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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Druid799

    Gear clear out.

    Greetings , what size are the gloves bud ? 👍
  2. Or you could even go for the project ‘Orion’ idea , using nuclear bombs as propulsion !😳 https://interestingengineering.com/project-orion-the-atomic-starship-that-never-got-off-the-ground
  3. Two retailers I looked at the 0’s were all polymer and the 1’s were bita both ! 🤣🤣
  4. Druid799


    It’s not going to be a problem with delivery , he has a ‘drop box’ agent in Northern Ireland , some guy call S . Glennie apparently ! 😇
  5. By the look of it the 90’s are all polymer and the 91’s are either partially or all metal outers .
  6. I’m curios why and how @PinkGunis selling the same gun twice AND at two different prices ? 🤔
  7. If only you’d been looking last year you could have picked this up for her ; but unfortunately I did , AND now it looks like this ! 😁
  8. You run out of ammo ? You can beat the feckers to death with it instead ! 😆👍👍
  9. Beat me too it ! 😁 yea I know how much I paid for mine new so I know if I was to do these ‘up-grades’ too it I still won’t be anywhere approach this price bracket either .
  10. Love the gun hate the reflex sight , always thought small sights look out of place on them , you need a ‘chunky’ looking sight like a 551/2 or an elcan on the Scar something about the whole ‘vibe’ of them says “bigger is better !” 😉. 👍
  11. And this is the exact kind of smug virtuous “oh no one complained when America blah blah blah or when China blah blah blah or the big bad British Empire blah blah blah” comments is why I didn’t mention about not buying from Russia due to a moral standpoint originally . Im sorry but all your trying to do is score some “look at me I'm so right on and politically aware on my high horse” points , what your comparing to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is puerile at best and bloody offensive at worst ALL Governments are guilty of some heinous crimes at sometime or another but Russia is committing genocide against a sovereign nation live on tv 24/7 ! Plus how do you suggest we sanction China and America then seeing as China is responsible for 28.7% and America 16.8% of the Global manufacturing output making them No’s 1&2 respectively(fyi the Russian federation is 15th with petrochemical but 47th without) ?
  12. Has to be said that is a work of art .
  13. Yet another awesome must have , don’t know the make , don’t know the FPS , don’t really know it’s history and topped off very nicely with a couple of shite pictures ! and all yours for the princely sum of only £280 ! 😱 take my money now ! 🤦‍♂️
  14. Same for me as everyone else really , I do prefer using mids for a couple of reasons , 1 the lack of winding , 2 I enjoy having to do mag changes and the little adrenaline rush(or butthole puckering) you get when your down to your last mag and there’s no obvious let up to the gun fight your involved in ! 😰 but I also always carry a ‘Hail Mary’ hi-cap with me for the “oh shit this is going to end badly !” Moments you invariably get ! But saying all that at the end of the day when I’m absolutely bollox’ed but still want to keep playing or the weathers just too hot for full load out I’m more than happy to head out with just a gun and couple of hi-caps stuck in the pockets of my combats and bog all else .👍
  15. Well you are a totally bollox’ed worn out old fart after all ? 😳 “Walks away in other direction tunelessly whistling to my self hoping no one notices “ 😁
  16. OR just get two JG hi-caps for now start saving and then get the mids at a later date ?
  17. Joking aside that’s a nice design you’ve made their , I do see the logic behind the idea BUT I had it drummed in to me your gun always points where your looking never in different directions hence looking down the sights of your gun and not glancing around , plus try and make your self the smallest target possible so again hunched over your gun smaller target that standing upright ? But then again I was trained practically back in the days of muskets so what feck do I know ! 🤦‍♂️ 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
  18. Funnily enough is also my feelings on the topic just didn’t mention it as I can’t be arsed to get in to it today with some knobber and their inevitable snide comments ! 😉
  19. Even if they’ll take your order I wouldn’t risk it no matter how ‘reliable’ the seller was before all this started . Think there’s a VERY good chance if your order goes tits up you’ll either have to jump through hoops or just be shit outa luck getting your money back .
  20. Done a bit of digging and from what I can work out is that with all the types of Alpenflage it was always just the jacket and a small pack no webbing(only a small number of the full time soldiers used German webbing as all others where doing their national service) as such up until they moved on to the M90 uniform pattern when they first fully fielded a load carrying webbing system .
  21. A few ‘brand new’ guns on his sales history as well ? 🤔
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