it boils down to is "if the rules are followed then is there an issue?" for example if you were hit by a sniper who was running within the limits of both energy and MED, would you consider it too uncomfortable? if the answer is no then the problem is not the rule, it's the enforcement.
  16. so i done went and looked at the page, i may be slightly regretting it...... Jesus Christ there are some obsessed people on there, if they aren't trolling then they really need to rethink what they're doing with their lives.
  17. i'm also down for noseying at what these people are saying if we're spreading links. had a quick google but all i found was km himself ranting about the dutch banning bb's above .4g
  18. i'd call them veterans, to me the phrase veteran applies to anyone who's been on a 2-way firing range.
  19. y'know its an interesting issue. not all of the uk has the luxury of the 1.3/2.5j limit and some places are stuck at a flat 1j. and guess what- folks still run hot. indeed when caught out it's always "oh that spring was for when i went to the mainland for a game, musta forgot to change it back" or some bullshit excuse along those lines. what that says to me is that the allowable limit isn't the problem, it's the proper enforcement of said limit to ensure a level playing field. it worries me how so very easily i could run at higher energies when sites barely chrono at the start of the day, don't understand the difference between fps/joules (let along joule creep), and sure as hell don't chrono mid-game. indeed as i recounted in another thread the only time i've ever had an hpa reg zip tied was when i did it myself to demonstrate to the marshals it was a thing you could do.
  20. is it bad that i assume the vast majority of folk who really have been involved in spoopy shenanigans as part of a special forces unit don't talk about it/make it public (presumably with some level of official secrets paperwork in the background) at least until they retire and are far enough out of the game that the stories they have aren't of immediate political relevance?
  21. for me it's either relatively short aka hipfire, or very long (aka i'm out of ammo and i'm just plinking at that point) but more important is how rarely i use a pistol at all, certainly with any serious intention at least.
  22. agreed. i think the biggest part is when you forget the stupidity of what is essentially playing dress-up hide and seek. it's why i love people who do the unusual/crazy stuff, helps reminds us that sure you might be dressed up in full military grade gear with the most realistic looking pew pew gun on the field but that won't stop you getting hit by some joker dressed as batman from the Adam west days running around with a single action army because he can. whilst i'm kinda tempted to try the milsim side of things, and i'm game for a bit of mock command structure/team integration or objectives beyond merely inventive ways of dressing up team deathmatch, what puts me off is the feeling that there are too many of the holier-than-thou types who'll sneer because your boots haven't walked a thousand miles in Afghanistan or your holding your m4 wrong etc. of course i hope that impressions wrong.
  23. you kidding me!? there's PEOPLE out there, nah i'm cool under my rock thanks, i've got the dank just how i like it.
  24. as @Lozart suggests the metric fucktonne is heavier than the imperial fuckton, unless you're using the older unit aka the fucking long ton crapton is the weight equivalent of the fucktonne, ie weight in craptons=mass in fucktonnes*9.81m/s² of course the metric designations also accept the usuai SI mega, giga, tera etc prefixes.
  25. or you could say that indoors are for people who are too fat to run around, too stingy to have good gats, and too lazy to learn how to sneak properly on the off chance someone takes that seriously i'm taking the piss....
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