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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. AND there’s more to add to the list of whatthefuckery ! a KA-BAR folding knife and a ‘tactical Pri-bar’ (how do you have a tactical pri-bar , in space ???) 😳
  2. OR Live dissection for medical and airsoft research ? Let’s find out if being a Charlie.Uniform.November.Tango really does runs to the bone or not ? 😈
  3. Come on time to fess up you came to this thread simply to troll it didn’t you ? 🤔
  4. Hahaha now that is a slim excuse ! Your hardly going to get your local ‘hardmen’ going out on the town with a brace of duelling pistols stuck in the top of there breaches are you ?😳 in the uk you can buy and own any fully functioning pistol or rifle without a license just as long as it’s listed on the home office ‘prescribed obsolete calibers’ list But this doesn’t mean I’m going to rush out and stock up on Labele pinfire revolvers now does it ? That excuse is as Danny glover says to Mel Gibson in ‘Lethal weapon’ is “that’s thin , that’s really fucking thin !” 🤣 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Think it’s safe to say we ALL know one if not more people that on paper would very successfully pass the check’s to have what ever but equally we also know they’d be swanning around with a permanent hard on due to the fact they DO have a gun , and more than likely brandish it in a confrontation ?
  6. Think it’s safe to say we’ve all reached the point where you’ve got your fore and against voters and they will never change there minds In this thread . I see absolutely no reason for anyone in this country to own an AR of any sort , you can’t hunt with it , there’s probably less than 10 public access ranges in the country you could fire it at and you certainly couldn’t have it out on display in your own home , so what is the point of wanting it ? If you want one in your hands that badly then buy a systema or some other ‘simulator’ gun , they feel and look identical to the real McCoy . you can’t ban or control knives it’s just not possible , give me a butter knife that couldn’t cut paper with and I 100% guarantee I will return it to you in less than an hour sharp enough to shave with . So all knives are banned and everyone eats with plastic spoons , guess what all the criminals now start carrying home made shanks Instead . Few years ago ophthalmology in my local hospital had a run on prisoners being admitted from The local ‘land of stripy sunshine’ with the prongs from plastic forks stuck in the eyes and then snapped off , turned out the nick had had a massive clean up operation looking for improvised weapons and this was the result of that . Man is inventive , if you take one way of hurting his fellow man away from him he will just invent another . So why let him have ones we know do the job very effectively when he really has no reason to have it ? If I close my eyes and throw a thousand darts at a dart board one is going to hit the bullseye eventually , does this mean from now on I can claim I can hit the bullseye with my eyes shut and everyone needs to keep there eyes shut to win at darts ?
  7. Having been In the lucky position of once owning real firearms AND had the miss fortune to have them shot at me personally I’m more than happy with the gun control in this country . I genuinely see no reason to own anything apart from what’s on the statutes right now , for me all the reasons and excuses that are always given to own anything else are simple just excuses not reasons . The right to defend ones self and home , in the past 10yrs how many people (bar old age pensioners who probably Couldn’t have defended them selves even if they had a gun) have died at the hands of a burglar ? There’s been several cases of the burglar dying at the hands of the home owner(the pikey who was stabbed 2yrs ago for instance ?) but the home owner ? I can’t think of any . Also as anyone who’s ever been shot at or seen someone being shot at unless you train day in day out for mths 90% of the population will just crap them selves/freeze/panic or just react totally incorrectly to the situation so that’s that one down in flames . The criminals still have them , yes they do but that’s what armed response are for , again in the past 10yrs how many random members of the public have been shot and killed by a criminal ? Plus have you seen the kind of guns that are frequently picked up by the police on ops ? 