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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. As so manny lazy feckers ask nowadays “link !” 🤣🤣
  2. ANY manufacturing process that involves a member of the public as the end user that also needs them to take accurate measurements of any sort is 100% guaranteed to fail . I speak from experience ! 🤦‍♂️
  3. Thing I’d like to know is why didn’t the copper fire ? I know it’s only a single picture and we don’t know the whole story BUT short of actually firing it the nutter with the fake couldn’t look more like a threat to life if he tried ? direct quote from the Police guidelines ; “The primary intention of the police, when discharging a firearm, is to prevent an immediate threat to life by shooting to stop the subject from carrying out their intended or threatened course of action. In most circumstances this is achieved by aiming to strike the central body mass (ie, the torso).” So why’s he still breathing ? taking that picture at face value me personally I find it quite worrying that the bloke is still alive . Either the police knew 100% it wasn’t real or it shows some serious hesitation on behalf of the officer confronting him ?
  4. I know the Easter bunny🐰hopped through this morning BUT £215+ P&P for for what looks like less than £200’s worth of 2nd hand kit ? Be selling the tooth fairies 🧚‍♂️ platecarrier next ?
  5. Big difference is everyone likes the ghostbusters NO ONE like HPA players except other HPA players ? “Who ya gonna call ? Not dem winkers !”
  6. Aaahh the innocents of the new player , if only he knew what’s ahead of him ! 😱🤣🤣 Seriously though mate yes there expensive(but best things usually are)but no way I’d call the TM recoil range ‘posh or Gucci’ by any stretch of the imagination , those are two terms used when referring to kit that’s desirable but realistically no better than the cheaper versions you can get(like when you see squaddies tooling around Sennybridge wearing the what ever the SAS are wearing this season !) I genuinely believe (as do many other players)theres nothing on the market that’ll touch a TM recoil for range and accuracy out of the box , absolutely nothing .TM’s are about the only airsoft guns that you can turn around and say “yea the hype is true and there worth every penny” believe me it’s ALL true what people say about them . Equally I believe you have to be off your trog to sink hundreds and hundreds of pounds in to them as they’ll never be as reliable as they where before ‘upgrading’ them . 👍
  7. Revision sawfly anti-fog wipes , I wear glasses with prescription inserts so in reality I’ve got THREE lens surface to fog on me ! Give them a wipe first thing then every now and again throughout the morning , good clean lunch time and then same again the odd wipe through the afternoon . When I’m sweating like a pig in a synagogue I do find when I go static they may fog a bit bounce once I start moving they clear and away to go . So yea I swear by sawfly wipes .👍
  8. It’s a running argument between the two main camps of TM recoil fan , on the one side(the side I’m on) you have the players who say leave well alone they don’t NEED to be upgraded bar sticking a deans on it . Then in the other are the ones who say it’ll become the ultimate BB slinger by basically changing near everything in it turn it in to ‘triggers broom’ , which my side thinks rather defies the point of having one in the first place ! 👍 PS you can NEVER save or regain the magic dust once you crack the gearbox open .😉
  9. Think an awful lot want a G11 ! For a good few yrs been toying with the idea of trying to build one with a P90 as the starting point , just like most other ideas finding the time ! Stargate guns I fancy the three barrelled BFG Ronan Had on Sateeda , have two TAG rounds and a moscart in it !
  10. Oh if only you knew the half of it ! 🤦‍♂️😂😂😂😂 not a problem going by your self , most do just when you get there look for a table with some spaces on it ask if you can take a space then slowly start interacting(just don’t jump in feet 1st gobbing off at 100mph !) we’re generally a sociable bunch and if you give off the right ‘vibe’ you’ll be golden ! 👍
  11. Unfortunately no he’s not joking and yes he is deadly serious with his asking price . Take it your new’ish to the world of TM recoils as ‘Kingdom of airsoft’ has an almost mystical reputation with your really obsessive recoil fanboys , it takes literally mths to get him to even look at your gun AND then even more mths to get it done and back ! Dropping a grand on one of his ‘upgrades’ is the norm so yea 1,200 is nothing unusual .
  12. That’s just bollox , unless he could have shot everyone in the room then even with the bang rule in use he more than likely couldn’t have taken out everyone in the room before getting hit him self . that grunt was laughable it was so bad !
  13. Only saw the ones my mate had (the one he shot me with) , he was loading them like normal TAG rounds and firing them out of a 203 .
  14. If we’re going down the site route then I’d by a big ass industrial building with woodland all around it have multiple themed games running in multiple gamezones on multiple floors and it would be fully equipped with tac gear and guns and all free to who ever wants to play only thing I’d do is have off site parking and a shuttle bus to the site , then sit on the door as the players came through go “name ?” They reply “Joe blogs” to which I reply “”enter and enjoy your self” and so on until “name ?” And they reply “nobby McNobber” to which I reply “ I know you , your a right Canute fluck off your not coming in !” AND they have to walk back to the car park .😈😈😈 vindictive but oh so much fun !🤣🤣
  15. Can see what your saying but I find stocks work much better when there at the rear than anywhere else usually find if it’s at the front either someone’s really f**ked up in manufacturing or I’m holding my gun the wrong way ? 🤔😉
  16. You can get TAG ‘shotgun’ shells , basically you’ve got two foam clam shells very lightly stuck together full of BBs that split apart when fired , AND they sting like a bitch if your close enough ! 😖 not bad range on then either .👍
  17. Quad mounted CA mini guns (so they can be HPA’ed to a stupid rate of fire)on a Polaris buggy hidden on site so the next time some f**kwit blasts you in the face at close ranges laughs to his mates and gives it the “if you can’t take it don’t play !” crap I can go get it drive back light them up and say “not so funny now is it ?” 🤣😈🤣😈🤣😈🤣😈
  18. “the gun is stock but has a new spring fitted doing 300-310 fps, also has a gate warfet fitted” 🤔so it’s not stock then ? 😳
  19. I’ve never hidden the fact I’ve always been against two-tones , I feel there just a ‘backdoor’ way to sell RIFs . When the VCR bill came in to effect the same retailers who were pushing the UKARA scheme and trying to gain control of all retail sales are the same ones who then came up with Two-tones to circumvent it !
  20. Me personally I’d rather not have a full blown governing body overseeing airsoft , but I now realise we do need a visible national ‘organisation’ (nothing to do with this ‘open/not open sites debacle , think this has just galvanized the discussion)representing us to the Gov/local Gov/local councils/etc hence I’m now fully supporting UKAPU , as I said earlier ATB definitely has its place(representing the people who make a living from the sport) but I don’t want them to have overall control as I genuinely believe it’s not in my or my fellow players best interest to have that happen . Where as UKAPU is a player based organisation so one would think they’d be out to safeguard the players best interests over fiscal interests like ATB would be ?
  21. Think we’ve reached the “put up or shut up” point , general consensus seems to be we do need something now so me personally I’m going to start pushing UKAPU as my chosen option from now on so I’ve up’ed my membership from the free one to the gold membership to give them more funds . May not be the ‘perfect’ answer or solution but they’ve got an established organisation in place (They’ve been around since 2010 , in airsoft turns that’s bloody historic !) and if everyone joins then they’ve got the backing to OFFICIALLY represent us as a sport/recognisable hobby/leisure activity .
  22. They are a sweet bit of kit , Ben the owner of ‘warhead airsoft’ is a really nice bloke , he plays at my regular site .
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