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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Dragon Valley run all their games limited ammo (or did last time I played there) only allowed to carry 600rds on you but you can go back to safezone to bomb up . Support guns 2000rds BUT it’s only classified as a support gun if there is a real world equivalent, so no claiming “this is my support gun !” As you stand there with your M4 pistol and a drum mag ! 🤦‍♂️
  2. Unfortunately it’s like every other hobby you can think of , it’s a brilliant idea UNTIL you introduce the actual players in to it ! 😳 I’ve got a few mates running HPA who hand on heart are really good guys who take their sportsmanlike attitude very seriously , to them the rig is just a progression of the sport . But they are in the minority(not saying all HPA players are nobbers I’m just speaking from my own experience)I’m sorry to say but on the whole most if not all I’ve come across have behaved like twats at lest some of the time plain and simple . My take on it is if you’ve got kit that’ll do 35+rps you just can’t guarantee your not going to overkill other players at sometime during the day which is going to set them off . I once took a blast to the face at less than 10ft that shattered the prescription inserts in my glasses because the player had it set to stupid rate of fire he fired out of shock more than anything , I’d managed to sneaky sneaky right in to their ‘territory’ and I scared the living be’jesus out of him when I popped up out of thin air in front of him , that moment of “f**k you scared the shit out of me !” was more than enough time for him to put a very big burst in to my face due to the stupid rate of fire he was set at .
  3. Obviously from this sad history you can understand why he wouldn’t want to sell it BUT if he needs the cash then really he’s not doing himself any favours by overpricing it so it won’t sell ?
  4. I think he must be on this forum , it’s dropped to 900 now ! 🤣🤣
  5. I do belive that’s the recoil mechanism (if I remember correctly from the one I had) and it’s only job is to bump the cocking lever back and fourth nothing else to do with use of the gun so has no effect on its usability , I think .
  6. Mate without intending to be harsh but you know jack shit about Airsofting and your planning to rip your new gun apart (that you haven’t even used yet !) because you’ve seen some YouTube vid’s ?😳 Chill out , take a breath , go to your 1ST skirmish day use it then repeat this process multiple time THEN start thinking “do I need to upgrade XYZ in it or not ?” 🤔 Belive me you’ll enjoy the sport a lot more if you learn to walk before even think about running .😉 👍😁
  7. Can also come from being a right cunoot that no one likes ?🤔
  8. That’s a BS excuse , which is pointless as that’s NOT your problem . You entered into a contract with a retailer with an expectation of an acceptable level of quality , that shirt is well below that level . Can’t get decent quality material ? Tuff not your problem , if the seller can only get a sub par quality of material then they don’t sell products made from it OR they inform the customer to give them the option to cancel or not , that’s your choice to make not theirs . Only result I’d want is either a full refund and return to them or a very substantial partial refund to keep it .
  9. Nah just chiseling parasites taking advantage of the UK Airsoft community .
  10. Have to say I’m sooooooo impressed with this forum , on all the other forums/groups/etc I have belonged too I’ve NEVER EVER seen a limited discussion topic be re-hashed , , re-disgused , dragged out over and over again as much as this has for a yr ! Bravo gents bravo ! 🤣🤣
  11. YaY ! zero will power for the win !🥳 will look cooler than a naked Antarctic explorers nads when he gets locked out side in the snow !🥶
  12. Also what a lot of players don’t seem to realize is TM are made exclusively for the Japanese market(Their not that bothered about what the rest of the world wants) where the FPS allowed is no more than 322fps by law . TM manufacturers all their gun to function to there maximum potential below this number hence they function so well at a lower FPS compared to other brands , and once you DO start ‘up-grading’ you end up in a situation where once one part is changed it throws everything else out of sink and you then end up replacing another part , then you need to replace another part , and another etc etc . I buy what I can afford AND what I like , so my collection runs the whole gamut from £25 springer shotguns up to £600+ ‘special’ guns AND everything in between ! 😁 I’ll be honest I’ve never encountered anyone looking down on my kit(but I think they probably realise from my general ‘demeanor’ I wouldn’t take any of that shit from anyone ?😇) but in the end who really cares ? I don’t ! 👍
  13. AND with this one incongruous comment you open the door and put the light on one of the biggest points of contention in Airsofting , FPS v Range . On one side you have players who say within reason of course that FPS has rock all to do with range it’s all about your hop set up(I’m in that camp) and on the other you have the ones banging on about the FPS is what matters as “power = distance”(definitely NOT me !) 😉
  14. To be honest just on past personal experience even if I could find a seller willing to do it I’d have less faith in most British retailers to NOT cock the order up than I would in an Asian retailer getting it wrong . I am genuinely sad to say this but after 20+ yrs of playing it’s how I feel .
  15. AND Specna are the supplier to (with a fair few component changes to customers spec) Arthurian Airsoft !
  16. Ok has to be said that carbine looks madder than a 🐒 wedding ! 🤪
  17. Fair point , BUT as Airsoft is 80% ‘the look’ and 20% performance it NEEDS a spectre not an ACOG ! 😉
  18. Bit late to the party but I do believe those actually are AK mag pouches as I have several identical looking molle ones that where advertised and bought as AK pouches .👍
  19. Was a joint birthday/Christmas/Easter present from the parents , my mum even had to sell her body to help raise the money(no not that way bunch of perverts) for medical research , it was so kind of her do it but I never did get used to her with green skin and a third eye in the middle of her forehead ! 😳
  20. It’s all Brexit’s fault , apparently when we enacted Brexit the UK ever so slightly time shifted in to a parallel dimension so that the country is now half in half out of the dimension that rest of the World is in , hence on the whole the rest of the world can’t get fuck all of what we’ve bought to us in a timely fashion(if at all) where’s as the day before it happened they could ! 😳
  21. 100% correct good sir , I currently have 6 TM recoils but over the years I’ve had around 13-14’ish ? And can more than happily say the only ones I’ve ever had problems with where the few that had been ‘up-graded’ , I have a Socom that’s 12’ish yrs old and a 74su around the same age , both stock(bar deans connector) and both STILL running fine . 👍
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