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Everything posted by Rogerborg

  1. That he has one and it seems to be out of stock at most UK retailers. But you'd have to really want one to pay £20 more than new retail for a pre-licked one.
  2. Just to confirm, mine has lost the LEDs on one side, 2 out of the 4 in there. There's no obvious breaks in any of the solder, and a dip in isopronol and then a blast with a heat gun to try and reflow it hasn't helped. They're surface mount LEDs with the surface on the inside, so I can't even solder in some wires to bridge the bad ones to the good without tearing the thing apart. Oh, and despite having only a few hundred rounds through it since the last "charge", it was down to 3.3V, so it''s not charging properly either. They're vendor trash, I'm afraid. At this point, I'm considering just gutting it and using the shell and battery (210mAh 3.7V) to power some manually switchable LEDs instead.
  3. You'll want to keep in in a perspex case to stop it being licked by other players.
  4. As the most recent Lighter-S trouble topic, I thought I'd BUMP this thread to report that both I and ex-workmate Eddie have been having problems with our Lighter-S tracer units. Mine is still stroppy. It will sit ostensibly charging for many hours, but then if you disconnect and reconnect the charger, will show as full. It requires several on-off cycles before it stops flashing red error / bogus low battery, even when freshly charged. Once it's on, it will stay on, but the intensity has dropped off significantly since I first got it (with both ASG blasters and AirsoftWorld green tracers), leading me to suspect that some of the LEDs have failed already. Ex-workmate Eddie dropped his Lighter-S and wrecked it, so had a brand new one on Sunday, freshly charged, and functional at home. On site, it failed immediately, ostensibly turning itself on (green light flashes) but then it wouldn't turn off, and didn't function at all. I really couldn't recommend them. Nice idea, but the quality is shoddy even by airsoft toy standards.
  5. Currently tea-dying a shirt that's not quite the right shade of beige. I suffer for my art.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StayOnTarget


      What tea ya using?

    3. #blackadder
    4. Rogerborg







      Morrisons You Can't Afford Any Better teabags.  40 out of a box of 80, an hour steeping, soaked overnight, washed, came out pretty well.  Changed "fawn" to more like "camel", if not full "coyote".

