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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Similar story (but luckily NOT me) was playing at Dragon Valley , on site there’s this wee wooden bridge that due to heavy over head cover and the right(or wrong ?) weather conditions and time of year would become more slimy than a 2nd hand car salesman who hasn’t reached his quota for the month , any hoo a very ‘gung ho’ young player goes absolutely steaming across said slime drenched bridge , obviously looses his footing starts to face plant but the flash hider of his spanky new TM M14 That he’d also dropped a silly amount of beer tokens on for firesupport to ‘up-grade’ for him digs deep in to the rotting wood of the bridge he then pivots on the butt end of it with it dug deep in to his guts to be fired over the side like a projectile from a medieval trebuchet laying siege to a fortified French town ! He lands flat on his back still grasping his M14 which now starts spouting sparks and gouts of smoke ! He screams(like a school girl I may add !😉) throws it away from him self , it lands then proceeds to catch fire and rapidly melt in to clouds of toxic fumes as it was also one of the first encounters I had with LiPo batteries ! So yea some times even top end get well and truly banjo’ed ! 🤣🤣🤣
  2. What this fine gentleman said , does make me chortle to myself when I hear some players start on about the poor quality of materials of a lot of RIF’s , we’re playing airsoft FFS ! We’re not getting dropped In to a ‘hot LZ’ with Charlie in the wire all around us ! 😳 most sites we play at the biggest danger is snagging your uber leet Crye’s on some brambles !🤣 obviously there are going to be the risk of going arse over apex and landing on your gatt at any site but in that situation is even your top end gun going to emerge unharmed ? probably not . bar the AK’s made in the actual AK factory(can’t remember which ones) I don’t think ANY airsoft gun will survive for long if you treat it like a real gun If anything just simply due to the fact there all inherently weak as you can’t really accommodate all the working gubbins of an airsoft gun and STILL keep it’s profile looking like a real gun ?
  3. Aaahh right ! The 5Watt bulb doth flicker , makes sense ! 😂
  4. Curious if you’ve not fielded it yet why gut it straight off the bat ? I’ve a fair few cyma’s and bar changing the motor in a few of them and a new hop rubber in a couple I’ve not needed to ‘up-grade’ any of my more recent purchases .
  5. Come on play fair , theres at least £100’s worth of extras with it AND he’s saved you the trouble of getting them ! be a bargain at 600 ! 😳
  6. Back in the dim distant past , yes I’m talking pre UKARA when RSOV in hong Kong was the God of online retailers I actually had one of these monstrosities , turned out it was brilliant size and shape in CQB , and it had a truly outstanding silver , orange and black tiger stripe paint job on it 🤢ended up selling it to some 28yr old obese virgin neck beard who probably still lived in his parents attic for three times the price I paid for it ! 😈😈😈👍
  7. That is not stippling that is 3D rendering of an impressionist painters idea of what texture should feel like ! 😳
  8. oh god yes ! I remember that one ! Never mind a small part a fecking huge part of me died when I saw that ! 😭
  9. Ups package from Czech Republic dispatched middle of January ? still ‘processing’ , package from the Ukraine ordered 6days ago ? sat on the sofa in my living room ! 🤬
  10. Mongolian 😳 The site you play at do they have a wk day office you could email/phone ? My home site is sorting UKARA’s for its regular players .
