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Everything posted by Tackle

  1. You might want to rethink your price, I can buy a new one with a warranty & no horrid blue paint for £350 https://www.justbbguns.co.uk/daniel-defense-m4a1-fsp-gas-blowback-airsoft-rifle/
  2. Bullpup tend to be fairly well balanced, which helps to mitigate the usual issues with ris systems & outer barrels making guns front heavy, but most are still quite weighty guns. The best exception to that would probably be the magpul pdr-c, all polymer bullpup, tiny & super light, the only downside is they're expensive & not many around, but still worth considering ?. One question, how old are you ?, your profile pic indicates young but that can be deceptive, reason I ask is if your below 18, or even below 16, then your still developing & will get stronger over time, barring health issues. The other thing you could do is work on your fitness/strength, a good simple start would be calisthenics for the upper body, no fancy weights or equipment needed & you'll literally see results on a few weeks if you work at it.
  3. Could it be a Cm16 by any chance 😏, which IS an M4 variant & not an actual m16. (some Airsoft manufacturers like to give fancy acronyms etc, that have no bearing on the real world rifle of they're copying)
  4. Last time I was in Egypt, I was offered a real one for less than that lol
  5. Also, accurate descriptions of what your selling would be good, for example, the main item, the rifle itself is NOT an M16, clearly an M4 of some sort, a proper designation would potentially make buyers more interested in it.
  6. Don't worry, if the two don't work together, your covered by the retailers warranty😏
  7. To whom, kiddies & non players, can't see a long term plan in that once you've hit your potential quota in the population of stoke.
  8. You really do have a Napoleon complex, running a site isn't a guarantee of fuck all, many do it, some quite badly. What really interests me is that you feel critical of this forums attitude, yet it's probably the most active & well respected forum existing in the UK currently, at its very large core are members with decades of experience in all aspects of airsoft, most of whom play regularly at numerous sites around the UK & further afield, yet this 5 page thread that's been going July 2023, not one bona fide airsofter has stepped forward & mentioned playing your site, which leads me to believe that, all your bluster aside, other than the occasional noob maybe, your empire is relegated to kids parties & stag do's, all hoping for the genuine survival experience lol🤣. At the moment no one is taking you or your site seriously, no one has said they want to see it fail, just clarity on your rules & how they're presented publicly. But here, if anyone makes statements that are incorrect, bordering absurd, they'll be called out on the science involved by those who know. You could have accepted it as constructive criticism, maybe even asked for further clarification or advice, but you went all "I'm the boss" & dug your heels in. All you've really done is damage reputation of yourself & your site within the Airsoft community 😒
  9. Just means a lightweight cocking action not unlike a gas shotgun for example, alternatively picture it as a springer, imagine the bicep (just 1 lol) that you'd end up with💪
  10. @Sneakyduck I suspect that very long post where you alledgely detail your knowledge of joules/fps vs BB weight etc etc, was actually copied & pasted from another source, but I'll take that as a positive in the hope that you've taken the time to source it, you'll hopefully absorb some of the info & put it in to practice within your empire. As for the rest, I'll wait for someone with a decent reputation within the Airsoft community to give the site a try & hopefully review it afterwards. If your doing things right regards to safety, decent Marshalls etc, then I wish you well, all everyone wants is decent well run gamedays that continue to show Airsoft in a positive light.
  11. Welcome, the likely answer is no, it's a dedicated Airsoft forum & while privately many of us have interests in most associated kit, displaying such stuff, especially section 5 kit, may bring unwanted attention on the forum, as well as Airsoft on the whole, from the "authorities", some of whom may dislike all gun hobbies, especially in an election year😏
  12. I wouldnt want to be, he's a Cn#t, & I've not made up my mind about you yet either😜
  13. Blimey, that's an eye opener, thankfully I don't seem to sell gats anymore, I'm choosing to hoard them instead, for the impending zombie apocalypse 🤣
  14. Your correct, I should have made it clearer, buyer approaches me & I'd ask for ukara number, linked name & address, which I can then provide to the likes of firesupport, who would confirm if it's correct & current. If all good, my only other requirements is to ensure the delivery address is the same, no deviation. Personally I've only ever done this twice, when I had concerns that the buyers were sus in some way, one turned out to be fine, his site also confirmed his regular attendance, but the other was moody af, underage & trying to use someone else's details........... He got swiftly fucked off by me & reported to the mods, ascuk if memory serves me, years ago.
  15. My understanding is there are a number of friendly retailers, such as firesupport, that are happy to confirm the validity of ukara details, including the address for delivery.
  16. Definitely, with the stock & hook, they'd not be able to make them quick enough. Thinking about the mental demand (& price) of Spas 12 rear stocks cw hooks, you'd think that no one in manufacturing, tm or others, actually looks at forums etc to see the demand for them, they'd make a killing.
  17. Definitely, lost count of the times I see mention of a company's new gat with a weird name or set of numbers, only to Google it & think "oh bollocks, it's another m4" 🤬
  18. I don't assume anything, by your own admission researching a seller is extra effort & you'd rather go to a retailer, a as I previously said, your money, your choice. The point being discussed, that many don't agree with, understandably, is the defence of cosplay has little bearing on airsoft, open to abuse by non airsofters, which in turn puts everything at risk for the genuine players. I sympathise with your situation, I too provide 24/7 care, literally day & night, to a relative, unpaid I should add, who is disabled & has dementia. Add to that I've been receiving cancer treatment since 2021, & severe orthopaedic issues mean I currently can't climb or descend a flight of stairs unaided, so I know exactly how hard it can be to attend games, or even cope with getting around some sites. (I'm determined to not let the health crap force me to quit) Cosplay would have been piss easy for me to use to buy rifs, but I don't agree with it for Airsoft rifs for all the reasons previously mentioned, maybe cosplayers and reenactors should have been made to go down the route of deacts or similar, in order to not "muddy the waters" for airsofters. & as has been mentioned, maybe people like you & I, who find themselves in difficult personal situations should have more flexible options for attaining a ukara defence. I'll put this out there as a general question, for example has anyone ever approached a site where they've started playing, but for whatever reason have had a protracted break between games, & asked the site to honour the previous games & make an allowance for the time away ?, allowing players get ukara approval.
  19. It's not for me, no issues with its looks as such, just that it looks like a tavor/UAR etc etc, & not like some kinda shotgun, which kinda defeats the point ?. Shotties are meant to look just as good when fired from the hip as the shoulder, but that looks like it should only be shouldered, if that makes sense.
  20. You might want to mention the sizes of the trousers.?
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