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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Thought I was never going to finish the description it went in to so much detail ! 😳
  2. £15 2nd hand on here or £9.88 from a U.K. seller on fleabay , not a huge amount in the wider scheme of things but still a third of the asking price , So not that much at first glance but bump it too an AEG for sale instead , when you then stick another 0 on the price it suddenly is a VERY big difference in amounts ?
  3. When you say it’s cutting in to your neck are you using it like A or B ? The L85 sling was designed to be used like A Left shoulder to Right arm pit/side so ‘shouldn’t’ cut in to your neck .
  4. Very true BUT being a pedantic SoB when it comes to my self , my BDU’s were wrong because they where the 2nd pattern that had swapped the slightly darker sand colour for mint choc chip(I’m starting to see a chocolate chip theme recurring🤔)green hue instead which didn’t happen till after 9/11 . 🤦‍♂️ OCD can be a right pain at times ?🤣🤣👍
  5. Oh so true ! How many years has the concept of ‘spend a little more , get a bigger return’ been around ? And yet 99% of all business STILL don’t get it ! 🤦‍♂️
  6. It was doing 259fps on .25’s grouping and range where pretty consistent just unfortunately this consistent range was most definitely MEH ! 😡
  7. Which will then lead on to gearbox upgrades , which then leads on to a motor upgrade , which then leads on to hop upgrades , which THEN traps you in never ending hell of ‘triggers broom’ ! 😱😈
  8. As the title says , I’ve got a couple of Cyma AK’s . I love using them but the range just isn’t there so question is “have you personally(not your cousins, friends aunties , dog walkers son)upgraded your AK’s” wether by the inner barrel , hop rubber and or the hop unit and it’s dramatically improved the range and accuracy ? cheers guys .
  9. First game back today and it was fun ! My take on a BHD ranger , yes I know that colour of BDU’s is much later but I couldn’t find my period correct ones ! 🤦‍♂️ and just for Shits’n’giggles me and my bud taking a breather on patrol in the ‘Mog’ 😂😂
  10. Wish I could but but my lamps aren’t suitable for laser correction .😢
  11. Saw this and thought “WTF ? that’s funny !” Sooo any adverts you’ve seen that the advertising company/executive obviously hasn’t a clue ? 🤣
  12. Oh man you don’t know how hard it was not to rub the f**k out of it ! 😖 Was only because I knew the potentially catastrophic damage I could have done through work that stopped me .👍
  13. Full auto blast to the face at 10ft if that ? Was wearing mesh mask and glasses so no facial tissue injuries BUT unfortunately for me as it was late January and colder than the mother in law’s heart the ambient temp was below zero which affected my prescription inserts and made them ever so slightly brittle I discovered later . So because this twat hosed me at such a short distance the impact of the BBs from his HPA’ed gun(thank you for proving the assumption of HPA players ?)running at a gazillion rps caused the Lense of my glasses to flex which transferred the energy from the impacts to the insert making one of them shatter and propelled all the shards of plastic in to my eye ! I was incredibly lucky not to cause any serious damage as I stopped my self from rubbing my eye as you’d automatically do . Went to local hospital , couple of hrs carefully getting all The bits out of my eye and thank f**k no permanent injures suffered .
  14. If you want to upgrade one to a DMR you may as well just by the one from Taiwan Gun and be done with it . The one they sell is doing 450 already AND a lot of the internals have already been upgraded specifically for TG(I have one of there own spec Cyma AKs and it really is out standing) and it’ll probably still be cheaper than buying a ‘bog standard’ one in the UK .👍
  15. Again nothing toooooo epic , First game back this coming Sunday , SOOOO question is what to take ? decisions decisions ! 🤔 At this point best bud who I’m going with pops up and says “let’s do a BHD loadout , we haven’t done a ‘film sim’ in years !” Ok I can dig that , he then says “let’s go rangers every dog and his mother does DELTA” yea a VERY true point there . Got most of the kit bar the helmet so I got a choc chip cover for a mich2000 I had squeezed it on but doesn’t look right to me SO yet another expenditure on kit !🤦‍♂️ Luckily not a great one as USMCPRO has a good sale on and picked up a cheapo M88 for not a lot of 🍺 tokens . Got rid of the horrible black chinstrap , made a new more accurate one in Olive . happy now(ish) ! One does so hate being a Geardo ! 😁
  16. Cheapo M88 helmet , choc chip cover , dust goggles and ‘cats eyes’ band for a BHD loadout .
  17. I got a kids unit in the end(can’t remember the name as it was a good few yrs ago)the doors were sold as extra’s so it could be used as either a storage unit or a wardrobe and was solid wood all sides .
  18. I’d say this fine chap sponged the colours on , could be totally and utterly wrong but if pressed that’s what I’d put my money on .
  19. Just go to ikea and see what you fancy then mod it to purpose , what I did .
  20. If your in the market for light weight summer camo kit that you can get in Digi Flora I can highly recommend one of these suits . I have one in Pencott Greenzone and it’s a god send when it’s hot . https://grey-shop.ru/Camouflage/Russian-Sniper-Suits/MordorTac-Light-Scout-Suit-Recruit
  21. I just realised we could start a whole new dick measuring contest ! Never mind who’s gun costs the most , fires the furthest/fastest/most accurately. No none of them boring topics of one up manship , we could start a whole new one on ‘what dose of sertraline your on ?’ ! Just see it now “I’m so depressed my Drs put me on 50mgs a day !” next guy “You call that depression and anxiety ? I’m on 500mgs a day ya pussy !” 🤦‍♂️ 🤣🤣🤣
  22. Some days it’s only the pharmacology that gets me through it ! You speak for your self ! If I was a stick of rock and you snapped me in half it’ll say ‘heartless barstuard’ ! 😉
  23. One persons ‘intimidation’ is the next persons normal mode of speech ! 👍 All joking aside mate you want to knock ‘self’ medication on the head sharpish , I myself(as have several other grumpy senior forum members) have spent time at the bottom of that particular black hole and self med’ing won’t help just makes it worse . There’s always another way back out of it . 👍
  24. Is this downsized enough ? 🤔
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