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Everything posted by Rogerborg

  1. Taiwangun do wholesale to other sellers, and shipments seem to have been all over the place recently, so I guess retailers will source whatever they can, wherever they can.
  2. That RK74 is a pretty nice paintjob, and Partizan looks like decent camo. I mean, it's no Flecktarn, but what is?
  3. Luke at Negative has really outdone himself on the self-sacrifice with this one:



    I can 100% fap to the honesty here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Speedbird_666


      Thing is, many guns come with metal-racked Pistons out of the box now.  Specna Edge and the newer CYMA AKs spring to mind (I have both). How many guns will end up shitting themselves (completely) because the user is unaware of what's going on inside their gun? Who knows... but I suppose it keeps Airsoft techs gainfully employed.


      My ICS guns came with plastic-racked pistons though, which is handy. 

    3. Skara


      Yup, my Ares guns came with steel rack pistons, my honey badger got the gearbox rebuilt and it runs smooth, the 009 (which I sold) completely destroyed the gear set when it stripped.


      I get the point of having the last 2/3 teeth towards the piston head made of metal, after all they're the ones who have to bear the most pressure (when the spring gets cocked), but makes no sense to have the full rack being of metal..

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      some interesting points he makes, for example about hop overheating on auto. i do wonder how much of an effect compression heating has on that as well given hpa's tend to take a bit longer to "warm up" given they're running pre-pressurised gas.


      polymer pistons are fine if it's good polymer (insert rant about the quality of airsoft plastics), and the whole sacrificial part is a valid concept, in general i tend to buy steel racks but i won't replace a polymer piston if it's in good condition.


      reminds me of my rc days where polymer gears are pretty common, even on the 1/5 scale stuff, i had one that ran for years although ironically almost every other component of the drive system failed. that was good short-strand carbon reinforced though (handy side benefit the carbon acted as lubricant as it wears).


      but he's spot on about maintaining, it's why i like to encourage people to get into their own teching, you can save a lot of money time and headache if you're able to keep on top of maintaining your own stuff.



  4. Another chancer flogging used gear as "brand new". Probably licked them all then put them back in the packaging, ought to be banned. 😠
  5. We have no way of knowing that a person with a current UKARA intends to use RIFs for skirmishing in the future. That could apply to someone with or without UKARA. Despite what I've just said, I do understand and agree with your caution. UKARA is our best defence (short of solid evidence of theatrical intent). It's just not a great indication of future intent. I may be a little salty about this because my UKARA has expired, and rather ominously my site has just set all its Facebook groups to private. 😧
  6. That's... rather extreme. As @Tommikka notes, if you come to the attention of the State on your way to or from a site, then regardless of whether you're in possession of an IF or a RIF, you have to provide proof of a reasonable excuse for that. If you can't, you've got a bigger problem than the VCRA. If you can ("On my way to/from an airsoft skirmish at Extant Airsoft, here are their details", I'd be astonished if the conversation then preceded to how or where or when you got a RIF. We won't know until we have some test cases, but I can't see anything relevant.
  7. I'd feel safer selling to someone who could provide professional indemnity or third party liability cover for a film or theatrical company. That's a bold assumption. I'm struggling to find case law on the VCRA and sellings RIFs, but one interesting and not entirely unrelated piece of case law is Cooke vs DPP in which a chap was appealing his conviction for selling "[a] considerable quantity of police caps, helmets, badges and bags" contrary to the Police Act 1996, section 90 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/16/section/90 https://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/ew/cases/EWHC/Admin/2015/3312.html Conviction overturned, because "lawful purpose" could be as broad as "theatrical, film or TV performance by actors (amateur and professional) in the role of a police officer; wearing at fancy dress parties and similar events; collection and display in a museum; private collection for personal enjoyment". Now, that doesn't apply to us directly, our defences are more narrowly defined. But the standard of proof isn't, and in a criminal case you only have to adduce reasonable doubt. It's clear that their Lordships were minded to be generous in allowing defences. Further, UKARA gives some evidence of what you have done. It says nothing about what you intend to do in the future, which is the standard of the S37 defence. We've got a Home Office circular from some unnamed civil servant saying that they think a scheme like UKARA is sufficient, but it's not in the legislation itself and a court wouldn't be bound by that opinion. Tl;dr version, if someone could show me that they'd played airsoft and were intending to play it again (booking would be best) then I'd be happy selling. A current UKARA number would be a bonus, but having one only shows that you played within the last year - it could have been 364 days ago, which is thin gruel for showing future intent. And right now there will be loads of people with expired UKARAs who are genuinely starting to play again. All that said, this is a very valid concern, and they even ask about arrests, let alone convictions. I imagine anything with "firearm" in it would be a big red flag. I don't condemn you at all for being cautious, I'm only speaking for what I'd accept. Well, we're not committing an offence. Other than being time wasting dicks.
  8. A good question. Barrel, motor, disable the recoil, flat hop (and figure out how the previous retailer messed up the Maxx hop). The other question is why you'd mention the cost of the original gnu, plus what you've spent on replacing parts and removing one of the big features of the original gnu. What's the retained value of a part or a function that's not there any more? If you're citing the value added by Negative Airsoft, remember that Luke's advice is to buy a CYMA AK and clean it.
  9. "never seen a game. just back garden shooting." I'm just picturing him kneeling on those knee pads, wearing his mesh facepro, 3-round-bursting away at a cardboard box, with a sight-protector on his gun. Sadder than pineapple on pizza. "All in all I'm looking at around £800 for this as to date this rifle has cost me in excess of £1500." How the actual... oh, right, Kingdom of Airsoft. I wonder how much it will cost for Luke at Negative Airsoft to fix it... I might actually pay to watch the rant video.
  10. Well, it's got that "actually exists and is for sale" premium on it. Plenty of places are looking pretty thin on stock at the moment.
  11. "i have never fired it. i dont know if the previous owner had used it or not i cant remember, bought it 8 years ago. as far as i know it is in full working order when it was sold to me" = "almost certainly not working now"
  12. That's not an Uzi, that's a phased plasma rifle in the 40 Watt range.
  13. When Luke at Negative Airsoft got to the end of his VFC MP7 build and said "Put this technology inside an Uzi", I howled in agreement. Please make it happen.
  14. I guess if you find a buyer who gasps "That's exactly what I've always dreamed of! But can't be bothered spending 20 minutes fitting myself!" then you're quids in. It's pretty optimistic though. Tru dat. I'm currently turning a CYMA CM.123 AEP (target market likely 0) into a WH40K laspistol. In the unlikely event that I can be bothered to do a good enough job, I might be able to flog it on Etsy to a cosplayer who doesn't care if it pews or not. But in the airsoft world, the target market is 1, me. Don't let your dreams be memes, but don't plan your retirement on them either.
  15. Finally cracked and went to book an outdoor site and it completely sold out while I was booking it.


