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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. Now I can see how the Wellie boot helps it stand up. Looking at the background I was expecting a before and after being painted picture
  2. Questions or negotiations, then PM the seller rather than bumping sales topic

  3. Beauty is in eye of beholder but a tan SCAR is still ugly!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      It actually looks nice in person (not Lozarts as I havent seen it) compared to photos in my experience. 


      Doesnt look too bad in PUBG either, but I really dislike the black, in my eyes it isnt a scar unless its tan...

    3. Jedi_Master


      Shock, TM Scar H for sale in Classifieds. The boot getting booted.

    4. Lozart


      Ah but he doesn't WANT to sell it. Clearly fallen on hard times innit. You should help him out and buy it.




      You know it makes sense.

  4. Check all your old sales topics. Bump them or edit title with (SOLD) to help the Mods.

  5. I am more worried that I will still be alive when mine gets sold
  6. This is an airsoft forum.  Not a forum for airguns. They are not compatible.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Marc.RG1


      Ahh no for airguns i mean not for the sell of airsoft.. one of my locals does not sell airsoft is just a firearms shop, so airguns and RS firearms..

      but yeah i get things on airgun sells could be more slightly more restricted, but thats the same with most things really isnt it, a lot of things are either too restricted or not enough, finding the happy medium is always the goal, its just very rarely easily reached..

      I must admit i enjoy and do most forms shooting, airsoft, airguns, RS target and clay shooting, and ill carry on doing so while the law and health lets me, well what i have of health.. i dont hunt though i am too much of a softie for that lol

      All the best, marc..

    3. proffrink


      Even that is pretty much unacceptably poor abiding by VCRA, but I know a lot of physical shops will just let you buy it (airsoft is guilty of this too).


      Sales on air guns are restricted, but air gun shop owners are just flaunting the law by not doing checks. 'RIF' covers airsoft, air guns and everything else so yeh. Here we all are doing our 3 games just to get something that shoots 350fps and anyone can walk into or order an airgun online that shoots way hotter, uses metal BBs and looks just as real as anything airsoft conjures up. Perhaps now you see the contrast :S

    4. Marc.RG1


      Oh yeah i totally agree with you mate, i have had this conversation on our forum and in gun shops and gun clubs sites etc many times, i have always said to people i would totally agree to more restrictions on the sells of airguns, a lot more so with full power air rifles, even to the point i would be ok if they decided to licence them all. As you know theres flaws in most shooting sports and hobbies one way or another.. lol i think we could talk for weeks about them all in different categories.. personally i think we have to accept what we have right now, things could certainly be better but they could be a heck of a lot worse to, in all shooting sports and hobbies..

      ATB, Marc..

  7. Use PM to discuss sales & swaps, as per rules, not posting in sales topic.

  8. I mainly use ASG Blaster 0.25g and 0.28g. Quality is consistant and well priced.
  9. If you spam this forum you will be banned.  Thank you to members' reports.

    1. proffrink


      Like they're gunna read this lol.


      Still, I think you managed to nab them within 6 minutes :D

    2. Jedi_Master


      They did get 2 new posts in while I was in the process of stopping them.

  10. Sellers only bump your sales topic once every 7 days as per the rules.

  11. Bump your sales topics, any older than 5 months will get locked

  12. Finally bought myself a back-up gun (from the forum Classifieds). It worked well last weekend in the woods, and being TM means that I can share magazines between recoil guns.
  13. Sent a PM to seller, then no need to post that on their sales topic.

  14. Try the Quick Questions & Simple Answers topic for quick results


  15. These are just pictures of guns, not appropriate for the Technical Advice section so I am moving the topic to the Guns, Gears & Loadouts section.
  16. Send the seller a message (PM) but it is unnecessary to post in their sales topic that you have PM'd them.

  17. Cannot PM you. Check your inbox & perhaps delete some old messages?

    1. Sacarathe


      I'll get on that later, fyi we do have an open conversation already. :)

    2. Jedi_Master


      Yes, existing conversation appears to work, I have just posted. Looks like new PM is not possible.

  18. PM the seller with questions to save unnecessary bumping of sales topics

  19. Please check your old sales topics, give them a bump if not sold.

  20. Once your item is sold please edit the title to include “(SOLD)” and add a post to state that the item(s) sold (even if the sale happened elsewhere).

  21. PM the seller if you are interested in a gun, want to negotiate, or ask a question.

  22. Use descriptive titles for new topics. Posting a title "Look here!"  or "Please help" will not attract the attention of the users. Use clear titles then more people will view your post will know what they are about look at. Do not post titles in ALL CAPS, do not post misleading titles.

  23. Remember to bump your old sales topics if items still for sale or edit title with (SOLD) if it has been sold.

    1. djben9


      and please add feedback in the feedback section for the seller/buyer as its nice to know who you are dealing with :)

  24. Helpful Hint - use the search tool before starting a new topic or necro posting

    1. Sacarathe


      Give me the answer now, I don't care if someone else asked and answered yesterday.

  25. I prefer the look of the WST helmet. Now if they only did a Storm Trooper helmet I would be interested.
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