  11. A team mate wanted to do a similar thing a while ago , the solution I came up with for him (I’m the team bodger and it actually worked !) I used one of the fake foam plates you can get , I cut channels in to it ruffly inch inch and half wide and just under an inch deep . Made ‘sausages’ from cling film and sand and put them in the channels until we reached the ruff weight he wanted (think it was around 6LB mark ?) then covered it in gaffa tape to hold the ‘sausages’ in place . was a LOT cheaper than buying training plates and as far as I’m aware until he changed his load carrying system he never had a problem with it . 👍
  12. Just spotted this on zeromong , Sooooo buys a new TM recoil decides doesn’t like it AND thinks they can sell it for 50quid more than the price of a new one ? 😳 https://forums.zeroin.co.uk/forum/classifieds/rifles-smg-s-for-sale/electric-rifles-smg-s/3205963-tokyo-marui-mk18
  13. When you come down to it unless you’ve got even the vaguest of interest in firearms then realistically you’ve zero chance of acquiring the skill or knowledge in this country to tell the difference between someone carrying an mp5 or a slightly Bent stick in there hand . 🤦‍♂️
  14. From the small amount I’ve seen on the effect Covid’s having on airsoft it’s seems to be the bigger better sites that are suffering the most and closing down , the crappy ‘half a dozen sandbags and a couple of rotten fence panel in a wood’ ones don't appear to be suffering half as much . Think it’s safe to say it all comes down to revenue(or more precisely LACK of any real revenue being generated over the past yr)that’s really killing them . Good sites have larger numbers of staff , needs greater upkeep , must have good usable facilities , needs advertising to regularly keep numbers up to make the business Viable to work = bigger outgoings . Crappy sites on the whole don’t have many staff , have zero facilities , minimal upkeep due to nothing really needing to be maintained to any great standard and gets by on word of mouth and can still run game days with half a dozen players turning up so negligible outgoings ? just my two pennies worth on it .👍
  15. AND you just know they call the scurmish site ‘the map’ ! 😖🤦‍♂️
  16. Selling off there gunz due finally going back to school and needs to start paying off the school bullies again ? 🤔
  17. Right mate I really do need to pull you up on this , it wasn’t simply a case of a ‘Right Wing Authoritarian Tory Government’ banning firearms in the U.K. It was as a result of two mass shootings FFS ! Were you even born when Hungerford and Dunblane happened ? I remember both events very well and at the time of the Dunblane massacre I was very much in to shooting and I lost several very expensive pistols my self due to the ban , did I agree with the ban ? no I didn’t BUT do I understand why ? Yes 100% I do . It was an example of the few being sacrificed for the many , simple as that . The public needed to see the Government acting so it could never happen again and they did , this action needed to be taken immaterial of who was in power at the time wether Tory , Labour or the Liberal party had been . You've completely ignored the history of these actions and politicised them to use as a ‘bash the Tories’ comment which quite frankly is acting in no better a manner than the very culture we’re discussing !
  18. Unfortunately due to the way society has on the whole turned against anyone having an individual opinion that doesn’t fit the accepted/fashionable ‘norm’ we do need to think how even just the wording of our replies to these topics appear when joe public reads our comments or speak to us on the subject . Take your short comment for instance even though your not(at least I hope not ?😂) it does come across as your bit of a 2nd amendment/“deep dark are taking over the world !” sort of nut job from across the pond just by saying we’re all going to be ‘unquestioning drones’ ?
  19. Been on the cards in Canada for a while , Nova Scotia has just given the Government enough rope to get it underway . What it’ll come down too in the end is you’ll still be able to by non military ‘type’ guns just all the AK’s ,AR’s , semi only MP5’s , etc will be banned . As to airsoft ? That’ll be in the lap of the Gods what happens as a very large chunk of Airsofters are inherently selfish whinny bitches who’ll moan and complain that “someone needs to do something to save our sport !” BUT won’t actually do anything about it them selves just expect someone else to do it and then bitch about nothing getting done ?
  20. Yup I’m more of a ‘walrus team5&3/4’ than seal team6 operator my self , seal’s shoot around the place super fast and silent AND walruses are more crashing around at low speed making shit loads of noise ! 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣
  21. Fairy muff good sir , can’t disagree with you on that one .👍
  22. Get out of bed the wrong side ? ps I was quoting you with grand comment .
  23. Fair point , in than case he’s not an ignorant fecker , no he’s a vague fecker ! 🤣🤣
  24. If it’s around the grand mark new then surely using the 60% that most use for 2nd hand airsoft sales that’ll put the price around 600’ish not 800 ?
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