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Everything posted by Skara

  1. @Sitting Duck You fucking lied to me! Installed the 13:1 gears, didn't install the bearings as per my local tech's words "bushings are more reliable". Expected 20/21 RPS on a 7.4, chronoed at 27 point fucking 5 RPS and 0.9999999J (might nip half a coil off tho). Tis on a 7.4v 1450 mAh 20c.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      I know about the original video, it's been posted in here a couple of times already.


      I thought it'd be nice to remind people to NOT act like they're some speshul forces 



    3. Shamal


      I'm speshul needs 🤪

    4. Stratton Oakmont

      Stratton Oakmont

      Watching somebody watching something.....

      jesus, life’s too short

  3. Kicking Mustang also shared this incident on IG stories. At first he was all "burn the witch", now he's moved onto the "life isn't being fair to this dude, an airsoft ban would do, please bois don't go batshit crazy on him" line of thought.
  4. No clue. skirmshop.nl has some parts but the one I'm interested in is out of stock (the stock)
  5. Modify is working on a Steyr Scout Rifle!!!


    About time!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alxndrhll


      Oooooooh, that’s exciting! Thanks for sharing 😊

    3. Skara


      I do expect it to be super expensive though.

    4. ziCk_


      I don’t imagine it’s gonna materialise any time soon. Meanwhile I’m still waiting for Silverback’s MDR 🤷‍♂️ 

  6. Regarding this rubber thing. Would a piece of hop rubber suffice? Care to share any pictures of the mod?
  7. Could be, but the sound and feel of plastic bending under your feet is rather clear.
  8. There is a similar restaurant here in Italy (La Parolaccia, in Rome), but it's the opposite, the waiters verbally abuse the customers /ot
  9. Stopped watching (and following) half of the airsoft channels because of that.
  10. Working really well. The only thing I'd change is the read/unread thread title palette. Still recognizable by the bold text in unread ones, but a different shade of grey (say darker for read and brighter for unread) would be easier to the eye. I'd also turn all the white texts/buttons to a very light grey, or even light blue. For example I'm reading your name and holy shit my eyes are burning because of the contrast
  11. I want two so I can have one in its stock configuration (to be used with any loadout) and the dedicated SMG for muh snipah (surprise surprise, I got the idea from KM lol) I'm not a fan of constantly taking stuff on and off. I am after that particular stock too, unfortunately it's not available yet in Italy (or San Marino) and getting it from abroad makes it somewhat expensive at €40 + min. 20 postage. I am in no rush though, I think I'll prioritize upgrading the internals of the one I have (hammer, trigger, whatever is made of pot metal and needs addressed)
  12. What the shit? If it happened to me I would have knocked him out cold on the spot. Why are people such cunts? I get putting shit in your mate's barrel/unplug batteries/disconnect and hide mags for banter, but this is just a wee bit too much Hope he's banned from the site (and every site in his area).
  13. Correct, I have one. I believe I was the first one in Italy to get it, at least that I know of. I really like mine, I did have to change the hop rubber as it was rather inconsistent and, with the hop fully dialed in, it barely hopped 0.3s to 40 metres. Quick rubber swap with a 50° Decepticon and voila, easy 60 metres snipes. I only wish AA put a straight/speed trigger on it (without the safety, safeties are for pussies and americans) and an external semi/full auto switch. Not that I use it that much, but switching modes is a pain in the neck and it's its main drawback. As of now I'm looking at buying a second one (in black this time) to turn into a smg (stock, top rail and 50 rounders) to use as a secondary for my sniper kit, or as a primary for those ultra rare cqb games. Oh, and in case you didn't know, the guys at Hadron Designs are already working on a dedicated TDC
  14. Don't buy E&L midcaps, they are crap. Buy Cyma ones, they actually feed.
  15. There are only 2 belts I can recommend. The first is the FRV shooter's belt, two piece system that uses velcro. Handmade, built like a tank, not even that expensive. Real guys use it to schwack bad guys. The other is the HSGI Suregrip range, quite pricy at €120+ but man it does stay where you put it. I've had a couple of cheaper options before (condor, invader gear, emerson) and they all kept riding up/down depending on how much crap I attached to them. Plus they kept rotating like crazy no matter how tight they were. They do work relatively well with a harness, but meh. At that point a smersh is the way to go. Buy once, cry once, enjoy your investment
  16. They do, but most of the sound on an AEG comes from the gearbox. I know, I have one too imma buy another one soon
  17. Time to redo all the loadouts!

    1. Rogerborg


      The new Autumn Crye patterns are out?

