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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Unfortunately no , I’ve had that one for a good few years , and I thought the gun was screaming for for it ! Naff off ya shitspeckledmuppetfart ! I am NO Dulux fetishist ! 🤬 🤣🤣🤣 my all time fav AR platform as well , hence I bought it ! 😁
  2. With all the shit been going on in my life past 8mths I’ve definitely developed a “fuck it , if it makes you happy do it !” Attitude(I used to be quite take my time lets see how things go , but after loosing my oldest friend and having a bit of a near call my self I’ve realized you can’t count on tomorrow even happening let alone plans coming to fruition) SO t’other night whilst wandering aimlessly through Tinter’Web I came across a Cyma mosfet edition XM177 on Bullseye , now always had a bit of a crush on that particular AR so I bought it , and when I got in this afternoon it was sat there waiting for me ! 👍 Oh so much a happy chappy ! 😍
  3. And I can happily say the guys who run warhead are really nice friendly bunch , I know Ben and he’s a cracking bloke .
  4. Had a quick play about with your layout from my perspective of what I’d like , gray is all open space no obstacles on it .
  5. Yup agree with the above comment , to me this layout looks like your everyday run of the mill American airsoft field that you see on YouTube all the time . By the look of it to me you’ve tried to lay the obstacles out as randomly as possible ? id recommend going for a more formal ‘city block’ layout my self , a centre ‘main road’ (with an open area in the centre that has a large bunker or something in the middle of it) and the other obstacles zigzagged up the sides of this centre ‘road’ . id also build two extra ‘base’ areas one in the large open area to the right of the field and the 2nd in the small corner angle to the left of the field . But that’s just my take on it , keep at it and keep spreading the game !
  6. Do I care ? No not really as long as it’s not effecting me .😉
  7. Once accidentally left an alarm still attached to a battery after taking it out of the gatt , went to charge it the following Saturday ready for the next days gameday and discovered it was dead as a dodo AND ballooned up like a Bratwurst ! 🤦‍♂️
  8. Fun fact (not really but you’ll get it 😉) if using a lipo alarm always remove it at the end of the day because if you don’t within a couple of days it will have killed your battery ! 😱it draws a minute amount of power so if your Batt is depleted from use it’s just enough to end your battery . Rather ironic really that the alarm that’s supposed to protect your batteries will kill them if left unsupervised ! 🤦‍♂️
  9. It’s actually Sanskrit , roughly translates as “i may be way cooler than anyone with this but an AEG will win in a gunfight !”
  10. That’s a small tamiya mate not a deans .
  11. That’s a golden eagle/Jing Gong Krinkov , had one my self lasted for years !
  12. Yup lots and lots do do this but I’ve always been of the mind this is a classic example of ‘ The ‘Emperors new clothes’ or “just because you can doesn’t mean you should ?” yes it can make your TM fire a bit faster , further and even a bit more accurate BUT the moment you start messing about with a TM’s internals you’ve started a countdown time to it imploding on you(or it’s next owner) as you said your self TM’s are made to very fine tolerances , which are tailored exactly to the Japanese market and their FPS limit . I have both a stock socom that’s over 13yrs old and a 74su that’s 12’ish and both working fine(mag shut off can be very temperamental but that’s all) , I’m sorry but no way will I believe any ‘upgraded’ ones will still be running 13yrs after they where built ! Plus (to me anyway) if you gut it and replace all the TM internals with all singing and all dancing Prometheus parts then it’s not really a TM Recoil anymore so why buy one in the first place ? 😳
  13. To be honest I’d stick with the Cyma my self , the E&L is a new range of guns and an unknown item where as Cyma has a VERY well established AND very well earned reputation for no drama/no bullshit/run all day AKs that literally will run for ever with zero fannying around with it and stay of use as you progress with your gameplay due to gained experience .
  14. On a level playing field of AEG’s+FPS it’s the hop/nub/inner barrel that’ll define your range and accuracy NOT the BB weight . You can have a who knows what M4 from ‘BBgunziswicked.CoM and a Cyma from a ‘reputable’ retailer and the Cyma will totally out perform the other one , no matter what weight or brand you use . Same as my stock TM 416 recoil doing barely 240’ish with .3’s will happily send them out as far as if not further than a lot of ‘stock’ snipers simply due to the legendary TM hop(admittedly the rounds are moving that slowly I think the cover could grow faster than the roundreaches the target !🤦‍♂️) BUT it’ll still send them silly ranges and still has excellent accuracy at the end .