8 out of 10 are pieces of shit ! another burned argument . i should have the right to be able to own them as a good law abiding tax paying citizen , err no you shouldn’t , there plenty of things that joe public just shouldn’t and don’t have . Should ban alcohol and tobacco because of the number of deaths each year , now this one really is a puerile argument , most deaths from both these are self inflicted FFS ! when was the last time you saw a story on the news about some nutter kicking in the door of a school and making all the kids have a fag and a pint with him and kept them going till they all developed sclerosis of the liver and lung cancer and died ?!?! no one can deny the fact there just isn’t any real gun crime in this country plain and simple where as America is just beyond saving there’s just too many guns in circulation so they NEVER will solve it . In the UK since 1837 when the records first started and the present there’s been two reported school shootings , the first was in 1850 when a boy took his fathers old service revolver to school and shot two of his mates (he got transported to Australia for that one !) and Dunblane 1996 when 16 children and 1 teacher was killed and 15 others wounded , and what happened after that ? They banned private ownership of hand guns . Was the country flooded with armed criminals now the population were unarmed ? Nope nothing changed . you know how many school gun incidents there been in America since the year 2000 ? 347 ! That’s how many times law enforcement has been called to an educational facility to deal with criminal activity involving firearms . I’m sorry but that statistic alone show just how fucked up there gun laws are and how correct ours are as they are . I’m more than happy with what I’ve got thank you very much .😁👍
  8. Totally agree with you bud 100% , BUT can also confess I’ve bought and sold more high-ends items (AEG’s , real kit , labeled items etc)The past year than any other year and I’ve been playing for over 20 !🤦‍♂️😂😂 My self and my team mates normally play once a mth due to work and every year go to the NAF down at ground zero (game play’s shit but I go for the social side and the crac with my mates) and this past year has REALLY shown me just how much I rely on it to decompress as do my team mates , my self and a couple of the others have quite high stress jobs and another has poor health so it’s his only escape from daily life . Looking back on it a lot of my purchases have been ‘projects’ , guns I wanted to change to a different model , kit I wanted to tailor or alter for a specific role/job things like that so makes me think am I doing this to keep involved with the sport as much as I can ? The amount of guns and kit I already had I certainly didn’t ‘need’ too buy any more ! Does get you thinking🤔👍 You are my hero ! To selflessly keep buying shit you don’t need just to keep these little business going you truly are a shining light in these dark days ! Actually you know what ? Your not just my hero , no your my FECKING hero ! 🦸‍♂️ 🤣🤣🤣 my kind of player .👍
  9. HERETIC ! Burn him ! Burn him with fire ! 😱 next thing he’ll be coming out with “use a bit of self control” when buying more crap ! As if !!!!🤯 Bro , do you even S’oft ????
  10. Welcome to the dark side , we have cookies !
  11. Joking aside you are spot on my friend . as to the whole gun crime V knife crime the arguments the gun lobby Always throw forth are puerile to say the least they always troop out the “legally owned guns blah blah blah” “gang members with knives blah blah blah” “criminals will get them “Etc etc as the point was made look how low the death rate is in relation to terrorist attacks in this country where they couldn’t access firearms compared to the numbers in the states where a legally owned gun was used by Mr all American who flipped out one day ? plus as to uk knife crime most of these incidents the aggressor uses your cheapest crap quality kitchen knife he’s picked up in Poundland or stolen from his grannies kitchen , it’s never a £800 Damascus folder he got from Heinnie Haines is it ? as an example this picture is of a wks worth of knives taken During arrests by SW police in Cardiff , there’s 32 blades and only 7 are none cheap kitchen knives .
  12. Bollox they do , in one or two states they may but most there’s absolutely no system of checks made on private sales , store bought yes but private ? nada , last time I was over the pond I went to two gun fairs to see what kit I could pick up one in Nevada and one in Arizona and at both of them I could have bought anything I wanted (even with a dodgy Welsh accent And NO American ID of any sort) Just as long as I had cold hard cash in my hand , in most American states face to face private sales require no background checks all you need (and this is only if it’s required) is some kind of proof you have a firearms licence , AND in Nevada for instance you don’t even need that , all you need is a postal address ! Out of curiosity I showed interest in buying a revolver , gave my hotel’s address(circus circus on the Las Vegas strip) And the seller was more than happy with that FFS . So no thank you I for one never ever want a 2nd of any sort in this country , and I actually lost two pistols after Dunblane so I know what it’s like to own then loose real firearms .
