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Everything posted by Tackle

  1. You looking for kit retailers, or suppliers of very specific kit ?, if it's the latter you'll need to give us more info. The term milsim could be broadly used to describe anything featured in a conflict zone, which again is open to massive interpretation according to the region & which side your on. Usually requests for milsim kit is more in regards to larger scale & in particular games over a longer time frame, 24/36/48, maybe even 72hrs & referencing everything from ration packs to snivel kit to sleeping systems, & best kit to carry it all in. Hence the need for specifics ? 🤔
  2. You might want to clarify your requirements/expectations, your aware of the price new, but quoting "£40-50 at a push" ?, why the inflated price ? (they're showing in stock at firesupport), or are you after a specific number at that price ?
  3. Is this a pre-curser to you getting the "kids" to start playing with the old man ? 👍
  4. Forums had some major software upgrades, maybe a year back ?, forced by some faults I think, maybe your stuff was lost in the process ?
  5. Good thread, making me reminisce to the good old days, struggling to play these days & when I do I'm rarely impressed with the sites. What to choose though, combat south, the mall, raf upwood, all great sites, not just excellent layouts but also well managed, which makes a big difference to your gameday experience. But I'm gonna have to go back to one of my very first sites played, Fort Amherst in Chatham/Kent, not the biggest site around by any means, but some great features, & back in the day was kinda generally well managed by cage & then invicta (if you ignore the fact that one of the organisers kept knocking the land owner & embezzled the money, until they were thrown off😢) Happy days lol, eh @Duff Beer
  6. Similar to the TT mav but half the price (but better imho) is the bulle mle, I own 2,plus numerous other rigs but always find myself gravitating back to the mle, super comfortable & lightweight, can't recommend it enough. https://www.flecktarn.co.uk/odtmb2nx.html
  7. As has already been said, take the shotgun & the aep pistol off the table (for now), yes both can be effective in certain circumstances when coupled with certain playing styles, but as a "do everything", forget it, they'll let you down. Out of the other three, they're all viable, you need something that chucks bb's downrange at a reasonable fps & accuracy, they'll all do that, so it's as much about cosmetics & ergonomics really, whatever you like the look of & you feel comfortable carrying all day. Do you have load carry kit yet, webbing, chest rig etc, if you have then what is it set up to take mag wise ?, your gun budget isn't that big, so I'm guessing your not ready to spend loads yet on your rigs to accommodate your future mag choice.
  8. Familial spastic paraplegia apparently, but to be honest my Googlefu is pretty damn weak, so I might be wrong😏
  9. Tackle


    DA FUQ Derrick, welcome, have another go at a comprehensible post, hurry up though😏
  10. "Going through some guns & came across a brand new bren" ??? Sorry, need more context, are you a retailer ?, is that how you just "find" new guns your not aware of ?. If the answer is yes, & you can then offer a fully supported wanted, then sell it for RRP. But if your not & can't offer a warranty, then consider 70% off RRP, around the £260 Mark at a guess ?
  11. Dude, don't think you should have your address inc door number on the map location.?
  12. You could have broken that to me a bit easier 🐷
  13. Tackle

    Warhorse one

    Hey guys, so this recent film popped up on my radar a few times recently via YouTube shorts, so only snippets of trailers, but initially looked OK, hunted around but couldn't find it on any streaming sites. Fast forward a couple of months & it appeared on one of the 123movies sites, so I thought great, got insomnia at mo so good way to kill a couple of hours in the night........... NOOOOOOO, I was wrong, don't be like me & get hoodwinked by carefully edited trailers, I lasted maybe 15 minutes before I turned it off, it's a low budget knockoff ish of lone survivor, crap acting, shite cgi muzzle flashes & bullet strikes, & just painful to watch. I've come across some absolute abominations on amazon prime in various genres, this is probably worse lol, ffs the lead "actor" is called Johnny Strong, that should have been warning enough.
  14. Sellers in Lewisham, "training sessions" is probably slang for post office jobs lol.
  15. Good rule of thumb for most kit is 65-75% of the new price. Obviously you can factor in the price of the upgrades too, but you may be asked by potential buyers to provide documented proof of the upgrades, as well as proof their still fitted. It all sounds complex but there have been cases where sellers have stripped the internal upgrades out, claimed they're still in there & sold it as such, only to be found out later. If you still have the stock parts, you may want to consider including them, or even reverting the pistol back to stock & listing the upgrade parts separately, as is often the case in life, the sum total of parts may far exceed the complete item in value. Worth considering ? 🤔
  16. Am I the only one that wants to see someone else film their gameplay, only to come across KM shooting from "out of bounds" etc, confront him about it & then knock that cnut out, all on cam. Now that I would go out of my way to watch, that shit would go viral overnight 😈
  17. This I get, many years ago I tried to get involved with the underground Airsoft scene in Cyprus, it was all very clandestine & all Comms were via a Greek Airsoft forum, which understandably was mostly in Greek, not easy to navigate at all. Although it was only slightly harder than having an in-person conversation with your average Scotsman 😜
  18. Then it's time to update his feedback accordingly, some people scam, & some are just lazy/tardy, either way other members on the forum need to know about his actions (or lack of them ?), & not everybody will spot this thread, but hopefully they'll notice negative feedback if he starts selling again.
  19. He's gone, anybody been offered anything by new member @Scot ?
  20. LOL to be fair Electrowerkz even looked like an S&M torture chamber, wouldn't be surprised if some of the players were there for the pain😭
  21. As a wiser man than me once said, "only risk what you can afford to lose" While he was referring to payment options when buying kit s/h, the same should be applied to shipping kit.
  22. Elephant in the room guys ??? 🤯, OP has owned the TM Aug previously, got on with it & it served him well, to me that's a no brainer, it's tm ffs, get that so you can start playing again, everybody knows you'll need a second gun for backup soon enough, thats the one to research a bit more & scour the classifieds for.
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