  6. At least my eyepro won't fog up. As you said, everyone's LARPing online.
  7. Absolutely they do it because clickbait works and viewers are culpable for rewarding it. Me, I just report sidebar CHEETAR PUNIHSED!!! as harmful/dangerous now, because it's harmful to the hobby. And I truly believe that it is, because I doubt that everyone who watches is doing so in order to tut and disapprove. If sites don't want that sort of play (whether it's real, or the magic of editing), then it's up to them to put a stop to it, and I'm glad to see it happening at long last.
  8. He plays one in his videos, for share-like-subscribes. That normalises caddishness, and encourages others to play that way because they've seen it done and bragged about with (up to now) no consequences. And that's the problem, not what he's actually like in the safe zone or the pub.
  9. Ah, but Licking Mustard is Super Delta SAS Ranger Elite, he can guide his BBs on target with Operator Telepathy. And the issue we're discussing is him taking deliberate face shots (with whatever depleted uranium style sniper BBs he's slinging) and holding that up as an exemplar of what to do if you think someone isn't taking hits. It's the latter part that I have a problem with. He's a toxic player for many reasons, and I don't want people emulating his out-of-bounds, inside-MED, spawn-camping, face-shooting, I-hit-you-but-you-never-hit-me ego driven grumpiness. Since he's been bragging about this stuff for a while, it's long since past time that sites told him that he's no longer welcome.
  10. IIRC (and I may not) didn't he proudly claim that he'd taken headshots against some players who offended him by talking to each other while dead? As in, he deliberately headshot already dead players to punish them for not standing there silently. Quite how he heard what they were saying from outside of a 30m MED escapes me, but I'm sure his Super Sonic Sniper Hearing managed to determine from that range that they were talking about in-game things rather than just chatting.
  11. Popular YouTubers set expectations for new players, and for players who seek to emulate them for the attention that it demonstrably generates. Licking Mustard clearly sets out to seek drama. HEDSHOOTED CHEETAR!!!! is pretty much his stock in trade now, along with shooting from out of bounds or inside MED. Anyway, good riddance to him, and I hope he gets BTFO'd from every site in the UK. Video reported as harmful / dangerous acts @0:15, for promoting deliberate face shots. Which it does.
  12. To be pleasantly surprised, but I never am. The curse of being an optimist.
  13. They now appear to be sending out limited-distribution Facebook messages, because nothing says success like keeping your venue a closely guarded secret.
  14. Wait, this is the game where the devs abused YouTube's copyright strike system to get negative reviews banned, right? Sod them sideways and running.
  15. Neat, thanks. If I get the magwell LEDs in, it'd be great if I can pew a few reds through it to see if they light up OK before I buy my own. Hah, I've just bought 5,000 greens as well. Don't suppose you know the colour temperature of the LEDs in your tracer unit? The Emperor protects. I mean, apart from the billions who die in His name.
  16. Because Guard don't live long enough to get corrupted. Nah, next up is to sort out the soft kit, and glam up the lasgun up a bit. I might throw some LEDs into the M4 magwell converter and switch to red tracers - the little Lighter-S can only really handle greens. Then I might laspistol my AEP, I rather missed having a side arm in (very) CQB. This was only intended to be a one-off, but it's all worked out so well that I might make it a regular bit of dress up.
  17. Who's the bigger nerd: the nerd, or the nerd who's on the internets reading a nerd thread about how to turn a toy gun into a toy space gun? Mostly dying for the Emperor. As above, I was super paranoid about being accused of hit dodging due to the armour, so I was calling myself out to hits from ricochets, gun hits (to be fair, it's a big target), and even just when people were pointing in my general direction. Great fun was had though, and it was interesting how many folk sidled up in ones and twos during the day to quotebomb, mention their chum who makes 40K cosplay gear, their own plans for producing bolter conversion kits, or one chap offering to just gift a spare purity seal for the toy space gun.
  18. Here we go. Both the toy space gnu and outfit are still works in progress, I had to rush everything a bit for this weekend. The gnu needs the M4 magwell adapter and VN straight shortie mag, more twiddly bits and a red torch shoved up the fake barrel, but if you want to make a chunky lasgun (and everything's chunky in the grimdark) then you really can just wrap a G36 in EVA foam (which is also what I've used for the armour). The basic construction is 8 pieces: #1: long contiguous side piece #2: stock top (about 5cm wide, IIRC) #3: vertical piece between stock and top #4: top piece (about 6m wide, IIRC) #5: front piece (shield shaped) #6: magwell front #7: magwell rear (a small piece just below the mag release) #8 = #1 other side piece Curve in both sides in front of the magwell to make a handguard, use some bits of PVC waste pipe as a fake barrel, whatever you've got to hand for the top tube and sights, bit of grip tape, twiddlies, and you're done. Impact adhesive or hot glue to hold it all together. The foam over the stock is heated and pressed in so that it's contoured around the hinge, which helps to keep everything nice and snug. There's no wobble in use and with some basic sights cut and dremmelled into the top posts it's accurate enough for CQB. I've left it open up the back (the rear of the real stock is just visible) and all along underneath the stock and trigger up to the magwell (there's a small #7 cross piece at the back of the magwell at the bottom, underneath the release button). This means the G36 can just slide straight and out from the back. Cut some holes for the rear sling mount and the bumpy bit on the right hand side (still visible through a hole that I haven't yet covered) and they'll key into the foam and hold it nice and securely. The G36 is intact and unmodified apart from the rear sight being removed to help it fit, and the front rails just for lightness. I can get a small carabiner in to the sling mount through the hole in the left hand side. The fire selectors are exposed on both sides, but you could probably cover one or both of them over as well. The actual foam cutting and gluing only took an hour or so, the rest of the time is sanding, filler, sealer and paint.
  19. Bigger isn't necessarily better for airsoft: I'm there to sling balls, not yomp. Well, I guess we'll see. Fingers crossed for them, they've had a dreadful run of luck from losing two sites plus having poor weather more often than not. Surely they deserve to catch a break.
  20. I don't know either, but I just like when we're being catty.
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