    That Media section video of lads just shooting each other in an abandoned building is looking like a viable option at this point. 😭

    1. Musica


      If you need it that much I will pop over and shoot you in your own house. Welt withdrawal is tough.

    2. Rogerborg


      I cannot express how much that means to me.  I'm ready, just let me know the exact time that you'll be there, and the direction from which you'll be approaching. 🤤

  16. That's far from the worst paint job I've seen. The issue is that people pay for gnus to be customised to their specification. He's expecting someone to pay for his enjoyment.
  17. Jesus wept, looks like no indoor airsoft in Scotland until the middle of September now.


    Although if we're very good, wear our muzzles religiously, and stop dying, we might - might - be allowed to play by the end of August.


    Everyone got the impression that "not before 31st July" meant "on the 31st of July", I have no idea why.


    Biohazard has already taken bookings for tomorrow, let's see if they cancel now.

  18. I've just had to bin off the trigger lock on my M4 after replacing the fire selector (was broke, did need fixed) because, you know, "V2" is more of an aspiration than a specification. It does feel rather ropey, but then again...
  19. Shoot a V3 MP5K for a bit, then a V2 trigger feels like a microswitch. That does sound weird, to be only pulling against the spring with no physical trigger contacts.
  20. Hmm, right, I skimmed upwards from the end. ... but... So I jumped to G&G E models. My batting average is a bit off, I've clearly got brain fade from lack of airsofting.
  21. Aside, how do you chrono a tri-shot? The Depot doesn't, they've waved me through several times, with variants of "Sod that, we've never seen a springer come close to 350fps anyway". Put one BB in since each piston is separate?
  22. Huh, so they do. That actually makes for a pretty compelling package: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-sa-h20-edge-2-0-aeg-rifle?pv=13217 But at £200, not at £350 plus fees for adding a bunch of stuff that you may or may not want, and subtracting the warranty.
  23. Normally I'd nod along, but they seem to have screwed up their QC recently. You already have one or more G&Gs so I don't need to tell you that the Raider 2.0E actually ticks most of your boxes (ETU, wired for a MOSFET, 8mm bearings, light, feels good, no real weaknesses, affordable). What I'm rather suspecting is that you want a Specna that's actually a G&G with a quick-change spring?
  24. It's actually sad when folk list as a bundle, as though they're likely to find a buyer for them. OK, in this case he's also listed individual prices, but it's still a poor way to get sales. And yes, those look like retail prices. Oh, look, all "brand new in box yet to be used". What, even the 416 with a Gate Aster fitted? 🤨 Ooh, two broken mags, and for only full retail price!
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