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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. I picked up a set of RS XM177 foregrips from Brownell’s , they where cheaper than airsoft ones ! 😳
  2. Just realised what they reminded me of , the tacky as fook lighter pistols they sell in Benidorm and other such ‘high end’ tourist destinations ! 🤣
  3. Ooh you sweet talking muda funuka ! 😝
  4. Have to say those flat triggers look fecking abysmal ! 🤢🤢🤮
  5. Does it come with the remote pressure pad ? 👍
  6. I’m impressed I haven’t seen that good an apologist excuse in a very long time ! You a Russian 🤖 by any chance ? 🤦‍♂️
  7. Unless I am mistook THAT is a bullpup AK ! 😍
  8. There revision glasses so you know they’ll be bloody well made , so me personally I wouldn’t have any qualms wearing them .👍
  9. Next project , twin mounted Maxim guns with a Red dot ! Alla the Russian invasion of the Ukraine .😳😆😆
  10. Me personally I’d wait for the cyma to come back in to stock , they are a very well known and liked entity and on the whole the best ‘bang for ya buck’ when it comes to AK’s .
  11. AND I’d put money on not one of those commenters have ever owned a TM recoil ! All I’m seeing their are the standard stale as f**k reasons for not getting a TM that are trumpeted out every time theirs a “should I or shouldn’t I ?” Discussion on the subject by the naysayers who nine times out of ten haven’t any personal experience just 2nd/3rd/4th hand information from their best mate Baz “who said so , so it must be true !”🤦‍♂️ I’ve never denied I’m a BIG fan (I love them) but I’m certainly NOT by any stretch a ‘fanboy’ of them I know they have their faults just like all other makes do but I still say there the best out of the box never need to ‘up-grade’ gun you can buy . Yes the FPS is low ? So what they’ve got the best stock hop units in them and will far out range most other higher FPS guns on the field , so many players STILL equate range purely to FPS but if you’ve got a crap hop unit it won’t mean a thing how much power your putting out you still won’t hit shit with it ! 😆 a low FPS gun with a good hop set up will always beat a high FPS gun with a shitty hop guaranteed . you have to remember they are built to run to their max potential for the Japan market no where else , TM have spent an awful lot of time and money to reach this point so once you start f**king about with the internals you throw it out of balance and your now on a hiding to no where . Me personally all I ever do is change the Tamiyaha to a deans(absolutely no idea why they STILL use those Neolithic connectors ?😳) and I ‘mite’ at a push swap the inner barrel for a different but that’s it . Just my two Pennie’s worth but I stand by it 100% .👍
  12. As I know Ben one of the owners of Warhead I can happily say you won’t be disappointed as they are monumental motors and I can guarantee that him and the other guys have put their entire hearts and souls in to the business as their all dedicated players themselves . 👍
  13. I will admit near all my guns are still in their original boxes , but that’s purely for storage and postage reasons no way do I think it adds to the value , BUT I am ever so slightly inclined to think if someone puts a gun up for sale and it’s still got the original box and the box looks like it’s in good condition that would lead me to ‘hope’ they’ve looked after it a bit better than your average nobber who’s just chucked it under their bed/in the wardrobe/corner of their room until the next game ? One can hope ? 😳
  14. Never seen or heard of it happening but if it did I’d say as long as the player is DEFINITELY hit then yea get rid of it how ever they want , but the caveat is if you drop it and it goes off any of your own side inside the ‘kill zone’ are dead(in real life someone gets hit and drops a grenade it’s still going to kill anyone near by) but if they do throw it away then it’ll be a “no kill” even if it lands in the middle of half the other team having a chin wag , if you’d been hit for real you wouldn’t have been in a fit state to chuck a ‘nade at the other side .
  15. I’ll be honest I’m not sure if I’m interested in the sales items or sexually aroused by the title ! “Black Rippled Rubber Rail Covers” ooohhh hello matron ! 🥴
  16. Hahaha😆soon as I saw your add first thing flashed through my mind was “that’s Ray’s gun from ‘the Gentleman’ !” Well cool bud 👍
  17. Sadly even in our insular little sport where generally I find the camaraderie so much better than most I CAN still believe it and no I’m not surprised either , society has become a mass of self-centred “only I matter” tossers . I really do despair of its future at times .😢
  18. Positive from a negative, from the point of view of a person who has to fix said boo boo I’d much rather work on a baldy barstuard that someone with flowing locks . Always get a better result on the open tundra than you do in the jungle , if ya catch ma drift ? 😉
  19. I made an axe ! No1 son got me an axe forging day for my birthday. 👍
  20. Looks strangely unnerving , yet also cool as fornication ! 😳
  21. As Groucho Marx said “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member !” same goes for airsoft teams , if you can join a team who recruit by simply you asking to join OR they put out a general request for new members ? Don’t do it , only teams I’ve seen over the yrs that work AND last are ones formed by friends or ones where they approach you and ask would you like to join their team . also if you see a ‘structured’ team(ones that have dedicated positions/ranks/etc) run away , fast ! on the whole you usually find they’ve been founded by some nut job who thinks he knows it all as he was an adult instructor in the army cadets so he knows his military skills ! and it’ll more than likely be about as much fun as a kick in the bollox .
  22. Just when you think someone has truly reached the depths of stupidity , they ask you to pass them a shovel ! 😳
  23. As I said in my post after speaking with someone who’s actually supplying the Ukrainians with surplus kit they desperately want plate carriers and load bearing vests for the militia units and are making their own plates in country for the ones without plates . Plus to be fair you would have to be a bit of a thick twat to think they’d want your ‘onetigris’ fast helmet and your Nuprol ‘navy seal vest’ you got from ‘BBGunzisbestest.com’ that cost you all of 30 quid the lot ?
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