    2. Skara


      No, I once again added too much unnecessary shit :(

  18. Today's game was really fun! 9 people from 2 different clubs plus one or two "freelancers", playing in the hardest and steepest part of our field. Games were smooth, hit taking excellent and we had a good laugh when a single defender wiped the whole attack out in the first 60 seconds of the 2nd last game Did have a few issues with my kit, namely forgetting my bag of bbs at home (had a 2300bb drum, but had to stick to semi auto) and my bodged up backpack ripping itself apart. plus my arms are full of scars because diving in bushes while wearing just a tee is fun If only all game days were like this.
  19. Well, when I first got into airsoft I genuinely believed suppressors would actually work. I also believed that lighter bbs had more range so I kept feeding 0.23s in my vsr because "slightly less range but more accuracy" And that metal guns were better than polymer ones.. At the time though, TM plastic was pretty shit (m16s anyone?)
  20. he didn't play tournaments because he was underage, not because we didn't want him to play, after all he's not a bad player, he's fast and for the most part can listen to "commands" Now that we have seen his real intentions, yeah, fuck him. Shame for his dad as he is just following his son but heh, people come and go. meanwhile I'm preparing my kit for tomorrow's game. arp or pink m4?
  21. Skara


    Given that with 10k Lire one could fill gas, eat pizza and have enough money left for an ice cream and a pack of cigarettes, that 10k Lire is €5 and now with that amount you can only buy like 3 litres of fuel OR a pack of cigarettes. Apartments there must be in the region of €300k for the shittiest ones right now
  22. Skara


    Don't worry, I'm just ranting about the £/€ conversion rate. You seriously need to consider becoming a third world country so we can take advantage of our shit currency for once
  23. Okay. My airsoft day has been spoiled even before starting. A little bit of boring context first. We live in a sea town, we don't really play (as in organized games) in the summer, we usually call it quits around mid June and resume in early September. If we feel like playing we gather a bunch of people from different clubs and have a skirmish somewhere. Then we have tournaments, two types mainly (4 hours and 8 hours, one year we do the 4h ones, the year after we do 8h, you get the idea) with some 12/24h events thrown in, but they are quite rare. At the 4 hour long ones, the minimum age threshold is 16, 18 for the longer 8 hours ones as there are more "safety" risks involved. More on that later if anyone's interested. Due to the slowly dying community here, in the past we've resorted to inviting other clubs so we could reach a reasonable number of players (15 total, on average), including the cheater team I have mentioned several times, both in the OP and in various threads/statuses. We also have a few father/son couples playing with us, they really make it fun as they are always on opposing teams so they can settle every affair they might have (seriously tho, they are freaking hilarious at times). We happen to have this F&S pair who are friends with the cheater club's president, so they always push to invite them and often play with them during the summer break. The dad is a cool cat, he just wants to sling plastic with his friends from both clubs, fair player who calls his hits and brings laughter. His son, though, has been behaving like a cunt for the past year or so. Decent player with a great ego, he couldn't attend tournaments because of his age (he's turning 18 in a short time), the only one he could attend was a bit disappointing for him as another person was picked. Always tries to stand out (the bad way) from the crowd, expects to be praised for the individual plays (team game? Hello?) and, most importantly, gets super upset when someone points out any mistakes he might have made. /boring prelude. Let's jump to present day, I'm organizing the 2nd official game after the summer break. The 2 people aforementioned said that they wouldn't play because they were busy with family stuff (completely fine with it, family trumps everything else). 6 people, shit, not enough, so I started asking other clubs too, when I called the cheater club's president he told me they were playing with another club (completely fine with it as well) and that the 2 guys were joining him (NOT fine with that). Now, if you join a soccer team, the team expects you to play with them. You can't join X club but then play with Y only, it's not very respectful of X. I did just call the kid asking what was it about and he told me his will to permanently join the other club because we never let him play tournaments. Now, let's pause that for a second. Since he joined us he could not participate in tournaments because he wasn't of age: 2018 (16yo min) he was 15 2019 (18yo min) he was 16 2020 (16yo min) we got the 'rona. 2021 (same 2020 series, postponed because of the virus) he'd be 18, so he could play and we are always happy to have new people in the competitive team. I pointed that out to him and he suddenly hung up the phone. Oh, we also have a somewhat bland "don't come back policy" that both guys are well aware of, if a member has an issue with the team or one of the members, we try to discuss it and come to a solution together. If the member leaves without actually giving an explanation, joins another club but then wants to come back, heh, train has been missed mate. We actually try to solve problems. I fully expect them to regret their decision and try to join us back within 2 months. So yeah, tomorrow will be a sad skirmish, regardless of what happens..
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