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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Hahaha oh so true , a mate actually pulled off the road in to a layby when the alert came through on his phone . He ordered 5 then contacted a friend who wanted them as well , who then text’ed back not even 10mins later to say he missed them as they’d sold out already ! So definitely ‘you snooze you loose’ when it comes to recoil MP5 mags ! 😳
  2. I’ve never had problems running any brand of mag in my G&G AFV , and I’ve run god knows how many different ones through it over the years ? plus another one saying completely avoid ANYTHING that has moving parts(to be honest I’d even think twice about stuff that DOSEN’T have moving parts !) sold by ‘’Nuprol’ . I genuinely think they must travel the world specifically looking for the cheapest , nastiest, poorest quality kit they can find to stick their brand name on !
  3. Any substance(both drugs or alcohol) that can alter your mental state should be banned from any activity that involves physical contact between people . As to OP’s opening premise and comments ?🤔
  4. Nope it’s in the ready mag , that way I can stick any old Batt in , it plus I don’t have to fanny around taking the RIS off and on .😉 nice vid , a mate and I recently mounted a solid stock on too one of his recoils but what we did to attach it was we fitted a cut down old sliding stock inside the fixed stock to lock on to the stock tube . 👍
  5. Totally agree , I find the kind of player that has ‘realistic’ plates in their carriers also generally wear the noise cancelling headphones so not only do they not feel the hit they can’t hear it either ! happened at Vendetta last wk , put a couple in to a player center mass he carried on when I pulled him for it he did appear genuine about not knowing , even came and apologised in the safezone . Another possible negative to being all tacticool ?
  6. Double eagle has been around for years ,they where one of the first Chinese cloners they where famous(or more like infamous) for el cheapo AEGs and spring shotguns(which surprisingly where very good) the disappeared a few yrs ago but recently re-emerged with this new range of very good quality polymer bodied fully programmable guns . Tackle is correct , I’ve got a snow wolf AUG and it has a ‘proper’ trigger and there is a mod you can do that allows a traditional trigger as apposed to the two stage one on all the others .
  7. Just to Chuck another name in the ring check out the Double Eagle range with the falcon mosfet gearboxes . I recently bought one as an ‘it’s the end of the day I’m totally bollox’ed I need a lightweight gun !’ gun and it turned out to be a fecking awesome piece of kit ! I was totally blown away by the performance for the price I paid for it . Everyone I’ve met who has one have only confirmed how good they are and haven’t heard anything bad about them as of yet .
  8. I’ve got a small flat head screwdriver just for this job if I have to cut a slot , basically all I did was round out the ‘blade’ and re-profile it so the bevel follows the curve of the tip for max grip , I find it works quite well . 👍 this is roughly what I mean .
  9. Not even close to your work of awesomeness but my humble contribution , my socom reimagined as an old school Diemarco C8.
  10. If your after WW2 kit check out Epic Militaria there a good one to use .
  11. Totally agree especially when there’s forum members selling second hand ones at very reasonable prices ! 😉😁😁👍
  12. Oh thank F*** for that ! I was thinking to my self when I read it “well shit looks like one of THOSE shitspeckledmuppetfart nobbers we all love to hate !”🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 but ya not .👍
  13. Never ! we shall all burn in the eternal flames of damnation , stubbornness and spite ! 🔥🔥🔥
  14. So you’ve consciously made the decision to upset other players(because it will) and possibly ruin their day simply because you can ?
  15. Have to ask mate but where will you actually use it ? even the most laidback of player is going to have serious sense of humor failure if they get shot by that .
  16. And to chuck another monkey wrench in the gears I wear prescription inserts in my glasses and many moons again I was playing on a sub-zero temp gameday when I took a full auto blast to the face from a HPA rig set at ‘stupid’ rate of fire from less than 10ft , I was wearing a lower face mask and ballistic rated glasses so they and my face where all fine BUT due to the temperature the insert material had developed some brittleness(I found out late they shouldn’t be used in very low temps) and the kinetic energy of the hits was transferred to the inserts by the outer lense flexing against it which caused the inner to shatter and I ended up with an eye full of plastic shards ! Luckily no ill effects as I stopped my self from rubbing my eye and just kept it shut till I got too A&E . So there ALWAYS potential for things to go tits up no matter how thorough your risk assessment may be . 👍
  17. Most of the proper Airsoft sites I’ve ever been too(not a bit of woodland used now and again but an established business type site) are usually pretty good at being mobility restricted accessible , you have to remember these businesses are generally targeting joe public who on the whole aren’t fit by any stretch of the imagination so the sites will probably not be that large a venue plus your dealing with customers who’s idea of ‘challenging terrain’ is a muddy music festival or having to park in an unpaved field ! so again there’s usually no that much difficult terrain you need to traverse . I have a very good mate who’s chronically ill and has very poor mobility(even uses a stick in game) and he usually plays by moving around the local area of our respawn/start point with a compact gun (ARP9 , AK74su , etc)that’s got a box mag fitted and sort of ‘guarding’ it for the team . Plus if it’s a medic game he’s always a medic which the rest of the team know so when you recover a ‘wounded’ team member if there’s no medics in that area you always know you can take them too him to get ‘Medic’ed’ back in to the game . I've asked him in the past if he ever gets board playing this way as he spends a fair bit of time with just one or two other players around the respawn area and he said no because if he’s feeling up to it he just moves forward getting nearer to the action but if not just by the nature of the game you always have players from both teams wandering around the site so he frequently has his own ‘little battle’ raging in ‘the background’ that the rest of the team are totally oblivious to this as where all on the main objective ! 😂 So I’d say physical ability shouldn’t have any real affect on your ability to play the game .👍
  18. And for that price you’d expect the correct bipod (a Harris FFS ?) AND the correct scope as well ! 🤦‍♂️
  19. Went to UCAP ‘Vendetta’ today , and a bloody good day it was ! was myself , my ‘brother from another mother’ , both my sons AND as a real bonus an airsoft best bud I haven’t seen in over 18mths due to the plague just so happened to be there today as well which certainly made me smile . Combat south where there with a trailer full of ‘shiny things’ , it’s a nice change to see lots of quality products like you find in a proper shop and not the tat you generally find in a site shop ? think there was 60’ish players there so perfect numbers for the site , you had room to move around without tripping over each other and hardly any stalemates due to there being too many players , was single shot all day(favourite of mine)and on the whole game play was excellent and just an all around great experience of the sport which has definitely help me regain a positive attitude towards it . So roll onto next game day .👍
  20. A length of bungee cord across the top of your shoulders , so there linked together but you’ve still got the room for movement as it’ll stretch when needed ?
  21. I’m holding out for theTM recoil M14 if and when ever .🥰
  22. So spot on , once had a gun that was ‘upgraded’ by a tech who was treated almost like a Demi god(or a cult leader)by his customers/followers . Yes it shot a lot further and more accurately than a ‘stock’ one BUT i just felt like I was waiting for it to implode on me , on semi slow shooting it was fine but when ever I got stuck in to a prolonged firefight (involving full auto fire) the gun would soon start to make strange noises and I could feel vibrations and it just felt ‘off’ ? and after speaking to someone else that had one they agreed with a few of my reservations about it . The one good point was I got it for a third of what it cost the original owner(who I knew personally)as he needed money ASAP and it had only been scurmish the once .
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