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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. That’ll be me ! 😁 The minute I see ‘upgraded’ I’m gone , I’m running for the hills fast as I can away from THAT ‘bargain of a lifetime’ like my arse was on fire ! 😳
  2. I do understand the faults listed aren’t too big a problem but equally the description of its performance are a tad evasive “I think” , “I believe” Etc I’m commenting more on the fact it obviously well used (as in dog ruff) and he’s asking well over the price it was new , simply because it’s ‘rare’ . I know you can ask what ever you want but just seems a bit off too me ?
  3. Soooooo first post and is trying to flog an old gun that yes is admittedly out of stock everywhere BUT has a good few faults to it and is asking more for it now than it was for retail when it was in stock ? 🤔
  4. Putting it in the right sales thread mite help ?
  5. Immaterial wether you think people on here are over reacting to this story or not ANY bad press associated with the sport is bad for all of us no matter how large or small it may be .
  6. Can only speak form personal experience , but I found G&P metal are the best then these MAG ones next no problems with these either , have got a couple of Battleaxe ones but I’ve had to do some work on all of them to function properly plus there listed as 110rds but I find anything more than 85-90 BBs and they miss feed terribly for me .
  7. Box of VN mid caps to go with the new XM , ordered on the 18th of last mth from airsoftAsia arrived today so basically 2wks and cost me £44.71 in total , only place I’ve found them in stock in the uk is ‘airsoft supply drop’ and they want £65 all in for them . Sorry I try to support UK business but I’m NOT spending 40% more to do so .
  8. I changed the battery on mine , way I look at it if my watch is deep enough underwater that it can get in it then I’m in deep shit and my watch leaking is the least of my worries ? 😳☠️⚰️🪦😉
  9. I wear a basic Casio G-shock that cost me 23quid from an outlet shop at my local McArthur Glen , only difference for airsofting to ‘normal’ use is I wear it face in not out to minimize the chances of the lens taking a hit .
  10. Oh so spot on , if your playing a mil-sim or even film-sim game where everyone’s running low/real capacity magazines and actively managing there ammo then yes I could see pretty much any kind of professional training really helping your game , but not on a ‘normal’ walk on gameday . As trigger said when you’ve got adrenaline pumped players running around with a rental AK and a 600rd hi-cap hosing the crap out of anything AND everything they can see then tactics become bit of a moot point ? But yea I’m not saying don’t attended a training day by any stretch , all I’m saying is be prepared to need a very big pinch of salt to go with what your being told , and just enjoy it for what it is .
  11. Have to ask mate but how have you got hold of all this near as ‘not available to Joe public’ top end SF gear with the tags still on ? NOT saying your up to shady shenanigans it’s just that last time there was someone selling this kind of quality kit in the airsoft world(and beyond)in this volume he ended up in jail .
  12. I’ve always been a believer in that if someone is offering any kind of military based training course that the public can attend and it doesn’t cost hundred pounds(training with someone who has time served experience isn’t cheap no matter what field it’s in)then there’s a VERY good chance the person running it is either a walt or bloater . I’ve family and friends who’ve spent yrs working for big international security companies that are also involved in training others and I’m pretty sure none of the ‘bonafide’ companies would have anything to do with training Joe public AND they charged thousands for their courses . What it comes down too is the guys who could train you do this properly from their own personal experience are already getting payed mega bucks to do it for a big company somewhere , they don’t need to run Mickey Mouse courses that anyone can attend for a couple of quid . As lots have said just YouTube the crap out of it and I’m sure you’ll substantially up your game just by doing that . 👍
  13. After a good 40sec using the forum search facility I found this ! 😉 “Tank Reg navy blue Overalls S6 Res (need to make the lenses safe for airsoft) Res hood off an NBC suit Bristol BA Leather Hip holster for Hi Power (sig will do) Leather Drop leg MP5 mag pouch "Pigskin" ops waistcoat (CRW Airsoft do one) MP5A3”
  14. Just came across this on zeromong , “yes folks it’s that old classic beloved by spamers the world over , “it’s not working but ‘it’s an easy fix’ “ if it’s an easy pissing fix why the feck haven’t you fixed it then !?!? AND the oh so casual way he mentions the minor fault , don’t know about you lot but I wouldn’t class a gun that CAN’T FIRE as a ‘minor’ fault !😳and he’s still asking 150 notes for a bolloxed gun ! 🤦‍♂️ https://forums.zeroin.co.uk/forum/classifieds/rifles-smg-s-for-sale/electric-rifles-smg-s/3243370-snow-wolf-m3-submachine-gun-grease-gun
  15. Oh FFS ! not another one from crab airways ! 🤦‍♂️ It’s bad enough my Airsoft opo is a rock ape !
  16. Nah mines a chinese knock off of a FAST helmet , think I only paid £20 or something like that for it , and as it is a cheapo one it’s fairly light so perfect for the job .
  17. Had noticed this my self as well , AND you’ve got Patrolbase in bed with TG so me thinks due to zero kit coming in to the country and from that zero getting to the market place and both TG and GF no longer exporting to the UK they saw it as a way to circumvent the clusterfuck that is import duties at the present time ?
  18. Greetings there’s a few of us geriatric old squaddies on here (I’m ex-scab lifter) you’ll soon spot the rest , they’ll be the REALLY grumpy feckers ! Like Tackle for starters ! 😇
  19. Oh thank you ! thank you ! Your just SOOOOOOO kind ! 🤦‍♂️ 😂😂 They are indeed I had the last one from Bullseye .
  20. He’s asking £231 with P&P for my new Cyma XM177 , I paid £186 with P&P from bullseye country sports , asking £45 more ? Yea right jog pal !
  21. I use a FAST helmet and I’ve removed a couple of pads and moved the others around so it’s only got 5 pads in it (one at the top and the others at 12/3/6 and nine o’clock) so it’s got LOTS of ventilation in it , still get a bit sweaty but we’re not talking full on ‘Betty Swalocks’ so all’s good in da hood ! 😉
  22. I do already have a CA one that I’ve had for yrs but that’s painted up in a BHD/Blood diamond ‘scheme’ so not usable for all scenarios , so I just HAD to have another ! 😇
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