  15. Yet another outstanding review good sir ! I freely admit I’m absolutely enamoured of my 904 especially as I bought it on a whim ! and first gameday it had i basically used it the entire day I was that impressed with it , mine was also a tad ‘fruity’ out of the box but after lopping a couple of coils off and re-shaping the cut end of the spring it’s doing a very satisfactory 342-45fps . Have to say I’m on the fence about the look of this one but if they carry on using the ‘Falcon’ system in their new guns I definitely would be happy to buy some more of them .
  16. Was actually me that came up with that one , as there wern’t many players that day head marshal said “give me your ideas and we can see what’ll work”
  17. Try the ‘suggest a tech’ section mite get better results ?
  18. Played a game many moons ago where we only had X number of ’real’ and low cap mags between each team(there was only 18 of us there) you could reload them BUT you had to take and hold one of three ammo dumps around the site to do so then once the mags where reloaded you had to Frank boff out of it . The game started out with the ammo dumps closed and you had to complete tasks to activate them , has to be said was bloody good fun !
  19. Having been playing for over 20+yrs and owning an awful lot of different guns and platforms in that time , I will more than happily say bar a TM recoil the new DE mosfet guns(if all the same)are among the best performing guns I’ve ever owned , I picked up a 2nd hand 904G as a “it’s the end of the day and I’m bolloxed ! I need a lightweight gun !” Gun and first time I used it I ended up using it the entire day I think it’s THAT good ! 😱 so yea I’d say go for a totally different platform , and if not yet also change to mid caps from hi-caps so you need to do reloads in game to step up your game . 👍
  20. Problem is your asking for a personal opinion on a site , and as I always say ‘an opinion is like an arsehole , sometimes it’s clean and shiny , but more often than not it’s full of shit !’ 🤦‍♂️ Ive always been a believer in you’ll never really get a true idea of a site unless you go there your self , you personally know the player recommending it or you’ve got multiple players who’ve played at multiple sites voicing there opinions on it . Over the years I’ve unfortunately been to more than one site that had excellent reviews but when I went my self I thought it was a right bag of tits for what ever reason and I’d never go back there again . Just my two pennies worth on the subject .👍
  21. Mate I'm sorry but as others have said you joined the forum and not a squeak from you , and then when you do finally post up your first post is attacking a VERY well respected forum members allegations(with corroborating evidence) against a fleabay/online retailer that most on hear have never heard off and your lauding them up to the max , and you wonder why bullshitery is being called on your impartiality ? Come off it your not that naive are you ?
  22. Unfortunately can also concur not the best customer service from them either , the one problem I had they went straight to “oh you must have done something wrong” . Then tried the ‘return for inspection’ crap as well only conceded when I told them (AND sent a picture) of the broken item still in the box still in its sealed bag ! To be fair once they received it back to them (by recorded delivery wasn’t taking any chances ?) they did sort it fast but the whole thing was still an unnecessary up hill struggle to sort .
  23. OR an expert at setting traps with food ? a Master Bater ? can you pick my coat up when you get yours ? 😉
  24. Depends a lot on a few things really bud , budget/transportation/what’s going in the box and even just the look you want ? Budget , that’s the simplest to answer are you on a tight budget ? so you’d be looking at a cheap’n’cheerful single gun case from Fleabay or have you a mound of beer tokens to spend so a Pelli case is the best ? OR something in between . Transportation , are you putting it straight in to the back of your car and then straight out and on to a table in the safezone(so the fleabay one is good enuff) OR are you jumping out of the back of a Herc at 30,000ft and HALO’ing in to get to your gameday ? In which case I’d recommend a Pelli case ! Or something inbetween .😉 Whats going in the box , just the gun on its own or all the bells’n’whistles that go with it as well ? Is it going to be a box just for that one gun or as you get more (and you will ! 🤦‍♂️) you’ll be using the same case for all of them . The look you want , do you want something that looks quite incongruous(so it won’t stand out in public)or your not bothered if it looks like something Q would send to James Bond full of guns and gadgets ? 👍
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