  13. Me personally I don’t see a problem with a 1joule blanket limit .
  14. Now your both moving in to the realms of specifics , of cource you’d call someone who’s done multiple tours in Iraq or Afghan a veteran , But Is it fair to those blokes that someone who’s done a single short tour in a base area who’s closest experience to ‘combat’ was a bit of jostling in the NAFFI gets to be lorded as a ‘veteran’ as well ? That’s my point . To me a veteran is someone who has endured serving in a grave situation time and time again . If you want to call any ex-forces a veteran I’m certainly not going to try and stop you nor am I going to set a criteria you need to meet to be called it , just me personally I don’t think some warrant the title . me my self I served near 8yrs in green and had one small Middle Eastern war , was shot at , fired back at said shooters on several occasions so I could call my self one but I wouldn’t as I don’t think I endured that much (matter of fact I quite enjoyed my little war !)to warrant the title . just my personal opinion, same as others are allowed the opinion to believe the minute you sign on that dotted line you instantly become one .
  15. Another hopeful Harry ? 100 beer tokens seems a tad excessive for something that’s basically looks as if it’s been built out of the spares box ?
  16. Thing is with most ‘Joe bloggs’ players realistically how often do you use a pistol and at what kind of range ? Me personally it’s only when it’s a tight space or my AEG is just too unwieldy to use(dense cover)there by the ranges are going to be quite ‘up close and personal’ to say the least ? So I’d say yea I’m with you as long as I can sling a mag full it to a couple of targets I’m more than happy with most pistols 👍
  17. The whole “that’s gay as f**k !” Thing happens quite often with squaddies until they actually spend a day on a game site , I’d say a good 90% will say they’ll be back AND they’ll fetch there mates along at the end of the day . think the thing for near all of them is only experience they’ve had of an airsoft gun is a £5 springer from the market or when they go on leave to Malia or Falaraki etc and there idea of an airsofter is the giant fat guy in the woodland gear meme ! So the first time they see a ‘real’ airsoft gun in action it certainly opens there eyes for them . Yup I absolutely detest the the way the phrase has been denigrated by the Americans and there over use to describe ANY one who put on a uniform . To me a veteran is the old boy you see down the Legion on Remembrance Sunday with a chest full of medals he really did get awarded , who tells you stories of his time in the war , he’s also the one who it was never him being the hero it was always someone else , he’s the one who makes out he did nothing to be thanked for it was always his mates who didn’t make it home that were the heroes 😢 where as on the other side of the pond you get to call your self a ‘veteran’ even if you only did 6mths in the national guard and never even left your home state FFS ! 🤬
  18. Agree with all the previous comments as long as you don’t start with the “When I was in Falujah !” Crap then no one really care if your in or out just as long as your there to enjoy your day like them . Saying that I do find most players are quite receptive to a bit of advice from people who’ve done it for real(but again don’t give it the “big i am” just ‘suggest’ not bark instructions at them), it is quite funny when you do get a member of her majesty’s forces on the field , once they switch on it becomes blatantly obvious who’s served and who hasn’t ? 😁
  19. I ordered a set of SOG Para shears from a seller in the states on the 6th of Jan I’ve bought from them a couple of times with no problem orders always arrived with in about two wks . SO still not arrived tracking info says ‘left distribution centre for destination country on the 8th’ , and has continued to say the same since then ! Contacted the seller yesterday comes back to me about 2hrs later to say my order is in a distribution centre in Switzerland due to Brexit ! WTF !!!! apparently USPS is Send a big chunk of there UK bound mail to Switzerland so Swiss Post then deliver it to the uk ! 😳
  20. Having skimmed through it my take is the guy who put this together REALLY has an unhealthy fixation on the prick that is kicking mustang BUT equally he has shown KM is a false god , he’s proven categorically with the video clip that three of the shots clearly missed , the 3rd shot out of the four looks to me as if it may have ‘grazed’ the plate carrier but unlikely to have been heard or felt , but with the use of smoke and mirrors (the white ‘impact’ marker and the sound of a hit)he very successfully tricks the viewer in to thinking all four BBs hit the player there in making the player out to be a huge vile cheat and prick boy the Demi-god he promotes himself as . didn’t watch the rest for the sake of my sanity !🥴
  21. Only thing I would say if you are going down HPA route is please run it from the stock don’t have the hose from the grip , hose from the pistol grip is one the biggest turn offs about HPA To me and would really destroy the look of this awesome build to be . 👍
  22. I wish that was true BUT I’m afraid that’ll be a nope , apparently it really is gong to be issued to all members as a general utility knife in this form ! 🤦‍♂️
  23. @dante666 FYI it’s up for sale zeroin as only the gun left now all the extras are sold .
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