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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Sorry mate couldn’t resist ! 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Two players walking back to the safezone see a player laying on the ground , one says to the other “now that’s a hardcore sniper , hasn’t moved ALL game ! but don’t think he’s getting many long range kills with a spring shotgun ?” 💀⚰️
  3. Not get wet when it rains ? 🤔
  4. Err hello this describes 90% of the players on the fecking field ! 🤦‍♂️
  5. But luckily for the Canadians it’s still 90% independent of the septics ! 😉
  6. Not Airsoft but I think it DEFINITELY warrants posting in the gun picture thread ! as big bird said on ‘Sesame Street’ 🎶 one of these things is not like the others !🎶😳 you just know someone’s had their arse re-bored by a rather irate armourer ? 😖
  7. Picked up a absolutely minty fresh M2 red dot over on the mong for not a lot of beer tokens think it tops of the XM perfectly . 👍
  8. Any chance of a vid about the mag ?
  9. Found Babylon 5 AND Jericho are now on Prime ! So I’m a happy chap again !
  10. If you don’t mind me asking , where’d you get the top folder from as I’ve been looking for ages and only places I found them where all out of stock ! 🤬
  11. Me personally as there not actually intended as high impact speed protection goggles i wouldn’t take them anywhere near an Airsoft site no matter how expensive or how good their supposed to be . im VERY cagey about cross tasking safety equipment from one sport to another .
  12. Yup totally agree , hence most of my LiPo’s that have the potential to be problematic getting out of what ever I’ve stuck them in have an attached loop of nylon filament(the thread from the core of paracord)around them so if I do need to give it a ‘tug’ to get it out I don’t need to fanny around with any of the wires just pull on the loop and out it pops .👍
  13. I’d say a pattern is definitely emerging of some kind of operator ‘miss handling’ being a major factor in all the stories with any kind “oh shit it’s burning !/its jetting out smoke !/its going nuclear on me !” in it but few “it just exploded all by its self for no reason at all !” stories ?
  14. The pack’s DPM you plank not MC ! 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. What tha serious fornication is going on with the white tape ??????? Unless you play regularly in a Norwegian forest in the depth of winter it serves absolutely no purpose in the realms of camouflage and concealment ! 😳
  16. Well having now received a refund I can tell of my experience with this ‘business’ . I bought a Halo assault rifle for my boy on the 31/8/21 , received it nice and promptly a few days later AND that’s where the good part of my saga ends . Firstly I thought there was a problem as it wouldn't dry fire on semi to be told after several days of waiting for a reply that as it’s an electrical firing mechanism it’ll only fire semi with a loaded magazine in it , problem is there was no paper work of any sort with it so I had no way of knowing this did I ! Then a few days after that I discovered it was only doing 260fps so contact them about it and again after a couple of days of no contact they got back to me and started asking what bbs I was using , what battery I was using , what chrono I used to check it , I replied and again after no comm’s from them until I chased it they then wanted photos of the chrono , bbs , batt , etc so same was supplied and yet again no comm’s of any sort received until I chased it . So now we’re well in to September and they finally accept it’s faulty and and tell me a courier will pick it up great movement at last but I spoke too soon , yup zero comm’s until I chased them again ! Courier arrives(a day later than arranged !) so off it goes several more days of zero communication unless I chase it and near two wks of them having it it gets backed to me ‘fixed’ I say fixed in ‘ ‘ because yes it’s firing at a nice consistent 335fps but now the body lights don’t F-ing work ! To say I’m pissed by now is an understatement , so get on to them yet again after more chasing finally get an email saying will try and arrange a courier for the next day , courier did turn up the next morning which was great but it would have been nice to have been told it WAS booked ? This happened 13 days ago and I thought after all the shit that had gone down I’d give them a fair crack and not chase it , and as I’m sure you can all guess by now I had ZERO COMM’S from them until I chased them yesterday and today(and yesterday at 12.10pm I was told I’d be contacted by the business manager shortly , never happened) when the gun was returned the second time I stated I would require either a new gun as I’d lost all faith in this one or a full refund . Contacted them again today again stating I would be happy with either a new gun or a full refund . About 15min later I get a notification from paypal saying I’d had a refund but nothing from Bespoke ! Now out of this entire fiasco the one and only saving grace for them has been Wes the shop front manager , every time I rang the shop instead of emailing it this guy has found the answer I wanted , he even gave me his own phone number so I could txt him if I needed , his customer service has been outstanding but Bespoke Airsoft ? An utter shower of shit who have zero idea about communication with their customers OR internally amongst their staff simple as that , and all they’ve done is further convince me why I steer clear of UK retailers unless I REALLY have no other option . So as I’m sure you can guess I do not recommend them unless your going in store and deal with Wes in person . Rant over .
  17. They’ve been around literally since the start of Airsofting and like near every other Asian retailer their customer service is really shit and basically none existent ! You buy from ANY of them bar the Japanese ones and it really is a case of “you pays your money , you takes your chances !” 🤬 It’s the gamble you have to take to get the bits’n’bobs you just can’t get anywhere else or at a price that you don’t feel like you’ve been buttfucked by a bull elephant 😖and you didn’t even get a reach around either ! 😳
  18. Not a sales interest (I have too many AK’s already , but it does look dam fine !) as to the MAG problem , take a jewelers half round file and give the little bb retainer a 5-6 sweeps to take it back a smidge then when you load them , load to full capacity then remover around 10-15 bbs and you ‘should’ find they will now feed fine . 👍
  19. Somethings not right there bud , I’ve got one and I have zero problems like that with mine . There’s no change in performance from the 1st to last BB out of a fresh mag and I can get a good few rounds out of the next reload before I detect ant drop off due to gassing out .
  20. I’m lucky I have an ICS I’ve had for ages that’s painted up in BHD/Blood diamond colors so I can swap between the two styles when ever I fancy all I need do is swap the suppressor for the long flash hider bolt my torch on and it goes from Garry Gordon’s 733 to Danny Archers CAR-15 , I use it as a CAR if I’m playing CQB(for the torch) or as the 733 in woodland . so I’m going to keep the new Cyma as an ‘early days’ AR .😉 this is it as a BHD impression . 👍
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